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Help me get over this...

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I know in the big picture it's such a small mistake. Ds was supposed to take the PSAT test this morning, but I had the wrong testing time down. Didn't even occur to me to call ahead to verify the schedule. We were 1/2 hour late and so of course he couldn't take it.


I am still so upset and stressed out over my stupidity that I'm fighting tears and I have nauseating knots in my stomach. Ds is not upset - it was just going to be a 10th grade practice run. Maybe it's because I haven't had much sleep the past 2 weeks - every couple days one of my kids has come down with croup and I'm just stressed out in general.


Please tell me IGBOK.

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It's going to be okay. Your ds will never forget it -- chalk it up to an invaluable life lesson about double checking timing of important events. When he's a grown man who is never late or forgets an appointment, you can remember this experience and smile.


It could be much worse -- could be the SATs, or even his 11th grade PSATs. Is there another chance for him to take them this year?


Don't beat yourself up. It happens to the best of us. :grouphug:

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I wouldn't worry about it either. I have a 10th grader and I forgot to go and sign up and pay for it two weeks ago. It totally slipped my mind until she asked about it last week. I only have one kid and no sickness. You have six kids with the croup. Let it go. Save your tears for the big stuff not the little stuff. If your son is not upset, you shouldn't be either.

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My son took it this morning....he WISHES I would have gotten the times wrong...but we actually got there early...much to his dismay.


It is his practice year - so let him practice at home with practice tests....complete with filling out the grids (that takes practice too ;) ) My ds almost put his zip code in the wrong place today, LOL.


My oldest never took the PSAT because I just didn't know about it. I somehow missed all the information on that (I wasn't hooked into a good homeschool group or here at WTM then either) She still did fine with the ACT.


Don't beat yourself up over it...take care of the ones that are sick and take care of yourself.

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Don't give it another thought--really.

Your kid will do fine at the next opportunity.

Please let this one go. Think of the lesson you can teach today. It's all about how to roll with the punches, keep your equanimity, and continue living and enjoying life and each of it's precious moments. :001_smile:

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I wouldn't worry about it either. I have a 10th grader and I forgot to go and sign up and pay for it two weeks ago.



I didn't get 10th grade dd signed up either. And, really, I'm glad I didn't have to mess with it today. The past few weeks have been crazy (starting with taking the ACT back in Sept), and I'm ready to have a NORMAL week for once with no extra obligations.

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If I screw up something like this (not that I ever have....;)), it makes me feel better to have a remediation plan in place. Some test locations give the test on Saturday, as in the Saturday that is 4 days from now. Can you find one of those and beg your way in? For what it is worth, I signed my daughter up for the PSAT at a local high school last year, at 11 o'clock on the day before the test. I also could have gotten her in at another place with such short notice, but I went with the high school because it was closest and free. So, notwithstanding the advance registration requirements on everyone's websites (including that of the local high school that I first contacted 21 hours before testing time), you may be able to beg/borrow/steal your way into a Saturday test.


Best of luck to you both.




ETA: If you call the PSAT people, they may be able to help you find a Saturday test date near you. They are sometimes not entirely unhelpful.

Edited by plansrme
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Everything happens for a reason...even if that reason isn't apparent to us at the time. Let it go. It will be okay. Have a snack. Take a nap. Life will continue on.


I look back on things that really, really stressed me out with dds and realize that they really, really don't matter down the road! So, I'd suggest sit back with a spoon, a jar of Nutella & relax!

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I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds clean: IGBOK already.


You've just taught your son to check for himself. :001_smile:


IGBOK means "It's Gonna Be OK" - and strangely enough, he does know how to use a phone! Better put that to good use.


He can't take it Sat. because he's going on a Scout backpacking trip. Oh well.


Thanks, Everyone, for your encouragement. I've come down with the nasty congestion going around, but I'm not the wreck I was yesterday. :)

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Due to schedule conflicts we chose not to have our dd take the practice PSAT in her 10th grade year. We were out of town on a trip.


She took it this year as a junior and it went just fine. If you really want your child to take a for-real practice PSAT you can order real, previous-year PSAT tests from the College Board site and do it at home with a timer. We ordered three of them and they were fairly inexpensive. They send you the actual test booklets and when you purchase you get a link to instructions on how to grade them.

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