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I just have to put this out there for my own accountability. Feel free to ignore it. Last night at Thanksgiving dinner we decided to do family pictures. When I got ready to go I thought I looked pretty good. I already knew I was big but I have been in complete denial as to how big apparently. There was one set of pictures in particular where I am squatting down beside my sister and I am holding my youngest, and she is holding my nephew. I look like humpty flipping dumpty. I am so huge and round. How could I not see this when I looked in the mirror everyday? It's gotten to where being fat just makes every unpleasant thing that much more. No date...and I'm fat. House a mess...and I'm fat. Flat tire...and I'm fat. Out of milk...and I'm fat. I have tried to lose weight in the past but I always seem to self sabotage and I don't know why and I can't seem to staop myself even when I recognize it for what it is. I know I will never be what I weighed before kids, but even to head to a relatively normal weight for someone my age and height I would still have to lose 80 POUNDS. It seems so daunting. Yes I know, make mini goals, yada yada. But even that is discouraging. Because then I might reach a goal of 10 lbs lost but I will still be fat. Even if I lose 50 lbs I will still be fat. Grrr, see my own negative self talk does me no good. I have to deal with this now. I am sending myself to an early grave if I keep going at this rate, PLUS my oldest boy is rapidly gaining too. I am not raising them as healthily as I can because of my own lifestyle choices. Added into it all I know that I am an emotional eater. Before kids, I shopped to deal with my stress etc. After kids I had less money to shop so I ate. and I ate. And I ate. No more!


Long and short of it is I needed to make a thread to vent that out and to force me to be accountable for my weight loss and healthier habits to share with my kids to make sure they are healthy.


Feel free to kick my butt into action to exercise, and to slap me for bad food choices. I need that dose of reality to keep me going on this because clearly I have not been doing it on my own.

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Seriously, I hit that same place on Father's Day of this year. I had just spent 3 weeks with my extended family. I hadn't seen them in 5+ years and I realized that my Dad's weight was really affecting his health. He has major back problems and the doctors won't operate because of his weight. My sister has bulging disks and the doctors have treated her like garbage and refuse to do anything because of her weight. It is a terrible cycle for them because the pain prevents exercise and their weight prevents surgery.


It hit me that I really really didn't want to get to that point. I didn't want to lose my mobility. I didn't want to be in pain all the time. I was sick of myself.


I ate pretty well or so I thought until I started keeping track of my calories and realized how many times I'd grab a snack during the day. I didn't exercise though. EVER.


I was tired of feeling miserable so I started walking.


15 minutes a day became 20 minutes. Then it became 30. Now I'm exercising for at least 60 minutes a day.


I've lost 35 pounds since June 19th. Yeah, I still have more to lose but when I lost the first 13 or so pounds I realized I FELT better. I felt physically and emotionally better than I had in a long while.


Exercise is the only thing that made any difference for me though. It snapped me out of my funk.


I don't know what is going to be your wall. What is going to make you reach the point where you decide you just can't live like this anymore, but I'm so glad now that I reached that really terrible place because it was just the kick I needed. :grouphug:

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I lost 85 pounds between the day I got married and now, mostly within a 2 year period before my first was born. I had tried various things over the years, lost a few pounds and then gave up and gained it back. Here's what it took for me--getting p*ssed off enough. I was angry that the world treated me badly because I was overweight, angry that clothes didn't fit, angry with sly comments and people watching what I ate. I got p*ssed at myself for not doing something, and the anger finally outweighed the self-pity. (Please understand, I am NOT saying this is you! I am not saying you are self pitying! This applies ONLY to me!!!) I am not saying people should work out of a place of anger, but that anger can be a powerful motivator for making big changes. Don't berate yourself--channel that into motivation!


Feel free to ignore my opinions. :D

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I completely understand.


I hit that place about a month ago. I now exercise for 30-60 minutes a day and have really watched what I eat. I can't do anything too extreme diet wise because I'm nursing (and likely will be nursing and/or pregnant for several more years to come), but I'm slowly starting to lose weight. I've only lost about 6 pounds but I feel so, so much better. I know it is going to be a long time before I even get to my "I'll be satisfied with this" weight (80 lbs away) and I don't know if I'll ever be able to make my ideal weight (about 100 lbs less than now), but I feel better knowing that I'm just working on it.


And, like a pp said, I got so p*ssed that I know I'm going to keep working on it.

Anger is great motivator... at least for me.

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I hit a wall a few years ago when I was at my highest weight. I remember I was out on a date with my husband, and I was feeling pretty glam in my new outfit. I was standing in the restraunt bathroom and admiring myself in the mirror while I washed my hands, when Little Miss Skinny Minny walked into the bathroom and made me feel like a hippo. I had that negative self talk too, "Why can't *I* be like that? How did she get to be so lucky? Why am I stuck being fat? I'll never be that skinny in my life", and then it struck me like a ton of bricks: "Why the **** NOT??"


That was a changing point for me. Even though my weight didn't change for a while, my *outlook* on life did. I didn't care if it took 2 years or 10 years to drop the weight. I could either roll out of bed 10 years down the road X-lbs lighter, or roll out of bed exactly where I was that day, if not (probably) larger. Those years were going to go by regardless of the choice I made, so I decided to make the choice I knew I'd be happy with 10 years down the road. And I am. :)

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One more thing that helped immensely--reporting daily to "Corporal Lance" (That's the nickname I gave to this: MyPlate at Livestrong.com. You report food types and portions and it tracks calories, fat, carbs, blah blah blah. It made me think twice before I ate anything, because I knew I'd have to report it and see the cold hard facts, in pretty little pie charts. You can also track exercise and water consumption, and it is free. (At least it used to be...)

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Baby steps. You don't have to look at the end goal because a short term goal is more achievable and doesn't feel as daunting. 80 pounds to lose may seem impossible, but 5 pounds is doable. You already know that short term goals are easier.


Getting started is the hardest thing of all. Once you are down ten pounds it is easier because you will start seeing tangible benefits. Wearing a shirt or pants that were tight but now are looser is a motivation to continue and lose another five pounds.


So make a plan and get started. Be sure it is a reasonable diet for you, one you can live with long term, with nutritious, healthy food choices. You are looking for a lifestyle change, not a short term diet.


Here is one site you can look at and see if it would help you. There are lots of websites that help you track what you eat and give you a number of calories per day in order to achieve your goals. I like Lose It, and access it with an app on my phone as well as on the website. It is a huge help to me, and it is free. https://secure.loseit.com/index.jsp


You can start simply by cutting out or severely limiting white foods like potatoes, sugary treats, pasta, white rice and sugary drinks. Eat vegetables and fruit instead of those foods. That one change can make a huge difference! You can start with baby steps and adjust as you go along.


Just make a decision to start. You CAN do it! If not for yourself, do it for your children.

Edited by Photo Ninja
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you know what inspires me? tv shows about weight loss. that may not resonate with you at all..so feel free to ignore me. i'm not overweight, but i did my first half marathon after watching biggest loser. i couldn't even run a 1/4 a mile when i started training...but eventually i got there. i've done 3 now! i'm super slow & incorporate some walking, but it feels great to finish. my new favorite show is extreme makeover: weight loss edition. i watch it on hulu & love it. it inspires me so much! we went biking on saturday and went so much further than i thought i could go. anyway-just a thought:grouphug:

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Thanks everyone. I really needed this. I can see using anger to motivate me. Nothing else has done enough to keep my butt of the couch and stop me from eating the huge portions I eat. But I am fed up with being seen as a second class citizen because I am fat, not being able to find a guy to date me because I am fat etc.


Along with the diet and exercise part, do you ladies know of a book or website that helps you deal with the emotional side of weight? Meaning, the comfort eating, the self sabotage, the negative self talk? I have a sinking feeling that unless I deal with those things I am never going to succeed at this. I also need to find a different way to exercise. I like my 30 day shred video BUT after 2-3 days I can not physically move, and so then I stop doing it until I can move without pain, and that can take a full week. Then I try again and repeat the cycle. I need to find things I can do daily without killing myself in the process and without making it be such a boring chore.

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Thanks everyone. I really needed this. I can see using anger to motivate me. Nothing else has done enough to keep my butt of the couch and stop me from eating the huge portions I eat. But I am fed up with being seen as a second class citizen because I am fat, not being able to find a guy to date me because I am fat etc.


Along with the diet and exercise part, do you ladies know of a book or website that helps you deal with the emotional side of weight? Meaning, the comfort eating, the self sabotage, the negative self talk? I have a sinking feeling that unless I deal with those things I am never going to succeed at this. I also need to find a different way to exercise. I like my 30 day shred video BUT after 2-3 days I can not physically move, and so then I stop doing it until I can move without pain, and that can take a full week. Then I try again and repeat the cycle. I need to find things I can do daily without killing myself in the process and without making it be such a boring chore.


You are going too hard in the beginning. Pick a different exercise and work your way up. Soreness is good, can't move the next day is counterproductive. You have to go at your current level of fitness. For mild soreness, continue to exercise and the soreness will work itself out.


Walk/run/jog with some music.


Also, if you have the cash, get a glutamine supplement. It helps with recovery.

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Pretend there is a "Healthy Cart Award" at the grocery store. Don't put anything in that cart that puts you at risk of losing your award. Peek into other people's carts and see all the bad food they are buying! You are winning! Think of it this way: when you buy junk food and processed food you are basically spending your hard earned money to make yourself and your family sick! Shop the perimeter of the store. Don't go down the junk food aisles at all. Fill the cart with veggies and fruits and whole grains, lean meats, eggs and skim milk. If you don't bring it home, you can't eat it.


If anger motivates you, read (or watch) the recent books and movies on how the food industry knowingly creates and markets dangerous processed foods that they know are addictive and unhealthy: Fast Food Nation; Supersize Me; Food Inc.; Food Fight.


Walk with your kids everyday.


Capt. Uhura and LG Gone Wild are excellent exercise role models. Listen to them.


Exercise (at your level) will help you balance your emotions, really helps with depression.

Edited by Kalmia
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Along with the diet and exercise part, do you ladies know of a book or website that helps you deal with the emotional side of weight? Meaning, the comfort eating, the self sabotage, the negative self talk? I have a sinking feeling that unless I deal with those things I am never going to succeed at this.


Look into "EFT" - Emotional Freedom Techniques. Start with Google and YouTube.


I've never personally done it, but my inlaws have. Their transformations have been amazing. Enough so that I'm a believer. You're right; it's just as important -if not moreseo- to address the psychological aspect as it is the physiological stuff.

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I need to find things I can do daily without killing myself in the process and without making it be such a boring chore.


Could you try to make a list of some way you can add physical activity to your day?


Perhaps you can start 'running' a errand by walking or biking. We do many errands on bike or foot.


Perhaps you can do all the snow removal this year. That is assuming you somehow managed to avoid it last year. :)


Perhaps you can find a walking partner. Last year at our local indoor running track I organized a homeschool parent walk and talk once a week. The track was free to use at that time. Parents could meet and walk and talk for a hour.


Why not try to join a low impact activity. Even something like bowling gets you up and out of the house, moving around. Sure you wouldn't burn much energy bowling. But it wouldn't make things worse. It might also one day lead to interest in another more physically active sport.


One thing I say/think to certain people in my life about certain issues is ... So far you tired Nothing! Doing nothing didn't work. Sure my suggestion isn't a guaranteed magical fix. But I'm sure it's better then doing nothing. Sure doing wonderful program XYZ would be better. But my idea of doing a little something is much better then nothing, and even better then spending weeks thinking about doing wonderful program XYZ, and the reasons you can't do wonderful program XYZ.


Also try to find small ways or goals to improve what / when / how much you are eating.


Find one thing to fix on the food intake front, and fix it.

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Oh boy, I can completely identify with you. I'm 80 lbs too big too and it just keeps getting worse because I'm in denial. Although I've read a ton of health/diet books, I've just started one on emotional eating which is really making sense to me. The Emotional Diet. I got it from Amazon. It incorporates all kinds of techniques including EFT.


(I still haven't figured out how to post avatars and pretty stuff like everyone else has, but I want to start posting... )




Hey, maybe you want an accountability partner??

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I just have to put this out there for my own accountability. Feel free to ignore it. Last night at Thanksgiving dinner we decided to do family pictures. When I got ready to go I thought I looked pretty good. I already knew I was big but I have been in complete denial as to how big apparently. There was one set of pictures in particular where I am squatting down beside my sister and I am holding my youngest, and she is holding my nephew. I look like humpty flipping dumpty. I am so huge and round. How could I not see this when I looked in the mirror everyday? It's gotten to where being fat just makes every unpleasant thing that much more. No date...and I'm fat. House a mess...and I'm fat. Flat tire...and I'm fat. Out of milk...and I'm fat. I have tried to lose weight in the past but I always seem to self sabotage and I don't know why and I can't seem to staop myself even when I recognize it for what it is. I know I will never be what I weighed before kids, but even to head to a relatively normal weight for someone my age and height I would still have to lose 80 POUNDS. It seems so daunting. Yes I know, make mini goals, yada yada. But even that is discouraging. Because then I might reach a goal of 10 lbs lost but I will still be fat. Even if I lose 50 lbs I will still be fat. Grrr, see my own negative self talk does me no good. I have to deal with this now. I am sending myself to an early grave if I keep going at this rate, PLUS my oldest boy is rapidly gaining too. I am not raising them as healthily as I can because of my own lifestyle choices. Added into it all I know that I am an emotional eater. Before kids, I shopped to deal with my stress etc. After kids I had less money to shop so I ate. and I ate. And I ate. No more!


Long and short of it is I needed to make a thread to vent that out and to force me to be accountable for my weight loss and healthier habits to share with my kids to make sure they are healthy.


Feel free to kick my butt into action to exercise, and to slap me for bad food choices. I need that dose of reality to keep me going on this because clearly I have not been doing it on my own.


:grouphug: I vote for strength training. You can change a lot with a set of dumbells. I'm sorry I can't offer more than that.

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I like my 30 day shred video BUT after 2-3 days I can not physically move, and so then I stop doing it until I can move without pain, and that can take a full week. Then I try again and repeat the cycle. I need to find things I can do daily without killing myself in the process and without making it be such a boring chore.


Exercise should invigorate you, not exhaust you, especially if you are easily discouraged. I recommend leslie sansone. She has 1-5 mile walks that can be adjusted for difficulty. She theorizes that since the body is designed to walk, that walking is one of the most efficient & painless exercises you can do. I really, really recommend her if you are having a hard time staying on track. Google her name and you will find many testimonials of people losing a lot of weight walking with her.


Here are links to an easy 2 mile walk (you can start with just 1 mile):






I have her 5 mile walk/ jog dvd which is great but a bit harder. She is great because she is so encouraging.


I would also suggest




even if you plan to do a non-calorie focused eating plan. It's very useful information to know what your average calorie intake is, and you can use their calculators to determine what your maintenance/ loss intake levels should be.


They have message boards there that can be helpful as well.



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Honestly I am in the same boat but the IF diet has been really easy for me. I just eat a meal at 12, an apple at about 3, a light something at like 5 and then no more food til noon the next day. I don't own a scale so I don't know how much I weigh but I can tell you that pants fit better around the waist. I can tell when I get up in the morning that my tummy seems flatter. For me it is eat/ don't eat. I am not good with saying no to food if I am allowed to eat it. I am not even hungry!

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I'm also 80 pounds overweight :(


My husband is gorgeous and resembles the statue of David.... so when we go out, I see other women give us that "what in the WORLD is he doing with HER?" look. :glare:


I was a size 4-6 when we were dating, but I was also in the Army, that helped ;)


I work out with a trainer twice a week, but I have PCOS so it isn't enough. I need to be working out everyday.


I'm also going next week to get my hormones checked b/c I'm going to start using progesterone cream.


Maybe you should go to the doctor to get all your stuff checked and see if you have any issues that are making it harder to lose weight....


I know what you mean about the pictures.... you look at them and think, "WHO is that?"


Good luck!

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Any book by Geneen Roth, I especially like When Food is Love. You can also check out Carol Tuttle's blog here; she talks often about weight and emotional issues. When you're talking to yourself, make sure you do it as if you were talking to one of your children. You certainly wouldn't say disparaging things to them if you were trying to help them make positive changes. You won't "hate" yourself into making a change; taking care of yourself is an act of love, so start loving yourself! Yes, you may be carrying around too much weight, but you're still awesome! Look for the good and you'll find it.


Good Luck!

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Couch 2 5k.


Just do it. You own tennis shoes. Put them on, find 30 min you can go outside or on a treadmill 3 x a week.




If you can raise a handful of kids on your own, you have enough self control to do something 30 min three times a week.


When I wanted to cave to an excuse during c25k, I'd kick my own ass by reminding myself how self important and ridiculous it was to claim I couldn't find 90 min a WEEK to exercise. Be real, no one is that freaking important. Certainly not me.


You don't have to run out and buy fancy shoes right now. Start the program with whatever tennis shoes you have. If the $$ is tight, then start saving, or sell off some old curricula, and in a few weeks, buy some decent shoes. Thats all you really need, and you can start even without nice shoes,


Just do it. You will never regret it.


There is nothing as cool as the feeling you get when you first run a full mile or a full 5k, or, a full half marathon. . . I can't tell you how great it feels to run your first marathon, but i will be able to say come may 2012. I started couch to 5 k thirteen months ago. . . Ran my 13.1 half marathon 4 months ago . . . Never looking back.


Just move. Screw the diet stuff. Just move. Respect your body, gain control over it via hard exercise . . . And the diet stuff will come together later as you learn to see food as a fuel instead of whatever emotional thing it currently is.


And, sure, you can bike instead of run, or whatever. I just find running uniquely hard and thus uniquely satisfying. There is no cheating in running, lol. You can't coast. Every freaking step is a challenge. It is also cheap, social, time efficient, portable, and fun. It also burns a crazy number of calories. At 155#, I can burn 800 calories in a 7 mile, 80 min run. It would take me about 2 1/2 hours to burn that much walking, and I don't have that kind of time.


Just my 2 c . . .

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I was tired of feeling miserable so I started walking.


15 minutes a day became 20 minutes. Then it became 30. Now I'm exercising for at least 60 minutes a day.


I've lost 35 pounds since June 19th. Yeah, I still have more to lose but when I lost the first 13 or so pounds I realized I FELT better. I felt physically and emotionally better than I had in a long while.


Exercise is the only thing that made any difference for me though. It snapped me out of my funk.:


This!! Congrats, Daisy! This is what I am talking about. Exercise changes the way you think about yourself, and everything else can then come together. Beautiful testimony!

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Could you try to make a list of some way you can add physical activity to your day?


Perhaps you can start 'running' a errand by walking or biking. We do many errands on bike or foot.


Perhaps you can do all the snow removal this year. That is assuming you somehow managed to avoid it last year. :)


Perhaps you can find a walking partner. Last year at our local indoor running track I organized a homeschool parent walk and talk once a week. The track was free to use at that time. Parents could meet and walk and talk for a hour.


Why not try to join a low impact activity. Even something like bowling gets you up and out of the house, moving around. Sure you wouldn't burn much energy bowling. But it wouldn't make things worse. It might also one day lead to interest in another more physically active sport.


One thing I say/think to certain people in my life about certain issues is ... So far you tired Nothing! Doing nothing didn't work. Sure my suggestion isn't a guaranteed magical fix. But I'm sure it's better then doing nothing. Sure doing wonderful program XYZ would be better. But my idea of doing a little something is much better then nothing, and even better then spending weeks thinking about doing wonderful program XYZ, and the reasons you can't do wonderful program XYZ.


Also try to find small ways or goals to improve what / when / how much you are eating.


Find one thing to fix on the food intake front, and fix it.


Great ideas. I already do all snow removal and last year we had a TON. It's funny in our old house we had 2 levels so we had stairs. I never realized how much I used those stairs until be bought a bungelow. I gained 20 lbs since we moved here, same foods, otherwise same amount of exercise, but no stairs.


Yeah the food intake. I do shop the perimeter of the stores mostly and don't buy the junk food, but I love to bake it :D cookies, cakes, pies yummy. I do love a good burger etc. I am not a fan of most fruit but need to incorporate it into my diet more. I do buy white pasta and such because it is so much cheaper ($1 per pack for white vs $3 per package for whole wheat etc). I think I am going to focus on portion sizes to start. I love eating too much and I know if I try to restrict too much right now it will backfire, it always has. Even when I am eating the right foods I eat huge amounts of them, (like 2-3 L servings at dinner, then hungry again at 8 pm and again at midnight). Maybe if I stick with 1 serving and only a little bit at 8 (I tend to eat a second supper at 8, I can try changing it into a snack), and skip the midnight hunger pangs. Like I might make a really good chili for supper and eat 3 bowls at supper, 1-2 at 8 and another at midnight, along with some toast for carbs. So even though the chili itself is a good thing to eat I eat crazy amounts of it.


Especially with xmas right around the corner with all the good baked goods etc. If I refuse to allow myself any I will cheat like crazy, I always do, but maybe if I limit myself to 1 treat per party, smaller portions at meals and skip my usual glass of wine at the xmas dinner(I skipped it last night at Thanksgiving, so it was a start). That might work better than tossing out all my yummy foods.


You ladies are awesome for ideas.

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Oh boy, I can completely identify with you. I'm 80 lbs too big too and it just keeps getting worse because I'm in denial. Although I've read a ton of health/diet books, I've just started one on emotional eating which is really making sense to me. The Emotional Diet. I got it from Amazon. It incorporates all kinds of techniques including EFT.


(I still haven't figured out how to post avatars and pretty stuff like everyone else has, but I want to start posting... )




Hey, maybe you want an accountability partner??


Thanks for the title I am going to see if the library has it.

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You are going too hard in the beginning. Pick a different exercise and work your way up. Soreness is good, can't move the next day is counterproductive. You have to go at your current level of fitness. For mild soreness, continue to exercise and the soreness will work itself out.


Walk/run/jog with some music.


Also, if you have the cash, get a glutamine supplement. It helps with recovery.



Thanks for the idea, I will look into getting that supplement

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Look into "EFT" - Emotional Freedom Techniques. Start with Google and YouTube.


I've never personally done it, but my inlaws have. Their transformations have been amazing. Enough so that I'm a believer. You're right; it's just as important -if not moreseo- to address the psychological aspect as it is the physiological stuff.



I know exactly what I will be googling tonight when the kids go to bed :D Thanks for the tip

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Pretend there is a "Healthy Cart Award" at the grocery store. Don't put anything in that cart that puts you at risk of losing your award. Peek into other people's carts and see all the bad food they are buying! You are winning! Think of it this way: when you buy junk food and processed food you are basically spending your hard earned money to make yourself and your family sick! Shop the perimeter of the store. Don't go down the junk food aisles at all. Fill the cart with veggies and fruits and whole grains, lean meats, eggs and skim milk. If you don't bring it home, you can't eat it.


If anger motivates you, read (or watch) the recent books and movies on how the food industry knowingly creates and markets dangerous processed foods that they know are addictive and unhealthy: Fast Food Nation; Supersize Me; Food Inc.; Food Fight.


Walk with your kids everyday.


Capt. Uhura and LG Gone Wild are excellent exercise role models. Listen to them.


Exercise (at your level) will help you balance your emotions, really helps with depression.



Great ideas! Thank you. I do have fast food nation and pandora's picnic basket here in my must read piles, maybe I will bump them up to the top of my list :001_smile:

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Exercise should invigorate you, not exhaust you, especially if you are easily discouraged. I recommend leslie sansone. She has 1-5 mile walks that can be adjusted for difficulty. She theorizes that since the body is designed to walk, that walking is one of the most efficient & painless exercises you can do. I really, really recommend her if you are having a hard time staying on track. Google her name and you will find many testimonials of people losing a lot of weight walking with her.


Here are links to an easy 2 mile walk (you can start with just 1 mile):






I have her 5 mile walk/ jog dvd which is great but a bit harder. She is great because she is so encouraging.


I would also suggest




even if you plan to do a non-calorie focused eating plan. It's very useful information to know what your average calorie intake is, and you can use their calculators to determine what your maintenance/ loss intake levels should be.


They have message boards there that can be helpful as well.




Awesome! Thank you for the links and name for that walking program. I will look into them further tonight.

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I hit a wall a few years ago when I was at my highest weight. I remember I was out on a date with my husband, and I was feeling pretty glam in my new outfit. I was standing in the restraunt bathroom and admiring myself in the mirror while I washed my hands, when Little Miss Skinny Minny walked into the bathroom and made me feel like a hippo. I had that negative self talk too, "Why can't *I* be like that? How did she get to be so lucky? Why am I stuck being fat? I'll never be that skinny in my life", and then it struck me like a ton of bricks: "Why the **** NOT??"


That was a changing point for me. Even though my weight didn't change for a while, my *outlook* on life did. I didn't care if it took 2 years or 10 years to drop the weight. I could either roll out of bed 10 years down the road X-lbs lighter, or roll out of bed exactly where I was that day, if not (probably) larger. Those years were going to go by regardless of the choice I made, so I decided to make the choice I knew I'd be happy with 10 years down the road. And I am. :)


Well said!!!!! You have inspired me...

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That might work better than tossing out all my yummy foods.


You ladies are awesome for ideas.


one thhingidid when trying to limit my coke habit (the drink, not the drug. :glare: ).


I just would not buy it on my usual shopping trip. I could muster up and think, I don't want or need it right now. That way when i wanted it later i couldn't have it, or would have to go for a walk to get it...


If you don't buy it, you don't have it, and then can't eat it.

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Does anyone think we need a daily exercise support thread? Someone posts a thread every day about the evening meal. So I suppose a daily thread about exercise should be okay.


Yes! I think that would be great!! I would be willing to post the daily thread... then I *have* to exercise myself if I am posting it! :)




I am thinking about something like this maybe. I am thinking I might get the kids to do it with me at first anyway.




C25K is awesome. I lost 20 pounds in 2 months, then I got pregnant and I didn't keep it up. I really want to start it again. It is just finding the time to go to the track and walk/run it!


Great ideas. I already do all snow removal and last year we had a TON. It's funny in our old house we had 2 levels so we had stairs. I never realized how much I used those stairs until be bought a bungelow. I gained 20 lbs since we moved here, same foods, otherwise same amount of exercise, but no stairs.


Yeah the food intake. I do shop the perimeter of the stores mostly and don't buy the junk food, but I love to bake it :D cookies, cakes, pies yummy. I do love a good burger etc. I am not a fan of most fruit but need to incorporate it into my diet more. I do buy white pasta and such because it is so much cheaper ($1 per pack for white vs $3 per package for whole wheat etc). I think I am going to focus on portion sizes to start. I love eating too much and I know if I try to restrict too much right now it will backfire, it always has. Even when I am eating the right foods I eat huge amounts of them, (like 2-3 L servings at dinner, then hungry again at 8 pm and again at midnight). Maybe if I stick with 1 serving and only a little bit at 8 (I tend to eat a second supper at 8, I can try changing it into a snack), and skip the midnight hunger pangs. Like I might make a really good chili for supper and eat 3 bowls at supper, 1-2 at 8 and another at midnight, along with some toast for carbs. So even though the chili itself is a good thing to eat I eat crazy amounts of it.


Especially with xmas right around the corner with all the good baked goods etc. If I refuse to allow myself any I will cheat like crazy, I always do, but maybe if I limit myself to 1 treat per party, smaller portions at meals and skip my usual glass of wine at the xmas dinner(I skipped it last night at Thanksgiving, so it was a start). That might work better than tossing out all my yummy foods.


You ladies are awesome for ideas.


You could be talking for me there. I have an issue with portion control. I can't (won't?) eat one bowl. I made chili the first weekend in October and I ate way to much of it.

I to love to bake. LOVE it. October to January is my favorite time of year. I cook and bake up a storm. I am trying to bring it with me to dd's activities and give it away so I don't eat it.

I also have a large affinity to burgers myself. They are a weakness of mine.

I need to lose about 50 pounds. (Although realistically *I* think I should lose about 40-45.. but whatever :P)


We can do this ladies!

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Have you tried 8 Minutes in the Morning? If time is a factor that can really help.

I think all of us who are trying to lose weight should put down how much we want to lose and share how much we do each month. It'd be a great motivator. I totally agree with the stairs theory. Where we live now there are no stairs and I'm finding it hard to keep the weight down with the same diet as before.

I was trying to lose 40 lbs. before Christmas. It's not happening but I have lost 15 lbs. I still look big (I'm short), but I feel much more energized. Walking feels easier since I'm not carrying those 15 lbs. around with me all the time. I changed my goal to losing the weight by next June. I may finish the race late, but if I at least finish I'll be happy.

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"I do shop the perimeter of the stores mostly and don't buy the junk food, but I love to bake it :D cookies, cakes, pies yummy." by SwellMomma


Look at that! You are already ahead of most Americans. You buy whole foods and you know how to cook! When my dh went to a nutritionist with a list of what he typically eats (mostly fairly healthy homemade stuff--that was back before homeschooling when I still cooked for him), she was surprised and said "Most of my patients eat cheetos and coke for breakfast!" Portion control is my husband's hurdle too. Just measure your portions (measuring cups or scale) and aim to reduce them slowly over a period of weeks. You'll hardly notice. You might also want to try replacing some of the sweet dishes with savory ones--also satisfying.


You can do it!

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Watch your liquid calories. This was hurting me terribly and I had no idea until I started drinking a lot more water. I still drink a daily soda but I also drink a ton more water than I use to. It is making a difference fairly quickly.


I use to drink a lot of sweetened tea and now I that is a treat for me.


Anyway, I was really surprised at the difference.

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"I do shop the perimeter of the stores mostly and don't buy the junk food, but I love to bake it :D cookies, cakes, pies yummy." by SwellMomma


Look at that! You are already ahead of most Americans. You buy whole foods and you know how to cook! When my dh went to a nutritionist with a list of what he typically eats (mostly fairly healthy homemade stuff--that was back before homeschooling when I still cooked for him), she was surprised and said "Most of my patients eat cheetos and coke for breakfast!" Portion control is my husband's hurdle too. Just measure your portions (measuring cups or scale) and aim to reduce them slowly over a period of weeks. You'll hardly notice. You might also want to try replacing some of the sweet dishes with savory ones--also satisfying.


You can do it!


Oh. My. Goodness. :glare: I am not one of those sanctimonious clean eaters but wow, that stuns me and my low standards.

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one thhingidid when trying to limit my coke habit (the drink, not the drug. :glare: ).


I just would not buy it on my usual shopping trip. I could muster up and think, I don't want or need it right now. That way when i wanted it later i couldn't have it, or would have to go for a walk to get it...


If you don't buy it, you don't have it, and then can't eat it.


Me, too. Of course if I could have traded one Coke habit for another, I wouldn't have to worry about weight loss.... :lol::lol:



I'm probably the only person who will laugh at that. Odd sense of humor, me.

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Me, too. Of course if I could have traded one Coke habit for another, I wouldn't have to worry about weight loss.... :lol::lol:



I'm probably the only person who will laugh at that. Odd sense of humor, me.


I also just realized it could sound like I had two habits, the drink and the drugs... And only felt it worth while to limit the drink habit. :$


Honestly it was just habit if drinker to much of a caffeinated beverage.

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I also just realized it could sound like I had two habits, the drink and the drugs... And only felt it worth while to limit the drink habit. :$


Honestly it was just habit if drinker to much of a caffeinated beverage.


Yeah. I had to cut off the Coca-Cola supply completely. I still allow myself one if we're eating out. Which happens approximately once every 2-3 months. But if it's in the house, I'm drinking it. There's no rationing-- I'm a ridiculous "Coke" addict.

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Great ideas ladies. I would also love to join in on a thread to keep up with exercise/weight loss. I have done really well with getting rid of most pop, now if I drink it I drink Coke zero and that is usually only once a week. I do drink coffee everyday, though it does not have much in it (1/4tsp sugar and a splash of milk, or a splash of flavored creamer instead of milk and sugar). I do need to increase my water intake again, thanks for the reminder on that. I know I have to do it but then slip in it again.



I completely forgot about 8 minutes in the morning. I have 2 of the books on my bookshelves and forgot I had them until you mentioned them.

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Oh. My. Goodness. :glare: I am not one of those sanctimonious clean eaters but wow, that stuns me and my low standards.


Mine too! That is terrible.


Me, too. Of course if I could have traded one Coke habit for another, I wouldn't have to worry about weight loss.... :lol::lol:


I'm probably the only person who will laugh at that. Odd sense of humor, me.


You had me laughing.

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I know you are already a member of the Weight Loss Challenge social group, but please, come participate. We have two challenges going this month. The first is exercise, to exercise at least 4 times/week. It doesn't matter how long or how hard, just start moving! The second challenge this month is food tracking. Write down everything you eat and how much. It is much easier to change what you are eating if you REALLY know what you are eating.


I stop by the group at least once every day. I post every time I workout or track my food for the day and a weigh in on Thursday. Classical Country Mama does the same and her weight loss is inspiring!


Come on over anyone who wants to be encouraged or held accountable. We'd love to have you! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?groupid=129

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