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Truth or Dare?

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So has the virtual board of WTM evolved into a place where you either agree to the OP of a thread or are not allowed/expected to post in the thread? Seems like only a pat on the back is requested and any other kind of response is ridiculed or the thread turns to only disagreeing with OP without entering a discussion or argument. We ought to be able to exchange respectful opinions and disagreements; otherwise why bother reading and posting??

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While that may be the case in some threads, it is definitely not the way it is in all. I have frequently expressed a disagreeing opinion on these boards without having the experience you describe. In fact, I can honestly say that I've engaged in or read through numerous threads during my time here that have contained respectful discussions that have had opposing viewpoints.


I'm sorry you've had negative experiences.




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So has the virtual board of WTM evolved into a place where you either agree to the OP of a thread or are not allowed/expected to post in the thread? Seems like only a pat on the back is requested and any other kind of response is ridiculed or the thread turns to only disagreeing with OP without entering a discussion or argument. We ought to be able to exchange respectful opinions and disagreements; otherwise why bother reading and posting??


I'm not seeing what you are seeing. The board seems pretty much the same as it always is. Some deep discusions, some silly ones, some bickering, some helpful posts, some harsh posts, some reasonable responses, some overly sensitive responses.... It all seems pretty typical to me.

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Oh, there are always people like that. I've been on the WTM boards for at least 9 years and it's not a new thing. Yes, some threads can get ugly. It's strongly held opinions, doubts, moods, and spilled milk. IRL, we might hold our tongues out of politeness. On the internet though, everything goes. It's the lovely anonymity. For example, it's very easy to feel like you've gotten the last word when you post and then never return to look at responses. It's also easy, in that situation, to not even contemplate how upset you've made someone. You don't have to see them. Out of sight, out of mind.

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I'm totally fine with people posting a different opinion from mine. I don't care for people who have different opinions and then slam the original OP for obviously being ignorant (and I am not referring to you at all OM). I think some people here don't post a response unless they are having a bad day, and want to virtually flay someone.

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I think it happens some of the time because the OP feels like responders don't understand what she meant. Of course they can only interpret what the OP actually SAID. You can't really trust someone's agreement or disagreement if you think they've misinterpreted you.



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Well, I think you are wrong. ;)






This board seems to go in cycles and we are in a weird part of the cycle right now, imo.


Maybe it is because it's October, and the excitement of new curriculum and the new school year has worn off. :D

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I think it is more common with certain personality types. Some people just want validation, not conversation. When there are more people posting who have this personality type, it seems like the board gets a bit tilted in that direction. Once other posters who welcome conversation start posting more, the board will appear to tilt back the other way.


There are certain posters that I rarely respond to based on previous threads where they only expected agreement. I don't block or ignore....I just don't participate.

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I notice the opposite. It seems to me like people get jumped on a lot around here if they post something a lot of people disagree with. This isn't a place I feel comfortable coming to for support. I would come here with a specific problem that I wanted a lot of input or advice about but probably not support. People would tell me how wrong I am, then I'd get upset and then people would gripe that I just wanted people to agree with me, which would basically be true. It's nice to have a bunch of people saying "Yeah, you're right, that's totally reasonable!" On one hand, I like that people don't just do virtual pats on the head. I value honesty, I'm a pretty blunt person in real life and don't like when people just tell me what I want to hear. But on the other hand, sometimes my fragile feelings just need that. :) Can't have it both ways. Overall, I value this board and the intelligence of the women who are here and I read some fascinating discussions here very often.

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I don't think I've noticed it being any different really. But then, for the most part, I try to stay away from contentious posts. They're stressful.


Maybe that's me too because I just don't see it happening. I guess I'm just too sheltered! :D




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