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best natural deodorant

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I'm trying to make the switch to no-aluminum deodorant. What are the favorites out there? I've heard mention of using some sort of crystal, as well as some sort of solid (you can tell I didn't listen very well). We live in the HEAT so I need something effective.

Thanks for the help.

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This was the one that worked the best for me:



I used to split shipping with a few friends. The coco mango smells so good! Their customer service was very slow though. I had tried Tom's of Maine, the crystal role on and some others. Funk Butter worked the best even in the hot summer. :001_smile:

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I make my own, 1 T. baking soda and 6 T. cornstarch. It works better than than Crystal (which we also have at home). My husband was a little skeptical at first but when we ran out a few weeks ago he kept bugging me to make more (we were out of cornstarch).


Here's an article where I found the recipe and explains what the two ingredients do.

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We have used the solid crystal kind and it is amazing - my dh is a house builder, he works in the sun, and his armpits can be ... well ...


If he uses the crystal, he will get home from work, get his hugs etc. - we love him really:001_smile:


But if he doesn't use it, dd will run up to him, then turn away in disgust, saying "Ugh, you haven't used the crystal!"


Not trying to make him sound like a smelly person here - he isn't, just we can instantly tell if he has used it or not. It kills the bacteria that makes the smell, apparently.


They also work out very cost effective, lasting 1-2 years.


Most of them are made of an alum, which is not aluminium, but you would have to ask a chemistry person about all that, and I am not one

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I make my own, 1 T. baking soda and 6 T. cornstarch. It works better than than Crystal (which we also have at home). My husband was a little skeptical at first but when we ran out a few weeks ago he kept bugging me to make more (we were out of cornstarch).


Here's an article where I found the recipe and explains what the two ingredients do.



I do the 1 part baking soda:6 parts cornstarch too except I also include 3 parts coconut oil. It gets on dark clothes more than I like but it works great.

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I use JASON brand. Tom's left a nasty smell that I thought was me (it was the first time I used a deorderant rather than antiperspirant), but my SIL told me she experienced the same weird smell with Tom's and that JASON didn't do that.


I now use JASON, but to be honest, during the hot summer I went back to antiperspirant.

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I use the Oyin handmade Funk Butter linked by the above poster. The only things I've read negative about it are if people have skin sensitivity to the baking soda or fragrances. It works great here with my allergic/reactive skin though I've only used the unscented for that reason. Nothing else I've tried worked for me and I've tried many.

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I use the baking soda-coconut oil-cornstarch (or arrowroot) combination. I love it. If the temp of your bathroom is above 72 most of the time, I'd go lighter on the proportion of coconut oil.


I do not typically focus on whether my products are natural/organic. This combination simply works much better for me than store-bought (I've never tried crystal).

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I use the Oyin handmade Funk Butter linked by the above poster. The only things I've read negative about it are if people have skin sensitivity to the baking soda or fragrances. It works great here with my allergic/reactive skin though I've only used the unscented for that reason. Nothing else I've tried worked for me and I've tried many.


I have read that with the 1:6 baking soda:cornstarch ratio it really helps lessen the sensitivity.

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They used to cary at Walmart which is where I found out about it. Mine doesn't carry it anymore, Amazon has good prices if you get multiples or you could try DrugStore.com also. If you get multiples it was $3 a stick. Unscented is a lemon/citrus scent due to ingridients, scented is more woodsy something a man wouldn't mind using if for dh & I didn't find too strong for me, but I like stronger perfumes. HTH

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I make my own, 1 T. baking soda and 6 T. cornstarch. It works better than than Crystal (which we also have at home). My husband was a little skeptical at first but when we ran out a few weeks ago he kept bugging me to make more (we were out of cornstarch).


Here's an article where I found the recipe and explains what the two ingredients do.


Ditto. Homemade also works better for me than the Crystal does. Except I add coconut oil, like Hidden Jewel mentioned.

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I would warn that a LOT of people have problems with the Lush deodorants. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Lush, and have converted many of my friends. But, a lot of people get firepits from aromarant. Yikes.


Weird, and such a shame. For me, it actually feels almost soothing. I love the aromarant, but I have to say I hate the smell of the other similar one, aromaco.


I am SUCH a Lushy!

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I tried a bunch of different kinds (Tom's, the crystal thing, and some others) but I tended to... overwhelm them. Within hours sometimes. Someone recommended this one to me and I've never looked back. It works so, so well, year round, even when I'm hiking in the sun or visiting folks in the summer in Vegas or Minnesota.


I have a friend who just wipes rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball in her armpits every morning and it does the trick for her. Easy and cheap!



Edited by anabelneri
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I wish that by 2011 they could come up with a natural deodorant that would actually work. :glare: I've tried them all, including homemade - nothing really works.


Do you mean they haven't kept the smell away or they haven't kept the perspiration away? The one I use won't keep you dry but it doesn't hold the stink. My body needs to sweat so I am satisfied that I at least don't smell.

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Toms made me itch and didn't seem to work, crystal was fine on the skin but I was still stinky. I made the coconut oil/baking soda one that people have mentioned with some tea tree oil added in. That actually works for me. I packed it into one of my old plastic deodorant containers for easy dispensing.


If I'm going somewhere that I know I'm going to be super nervous and sweaty I'll use DH's regular deodorant though;)

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Toms made me itch and didn't seem to work, crystal was fine on the skin but I was still stinky. I made the coconut oil/baking soda one that people have mentioned with some tea tree oil added in. That actually works for me. I packed it into one of my old plastic deodorant containers for easy dispensing.


I mix the coc oil/baking soda/cornstarch together and then heat it a little. It melts the coconut oil enough that it makes it easier to mix for me. Then I pour it into an old deodorant container. I usually put it in the fridge for a couple hours to harden back up so it isn't so messy.

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I make my own. I double this recipe and make an 8 oz jar (the squat, flat kind). It's worked better than anything else I've tried, for me and for my husband who gets up in the middle of the night and gets in people's personal space (as a paramedic, not some kind of whacko). In fact, he got one of the guys at the firehouse hooked on it, too.


I use coconut oil instead of the shea butter, though. Smells like a Mounds bar in the jar if you don't scent it. :D

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Yeah, the powder mix didn't work so well. I still had a distinct smell by the end of the day. Does using the coconut oil really make it work better? Should I bother going out to buy the coconut oil, or maybe the recipe with the shea butter?


I've tried making a lot of things 'homemade' over the past few years from moisturizers to shampoo to laundry soap. And at the end of my stubborn trial, I say to myself 'of course there is the old fashioned, natural way to make this but there's a reason people started making it the new way... because it works'! Seriously, my laundry detergent didn't work very well, using homemade moisturizers didn't work as well, and the baking soda shampoo dried out my scalp and hair. Why do I think the deoderant will work? I want to!!!

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Unfortunately Alvera deodorants *do* contain aluminum, alcloxa, short for Aluminum Chlorhydroxy Allantoinate. Probably why it works so well.


Back to lurking I go....

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Yeah, the powder mix didn't work so well. I still had a distinct smell by the end of the day. Does using the coconut oil really make it work better? Should I bother going out to buy the coconut oil, or maybe the recipe with the shea butter?


I've tried making a lot of things 'homemade' over the past few years from moisturizers to shampoo to laundry soap. And at the end of my stubborn trial, I say to myself 'of course there is the old fashioned, natural way to make this but there's a reason people started making it the new way... because it works'! Seriously, my laundry detergent didn't work very well, using homemade moisturizers didn't work as well, and the baking soda shampoo dried out my scalp and hair. Why do I think the deoderant will work? I want to!!!


The homemade deodorant is the only homemade thing that I have truly been impressed with. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties so it makes sense to me that it helps in keeping the smell at bay. I know I can be very wet but my underarms still don't smell.

Edited by HiddenJewel
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Unfortunately Alvera deodorants *do* contain aluminum, alcloxa, short for Aluminum Chlorhydroxy Allantoinate. Probably why it works so well.


Back to lurking I go....


Everything I read says it doesn't have aluminum in it. Where did you see this? Here's a quick link I just found after searching for two seconds:


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The homemade deodorant is the only homemade thing that I have truly been impressed with. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties so I would definitely help in keeping the smell at bay. I know I can be very wet but my underarms still don't smell.

Thank you for your reply. I'll get some next time I'm at Sprouts.

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Everything I read says it doesn't have aluminum in it. Where did you see this? Here's a quick link I just found after searching for two seconds:




Do a google search for alcloxa. I noticed in the link you provided that nowhere in the product details did it say "aluminum-free".

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I mix the coc oil/baking soda/cornstarch together and then heat it a little. It melts the coconut oil enough that it makes it easier to mix for me. Then I pour it into an old deodorant container. I usually put it in the fridge for a couple hours to harden back up so it isn't so messy.

Do you apply like a traditional deoderant stick or do you dip your fingers in it? :001_huh: Trying to figure this out. I bought the coconut oil today so I'm not sure what to store this in. I used 1 T soda to 6T starch. So you recommend about 3T coconut oil then? Let it harden and then use it? If I don't have an empty deoderant shell hanging around what else could I use?

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I use Thai Crystals, which is a liquid spray. It has worked great for me for years.


I must say that I don't really trust Tom's as a "natural" product. I found out about a year ago that the company sold out to one of the big corporations (Proctor and Gamble, maybe, I forget which one), several years ago and they have been sneakily adding back in some ingredients that I don't want to see in natural products. I ran afoul of them over their toothpaste products....

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Do you apply like a traditional deoderant stick or do you dip your fingers in it? :001_huh: Trying to figure this out. I bought the coconut oil today so I'm not sure what to store this in. I used 1 T soda to 6T starch. So you recommend about 3T coconut oil then? Let it harden and then use it? If I don't have an empty deoderant shell hanging around what else could I use?


Yes, I use the 1 part soda:6 parts corn starch:3 parts coconut oil. I heat it a little so the oil melts and is easier to mix. Then I put it in an old deodorant container and let it harden back up in the fridge for a little while. I then just roll it on like normal.


But if I didn't have a deodorant shell, I might try a baby food jar or something similar. Maybe even a small canning jar. You probably would have to apply it with your finger then.

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Yeah, the powder mix didn't work so well. I still had a distinct smell by the end of the day.


I did find that it took a while for my body to adjust to this deodorant. Within a few weeks I found that I was able to go the whole day without any smell. But for a while I had to apply it twice a day. I'm going to try the coconut oil next batch. I read one homemade deodorant article where the lady used a toilet paper roll to push up the stick, it seeped through the sides and she wrapped it in a paper towel so it wasn't too slick. Maybe use that for the time being? But depending on the room temperature, you could use a plastic or glass container and apply with your fingers.

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Yes, I use the 1 part soda:6 parts corn starch:3 parts coconut oil. I heat it a little so the oil melts and is easier to mix. Then I put it in an old deodorant container and let it harden back up in the fridge for a little while. I then just roll it on like normal.


But if I didn't have a deodorant shell, I might try a baby food jar or something similar. Maybe even a small canning jar. You probably would have to apply it with your finger then.


In the winter your house may be cool enough to keep the coconut oil solid, but it liquifies somewhere in the 70-80 degree range, so it just depends on your climate.

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