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So this is just wrong, isn't it?

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Dh is making ham salad. I said use Mayo. Ds wants Miracle Whip. Dh said he would do a little of each. I thought he meant 2 separate bowls. Nope, he meant a little of each in the same bowl. After a big shudder, I told him that's just wrong. He said he was not aware of any universal rule banning the 2 mixed together. He said he would do 2 separate bowls though. Ewwwww.

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Anything to do with Miracle Whip makes me shudder!!


What about this?


Last weekend on our camping trip, I gave my son's buddy a chicken salad sandwich (made with Helman's mayo!). He asked if I had any ketchup, and when I didn't, he ran back to his campsite to get some. Talk about ewwww !!!

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So this is just wrong, isn't it?

Dh is making ham salad.


I agreed with your original premise ("this is just wrong") from that point ("ham salad"). Didn't need to read any more. :P


I mean... Ham ... SALAD?!?!??


(and no, I couldn't care less which gooey white stuff you're mixing with your ham, or if you mix 'em together... gross, gross, gross!)


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Well yes, of course it's wrong.


The whole blasted idea of off-white blobbular fat in a jar is wrong, wrong, wrong I tell you! Non-mayonnaise eater here, running and hiding........eeeeek :leaving:


Seriously though, my mother would be rolling over in her grave. There is no mayo but Hellman's. None. Shudder. That other stuff is just an overly sweetened Hellman's wanna be. :D The nerve of mixing the two together. They aren't even from the "same side of the tracks."

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Last weekend on our camping trip, I gave my son's buddy a chicken salad sandwich (made with Helman's mayo!). He asked if I had any ketchup, and when I didn't, he ran back to his campsite to get some. Talk about ewwww !!!


Double ick. I think I could handle the mayo/Miracle Whip combo better than ketchup on my chicken salad. belch.

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Actually, there is one purpose and one purpose only for Miracle Whip, and that is to put in on tomato sandwiches. The sweet tangy flavor mixes nicely with juicy ripe tomatoes. But that is all.


Nope, it is also great on a BLT (with the nice ripe juicy tomatoes) and on a real roast beef sandwich (the one made from a home roasted hunk not a deli).

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Actually, there is one purpose and one purpose only for Miracle Whip, and that is to put in on tomato sandwiches. The sweet tangy flavor mixes nicely with juicy ripe tomatoes. But that is all.


My dh loves 'mater sammiches, as he calls them. I like a nice BLT, but with mayo, not Miracle Whip.


BTW, what is so miraculous about MW anyway?

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I agreed with your original premise ("this is just wrong") from that point ("ham salad"). Didn't need to read any more. :P


I mean... Ham ... SALAD?!?!??


(and no, I couldn't care less which gooey white stuff you're mixing with your ham, or if you mix 'em together... gross, gross, gross!)




I'm with you. I have ham salad "ISSUES." I used to have to turn the grinder when my mom made ham salad...and some of the ham chunks took more muscle to force through the grinder than others.



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and we have another friend, Laura. She refers to one or the other of us, depending on which one she is with, as "her other Laura friend." To the other Laura friend, who refers to herself on her blog merely as Laura in NC (instead of Laura S in NC), I am by necessity Laura K, at least in correspondence. :)

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I cannot imagine making tuna salad without Miracle Whip. It tastes yucky with mayo. Heck, everything tastes yucky with mayo, IMO.


DH hates Miracle Whip, onions, and sweet pickles, so I have to make a separate bowl of tuna salad for him.


I don't get what's wrong with people's taste buds. :D



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Dh is making ham salad. I said use Mayo. Ds wants Miracle Whip. Dh said he would do a little of each. I thought he meant 2 separate bowls. Nope, he meant a little of each in the same bowl. After a big shudder, I told him that's just wrong. He said he was not aware of any universal rule banning the 2 mixed together. He said he would do 2 separate bowls though. Ewwwww.



Wrong...wrong...wrong. But you wouldn't believe some of the things my guys will mix up and enjoy.

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I cannot imagine making tuna salad without Miracle Whip. It tastes yucky with mayo. Heck, everything tastes yucky with mayo, IMO.


DH hates Miracle Whip, onions, and sweet pickles, so I have to make a separate bowl of tuna salad for him.


I don't get what's wrong with people's taste buds. :D




Yeah, I'm not a tuna gal. But tuna with Mayo is really yucko. If I have to eat it, please let it be with MW and lots of dill pickles!

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I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm a mayo girl all the way. My orientation is quite unwavering. But, why shouldn't the Miracle Whippers have an equal shot at fulfilling their essential Whippiness? I mean, don't all cholesterol laden substance abusers have the right to an equal opportunity kitchen? Just because I choose the more traditional approach, should I rule out Whip based on a preconceived notion that Whip is wrong? Moreover, is it really my place to judge? Your husband clearly has an interest in cross dressings. Rather than shunning his approach, I think you should try to embrace it. You never know -- you might find it sweeter than you imagine.












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My dh is the Miracle Whip lover at our house ... I avoid it because its full of high fructose corn syrup ... :glare: There's a separate jar of mayo in the fridge just for me at all times!


Not to highjack this thread -- but this mixup reminds me of when we were planning our wedding reception, and the caterer asked us about ham and cheese sandwiches ... on rye, right?! Well, my soon to be dh said he hated rye bread, so we had the sandwiches on whole wheat bread. :glare: No, it just is NOT the same ..., but ok, I went along with it.


Fast forward a couple of months -- I brought some ham, cheese, and a loaf of fresh rye bread home (figuring it was all for me based on the above) and my dh said, "Oh, boy, my favorite!" :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:


Wait a minute ... as it turned out -- its PUMPERNICKEL bread he doesn't like. Ok, we hardly dated at all before we got married, and never had a chance to learn these things until after the wedding.


We've been married 15 years now and I still tease him occasionally about our ham and cheese on whole wheat sandwiches at our wedding reception!



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My dh is the Miracle Whip lover at our house ... I avoid it because its full of high fructose corn syrup ... :glare: There's a separate jar of mayo in the fridge just for me at all times!


Not to highjack this thread -- but this mixup reminds me of when we were planning our wedding reception, and the caterer asked us about ham and cheese sandwiches ... on rye, right?! Well, my soon to be dh said he hated rye bread, so we had the sandwiches on whole wheat bread. :glare: No, it just is NOT the same ..., but ok, I went along with it.


Fast forward a couple of months -- I brought some ham, cheese, and a loaf of fresh rye bread home (figuring it was all for me based on the above) and my dh said, "Oh, boy, my favorite!" :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:


Wait a minute ... as it turned out -- its PUMPERNICKEL bread he doesn't like. Ok, we hardly dated at all before we got married, and never had a chance to learn these things until after the wedding.


We've been married 15 years now and I still tease him occasionally about our ham and cheese on whole wheat sandwiches at our wedding reception!



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I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm a mayo girl all the way. My orientation is quite unwavering. But, why shouldn't the Miracle Whippers have an equal shot at fulfilling their essential Whippiness? I mean, don't all cholesterol laden substance abusers have the right to an equal opportunity kitchen? Just because I choose the more traditional approach, should I rule out Whip based on a preconceived notion that Whip is wrong? Moreover, is it really my place to judge? Your husband clearly has an interest in cross dressings. Rather than shunning his approach, I think you should try to embrace it. You never know -- you might find it sweeter than you imagine.













:rofl: You have a gift my dear!:lol:

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My dh is the Miracle Whip lover at our house ... I avoid it because its full of high fructose corn syrup ... :glare: There's a separate jar of mayo in the fridge just for me at all times!


Not to highjack this thread -- but this mixup reminds me of when we were planning our wedding reception, and the caterer asked us about ham and cheese sandwiches ... on rye, right?! Well, my soon to be dh said he hated rye bread, so we had the sandwiches on whole wheat bread. :glare: No, it just is NOT the same ..., but ok, I went along with it.


Fast forward a couple of months -- I brought some ham, cheese, and a loaf of fresh rye bread home (figuring it was all for me based on the above) and my dh said, "Oh, boy, my favorite!" :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:


Wait a minute ... as it turned out -- its PUMPERNICKEL bread he doesn't like. Ok, we hardly dated at all before we got married, and never had a chance to learn these things until after the wedding.


We've been married 15 years now and I still tease him occasionally about our ham and cheese on whole wheat sandwiches at our wedding reception!





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Tuna salad without Miracle Whip is like scrambled eggs without ketchup! Wrong. Just wrong!


Now this I've never understood... scrambled eggs and ketchup? :tongue_smilie: Yucko!!!!


I do like both Miracle Whip (yeah, it has sugar) and Mayo (no sugar), for different reasons. I'm even willing to mix them in one bowl, though I never have.


But my eggs will remain pristine.

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Dh is making ham salad. I said use Mayo. Ds wants Miracle Whip. Dh said he would do a little of each. I thought he meant 2 separate bowls. Nope, he meant a little of each in the same bowl. After a big shudder, I told him that's just wrong. He said he was not aware of any universal rule banning the 2 mixed together. He said he would do 2 separate bowls though. Ewwwww.


I haven't read the whole thread, so perhaps someone already said this but.

That is a double travesty. Yes, I agree that mayonnaise and The Anti-Mayonnaise should never be mixed. Actually The Anti-Mayonnaise really shouldn't be eaten at all. Ever. But even worse is the fact that you're talking about ham salad. Ham. Salad.


There are only a few things that I Simply Don't Want to Eat, and that is one of them.


Is that just me? :D

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I'm with you. I have ham salad "ISSUES." I used to have to turn the grinder when my mom made ham salad...and some of the ham chunks took more muscle to force through the grinder than others.




Ahhhhh, I'm so glad to see that I'm in good company with you and Abbey!!!

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Your husband clearly has an interest in cross dressings. Rather than shunning his approach, I think you should try to embrace it. You never know -- you might find it sweeter than you imagine.



Oh my gosh!!!! You are such a nut!!!!!!! I tried to rep you, but I couldn't. laughtears.giflaughtears.giflaughtears.gif

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Size: 32 OZ


Hellman's Mayonnaise




Does this help?


I am nursing a child with food allergies including egg so I do not eat mayonnaise or any of it's variants. IF I had to, I pick none of the above since I am avoiding soy and GMOs. Even the Canola based mayo found in Whole Foods is not something I would pick! It might not be GMO (if it's organic it's not GMO) but I avoid Canola too.

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