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Random question - how many pages of the forum do you read at a sitting?

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In a normal sitting I just check the first page on three forums. When I get time, usually first thing in the morning or late at night (especially if I am unable to sleep which is often), I will go back about three or four pages. My normal sitting may be just a few minutes. I check frequently as I have to sit often due to my condition (RA).


Sometimes I search for something and find myself checking through pages; usually there will be posts that I read that have nothing to do with what I was searching.

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Usually I keep going 'til I recognize a post that is "old" (ie from this morning...:D) or my kids interrupt. Who knows what nugget of wisdom may lie buried on page 4??? I usually just check the General and K-8 boards, but occasionally I peek at the Logic stage and High School boards.

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I am usually aiming for 10, but sometimes I get called away and only read 5 or 8 pages at a sitting.


I actually never read a specific board. I just log on, hit "New Posts", and click on anything that looks interesting. Only 10 pages of new posts are listed, so once I have gone through them all, I'm done (for a few hours, anyway). ;)


Of course, I don't actually read through every post on those 10 pages, but I like to watch out for thread titles that interest me, and read as far as my interest is held within each one. Sometimes I enjoy a particular thread, and will go back to it the next time I log on to see what new posts have been added to it.


I log on at least 3 times a day, but usually more like 5, so I am skimming through at least 30 pages a day :tongue_smilie:.

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I have mine set to show 50 posts per page/ linear mode, so I go back a page or two depending on how much time I have. I will go back further on a slow board day, it just depends. I also use the search feature to go back to threads that I have posted on before to update or answer questions. I do not read every post in a thread, or even open 1/2 of them. I skim a lot.

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I usually check every morning. I try so hard to check only after my morning workout and prayers. I'm not always as disciplined. When I check, I guess I'm a bit weird, I copy and paste all the thread links that interest me from the past 24 hours. I have all the threads saved in a word document and I try to read and/or reply to them in order. Yes, I'm rather an*l retentive. ;)

This board is usually 11 pages long and I start from the very last thread in the past 24 hours.

Now and again, I will visit these forums at other times of the day, but I prefer early morning, since no one is around to talk to me or ask questions. ;)

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Usually 2-3. I don't read every post on every page I visit though, I just look for titles that might interest me. I'll go back further if I'm looking for a post I was reading or participating in but didn't subscribe to, but if I can't find it by page 5, I just do a search. I only read this board and the Logic Stage board, with occasional sneak peeks at the High School Board. Once or twice a year I check the sale boards - found our math program for a decent price here. My participation is mostly on the General Board.

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I look at "New Posts" (which combines all of the boards) -- about a page's worth. I skim the Thread Titles, maybe hover my cursor over them to see what they're about since people tend to be cryptic.


I have my membership set to automatically subscribe me to all posts I participate in, so I don't have to go back and look for them.


Very rarely I go to a specific board, like High School, and cruise through it for a page or two.

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