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Totally stumped--need DH birthday gift ideas

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I'm usually really good at coming up with something big and surprising for DH for his birthday. This year, I'm totally stumped. He is expecting me to get him the new Star Wars Blue Ray disks; I hate getting things that aren't a surprise plus we have all the old ones and he never watches them. I thought about getting him an Ipad but they are $500 (right? let me know if I was looking at the wrong thing). Suggestions, please!

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Bacon of the month club membership?

Teaching Company lectures on CD to listen to in the car?

Sweatshirt with his college team on it?


These have been my husband's best-received gifts lately, though I have never, ever done better than the year I gave him weekly lawn service.



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Does he golf or play any other sports? My dh loves a gift card to his favorite golf shop.


Does he workout? The new generation of hand weights are amazing -- dh just got a set.


E-reader? something else electronic? New phone?


Zero hobbies unless you cound playing Xbox once a month :glare:. His phone is old; maybe I'll give him permission to upgrade.

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I'm usually really good at coming up with something big and surprising for DH for his birthday. This year, I'm totally stumped. He is expecting me to get him the new Star Wars Blue Ray disks;
Have you seen the rating on Amazon? Amazing that Star Wars has a 2.5-star rating! I think many people have had enough of George Lucas changing those movies!
A Kindle Fire is much like an iPad but costs $200.
:iagree: We have iPads, but we are relegating them to the children and MomsintheGarden and I are moving *down* to the Kindle Fire. It will not come out until November 15, however.
I thought about that but they don't ship until mid-Nov. I hate giving IOUs. Hmmmm...
Please remind us... When is your husband's birthday? ;-) Edited by RegGuheert
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Zero hobbies unless you cound playing Xbox once a month :glare:. His phone is old; maybe I'll give him permission to upgrade.


I have no brilliant suggestions, unfortunately, but I wanted to commiserate. My husband is impossible to find gifts for, and he gets his feelings hurt if I don't somehow manage to get him something great. I start stressing out about Christmas several months in advance, knowing I'll fail again.


He also has no hobbies, for all intents and purposes. He plays World of Warcraft, but he isn't into merchandise for it.


He watches TV, but has no favorite shows.


He already owns an iPhone, iPad (which he doesn't use), a new computer, etc.


He doesn't play or watch sports.


It's tough. You are not alone!


(I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone comes up with an idea I can steal!)

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I'm not good with presents, but Dh tells me that last year I hit the nail on the head -- took his car to get the maintenance done (which he can never find time to do himself) and get it detailed, and bought new rubbery floormats to replace the coffee-stained carpet ones. He spends a lot of his workday in his car, so he really appreciated it. :)

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My most creative gift I gave DH was an iPod playlist with a song from every year that he has been alive.


That's a good one! Along those lines, a friend gave my DH a song a day for a year - basically an iPod list with a song for every day of the year. They have similar music tastes, but different enough that there were some fun new songs on that list. I would never have had the patience to put that together. :)


My best gifts to DH have always been experiences - some more expensive than others. Last year I scored front row center seats to the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, so we did a NYC trip, with a trip to see a great Egyptian exhibit thrown in for good measure. It was a huge hit. The best part was seeing my FIL *blush* when DH received the gift!!! (We picked up a DVD for him, for Christmas :) ) That's not in our budget this year though.


What does DH like to do with the kids? What about museum memberships? Plays? Concerts coming up?


My DH has a bday coming up too, and we are surprising him with a night hike through a beautiful area. I'm watching this thread for more gift ideas...


ETA: I love the car maintenance idea, too! Getting it detailed - what a great idea!

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HA! DH's birthday was yesterday and I got him the Star Wars Blu Ray set. He loved it and it was a surprise for him. I knew he wanted them though.


We aren't surprise type people. I don't like them at all. That may seem weird, but that is just how I am.




I'm usually really good at coming up with something big and surprising for DH for his birthday. This year, I'm totally stumped. He is expecting me to get him the new Star Wars Blue Ray disks; I hate getting things that aren't a surprise plus we have all the old ones and he never watches them. I thought about getting him an Ipad but they are $500 (right? let me know if I was looking at the wrong thing). Suggestions, please!
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There is such a thing?! :w00t:


Of course there is! I gave one from a place called Ted's Butcher Shop in Charleston or Charlotte or something else that starts with a C, and at least last Christmas, to order, you actually had to call Ted. It was a huge hit here. My husband looked forward to Bacon Delivery Day with great anticipation and was sad when his six months came to an end.



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Of course there is! I gave one from a place called Ted's Butcher Shop in Charleston or Charlotte or something else that starts with a C, and at least last Christmas, to order, you actually had to call Ted. It was a huge hit here. My husband looked forward to Bacon Delivery Day with great anticipation and was sad when his six months came to an end.






Just found my husband's birthday gift. He will love it!!

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Mmmm Bacon=meat candy.


(I think I got that from here...)


How about you get him the dvds, then dress up like Princess Leia in that famous Jabba the Hut scene?

That'd surprise him.


Or maybe not. :D I don't know you that well.

:lurk5: That is a GREAT idea (I just had to pop out of lurking on this thread to say so).


My hubs is hard to get gifts for. The last "surprise" gift I got him was to take his old mobile phone and trade up for a smartphone. He's not techie at all and really disliked having to learn how to use the new phone. Right now, he IS grateful for mobile email, but asked me not to surprise him anymore. :tongue_smilie:

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Mmmm Bacon=meat candy.


(I think I got that from here...)


How about you get him the dvds, then dress up like Princess Leia in that famous Jabba the Hut scene?

That'd surprise him.


Or maybe not. :D I don't know you that well.



I'm 4 months pregnant with our 5th so it might not look EXACTLY like movie...

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