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If you could take one educational trip outside of your current country

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I don't know that it is necessary to wait, unless you are wanting your child to experience more like you, an adult, than as a child. Waiting so they will remember years into the future sounds futile to me. I can hardly remember the trip I took two years ago.



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Peru. Machu Pichu. My youngest? 10 or 11. I've always wanted to go there. Almost did when I was in Brazil, but the trip got cancelled due to a military coup of some sort. I also loved the historical sites in Brazil.


I can't wait to take my kids to MachuPicchu, but I think I'll wait until they are older. To really get the full experience, you have to do somewhat treacherous climbing. Not sure whether it is better to do a watered-down version or wait until they are of age to take their own lives in their hands.


Then again, whom am I trying to kid - when they are 18 I'll be 58. At the rate I'm going, they may have to carry me up those mountains if I wait too long. :lol:

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Outside my *current* country (Brazil), I really want to do a Washington D.C. trip.


We've not done it yet, because I want the youngest to be old enough to feel something when he stands in front of some of those monuments.


Realistically I think I'd prefer to go alone, or maybe just with DH. I've never been, and I know it's going to be a very emotional trip for me when I do go. I was raised with deep patriotism and gratitude towards the US military, and even though I personally never lost anyone to any of the wars, I know it's going to move me, deeply, to see so many names on the Vietnam wall, to see the cemetery at Arlington, etc.... I don't want to take the boys until they are old enough to feel that too, only, I think because of living outside the US for so long now, maybe it will never feel to them the way it will feel to me.


Aside from that, if money were no object, I'd like to go to the Great Wall; I don't think we can ever grasp the extent of what an achievement that was until we see it in person. For that one, I think we could go any time; maybe another year or two, when the youngest is around 8. The hard part with the kids so spread out is that if we wait for the youngest to be old enough, the oldest will be off in college. Like D.C., I'd want the youngest 10 at least but by then, the oldest will be in college. -sigh-

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Peru. Machu Pichu. My youngest? 10 or 11. I've always wanted to go there. Almost did when I was in Brazil, but the trip got cancelled due to a military coup of some sort. I also loved the historical sites in Brazil.


I'm very curious about your list of historical sites in Brazil. Did you go to Brasilia? Or various sites with historical value elsewhere in the country?


We're working on our 2nd tier list of things to see while we're here, so I'm curious if we might want to add anything from your list, if you don't mind posting. We've loved all of what we've seen so far, which has been quite a bit,, but not so much history focused yet since the youngest is still pretty young. He's just getting old enough that we could probably manage "boring" stuff now.


And, yea, Machu Pichu is on our list too....

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Israel. There is so much to learn there about Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Baha'i faith, as well as about history, politics, and both tolerance and intolerance. Plus the scenery is beautiful and the felafel and houmous delicious. We travelled a lot with dd up to the age of about 8yrs, and she remembers little, so I'd say my youngest would have to be at least 10yrs, 12yrs would be better.

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I can't. My husband has decided I'm Badb.


All I have to say is "I think we should go to ________ " and riots or civil war will break out there.


I sh!t you not.


Every. Single. Time.


When he was in the military, we would move to a new assignment and a conflict would break out that that unit would have responsibility for. I thought it was him. Oops.








(this is sarcasm folks - I don't really think I'm a goddess - although it does happen this way...)

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I can't. My husband has decided I'm Badb.


All I have to say is "I think we should go to ________ " and riots or civil war will break out there.


I sh!t you not.


Every. Single. Time.


When he was in the military, we would move to a new assignment and a conflict would break out that that unit would have responsibility for. I thought it was him. Oops.

We had that happen this past year. Each and every place I suggested visiting had something happen. Greece? Yup. Egypt? Yup. Japan. Yup. I finally decided to let my DH decide because my suggestions were greeted with civil unrest or earthquakes.
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One day we will take our kids on our honeymoon journey. I don't think I really appreciated it at the time so I want to go again & the kids would love to see all of these places that they've been studying. We did a Mediterranean cruise - France, Italy, Turkey, Malta, Greece, Spain.


But with Chunky Monkey being a toddler - I think we will have to be satisfied with Disney for a few years :001_smile:

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I'm very curious about your list of historical sites in Brazil. Did you go to Brasilia? Or various sites with historical value elsewhere in the country?


We're working on our 2nd tier list of things to see while we're here, so I'm curious if we might want to add anything from your list, if you don't mind posting. We've loved all of what we've seen so far, which has been quite a bit,, but not so much history focused yet since the youngest is still pretty young. He's just getting old enough that we could probably manage "boring" stuff now.


And, yea, Machu Pichu is on our list too....


I taught for 2 years at Pan-American Christian Academy in Sao Paulo. Didn't go to Brasilia, but I always wanted to see that city from the air. We visited Tiradentes, and my favorite trip was to Ouro Preto. Loved the churches. Loved the whole city. I'm trying to think, it was about 15 years ago I was there. Petropolis, which is a short drive from Rio was kind of cool from a historical standpoint.

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Ds 14.5 is beginning German and wants to see Germany. That's actually quite a bit more expensive than Iceland so it's going to take longer to save the money to go. Likely only one or two cities will included in that. But, he'll make due with what we can afford and be thrilled. DH is accompanying on this trip.


My parents visited me often when we were stationed in Germany. October and March are the cheapest months for airfare. Hotels and tourist attractions are also cheaper then.


You could also probably find one of the military WTM parents currently stationed in Germany willing to take you in if you buy dinner a few times or something!!

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I HATE flying so this is my dream.




I would have to find another cruise to get me from Venice back to the United States, but it could be doable......if I win the lottery. I would want the kids to be at least 8.

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