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Pet Peeves

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Major peeve- People who do not even acknowledge that you went out of your way to let them into traffic or to hold a door for them.


Yes... I mean you "Mr. Full-Suit Business Man with the cell phone glued to your ear who did not even glance at my dd13 who politely went out of her way to hold the door of the restaurant open for you this past week".


I have spent years teaching my children good manners and a respect for other people. Thank you for screwing that up with your selfish, entitled attitude!


(Is it wrong that I have the tendency lately to give a very loud "You're welcome" after encountering oafs such as above?)


Oh, there are so many mentioned that I agree with, but this is a big one for me. I have to admit that a loud "You're welcome" is exactly what I do. I swear that some people think that I am a paid doorman or something. :confused:

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I have a lot of pet peeves, and am trying to work on not getting so bothered by them. Lately, I've been the most annoyed by folks misspelling "definitely."


That has always been a frequently misspelled word (I remember accusing a former boyfriend of egomania by always spelling it definately--his name was Nate), but with auto-correct I am now noticing a whole lot of people defiantly doing the most innocuous things!


I don't really get too peeved by things unless they are mistakes made in places where grammatical mistakes shouldn't be (newspaper articles, for example). Grammatical mistakes are a part of life for us laymen, but printed materials and teleprompters should be held to a higher standard.


That said, it does bother me somewhat when people (especially family members who should know better) say "Her and ______ or Him and ______". If that other person wasn't with them would you say "Her went to the store" or "Him is having a party"? This one just seems so obvious so I think that's why I find it a little irritating.

(I know some people here would be irritated by my use of "them" instead of "him or her", but I'm more comfortable using "them" and feel it's a matter of preference.)


I do find humor in mistakes sometimes. The first time I read "I need to nip it in butt", I laughed and laughed. I still smirk if I come across it (I have not seen it here at WTM).

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Oh, one more!

When people think they are justified in correcting another poster's grammar because it's a "pet peeve" of theirs. I like pet peeve threads, but doing it on an individual basis is obnoxious.


ETA: I don't have anyone in particular in mind, it's just something I've seen from time to time, but have no idea who it was and even if I did I wouldn't hold it against them.

Edited by LeslieAnneLevine
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Well, the people across the street leave the dog out in the front yard every day for most of the afternoon. I know they are home because I can see them. He barks at anything that moves, even at people he knows and has seen every day. His bark is deep, loud and annoying, but at least it's mostly during the day.


The people behind me, on the other hand, may be getting some flaming bags of dog poop on their porch soon, because not only does their little dog yip for hours late at night, starting at around 11:00PM, but he gets loose and comes into my backyard and leaves me little piles! I'm thinking of scooping them up and delivering them back to the owners, either via flaming bag, or via catapult, just randomly flung towards their abode! :tongue_smilie:

We have had great success with writing the neighbors a note/letter. Something like, "I'm sure you're unaware that when you leave your dog out at night it barks constantly for hours." After that, they keep it inside for many months.

We have 2 dogs and they like to bark but we don't let them stay outside and bark for more than a few minutes.


For the poop, I would definitely leave a bag with a note on their front porch.



Auto-correct drives me bonkers.


I would rather read a message with poor spelling than have to guess what the intended meaning is.


... When she wrote giraffe did she mean garbage? Maybe garbled? Was it gifts? Hmm... Could be glibly. Aaargh!!!








Something that really drives me crazy. Stores that seem to do the majority of their shelf stocking during the day! I *know* that stores used to do this at night. It drives me NUTS when I'm shopping and I have to try and get my cart around big pallets in the middle of the aisle.:glare:

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Calling a suite of furniture (bedroom suite, for example) a "suit."



Well, according to Merriam-Webster, it can be pronounced both ways (soot or sweet). It might be a regional thing, though. I've never, ever heard it pronounced "sweet" and have always heard it pronounced "soot". Maybe it won't bother you as much to know that it's ok to say it either way. :)


My peeves:


Making a noun into a verb. "I'm going to gift him a bedroom suite." ;) Or, "I'm going to sale these books." No, you GAVE him a bedroom suite and you're going to SELL the books.


Lately, my second biggest peeve is when playing scrabble online and your opponent realizes they're not going to win, they just up and quit. That really bugs me! Big cry babies!


And, my biggest biggest peeve right now is when people butt into conversations they're not invited into. I have a coworker that I've dubbed, "Princess Pop-Up" because A) she's the most princessy person I've EVER met and B) she will "pop up" over the wall of the cubicle to butt into conversations I'm having with others. They could be work-related, or personal, but she'll find a way to butt in and make the conversation about her.

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My pet peeve is going through the drive-thru at McDonald's and not realizing they didn't make my DD's cheeseburger plain until we're two miles down the road.


It seriously makes me want to fire bomb the place!!


LOL DH hates to go through the drive through with me. I will sit at the window and check every item in the bag to make sure it is correct. LOL I say 'it is my dollar, my time and my turn' if they screwed up my order, they need to fix it. If I bring the whole drive through to a stop, then the drive though workers inside have plenty of time to fix it!


BTW: I work in retail. I have the same philosophy for my customers. When it is their turn at my counter, it is their turn and they can take as much Legitimate time as they need.

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I am not a grammar person, so I have no idea if this is correct english or not... but it sounds so wrong.


"I'm going to WalMart wanna come with?" It really bugs me when people end questions with the word 'with'. What happened to 'with me' or 'with us'.


Oh, and I agree with all the people who said they think the slogan is "Nobody does it like Sara Lee."

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Just now, Nerf guns. Nerf bullets all over every room I've just tidied and cleaned. Boys playing Nerf wars, shouting and screaming and bouncing around the house until it seems to shake.


Tell me they bored of Nerf guns in no time at all.



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Didn't get to read all the responses, but "it is what it is" gets annoying.


Ha! "It is what it is" was on a list recently on the BBC News site of Americanisms that the British most hate. I quite like it, it expresses an acceptance of life's irritations that I find rather calming.




ETA http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14201796 see number 7

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Entitled dog owners (just because you love and want to spend time with your dog..doesn't mean I do).


People who mosey at a snail's pace across the street after I've stopped when I didn't need to to allow them to cross (this mostly seems to happen with teenagers).


People who think I care even a teeeeeennnssssyyyy bit that they're child is "gifted" (which..everyone's kid nowadays seems to be..somehow defying the top 2% of the population stat)


Anyone who has their face constantly stuck in their phone, mobile device or whatever (it's just annoying to me)


The spelling police


The grammar police

Edited by ShutterBug
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Entitled dog owners (just because you love and want to spend time with your dog..doesn't mean I do).


People who mosey at a snail's pace across the street after I've stopped when I didn't need to to allow them to cross (this mostly seems to happen with teenagers).


People who think I care even a teeeeeennnssssyyyy bit that they're child is "gifted" (which..everyone's kid nowadays seems to be..somehow defying the top 2% of the population stat)


Anyone who has their face constantly stuck in their phone, mobile device or whatever (it's just annoying to me)


The spelling police

The grammar police


Okay, I gotta ask, did you do this on purpose? :D

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Oh. Um. Hm. :001_unsure: Perhaps you're just the slight bit more worked up about a cheeseburger than you should be. I mean, really? Fire bomb? :tongue_smilie:


Yup...If you could see the melt down that occurs over such a cheeseburger you'd be thinking of ways to inflict as much destruction as possible, too.

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I've got another: horrible grammar and spelling and use of metaphor in worship songs at church. "and like a flood Your mercy reigns" WHAT does that MEAN???? (rhetorical question; we don't need to speculate on what the lyricist actually meant.) :D


:lol::lol::lol: THANK YOU for the laugh today!!!!

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I am not a grammar person, so I have no idea if this is correct english or not... but it sounds so wrong.


"I'm going to WalMart wanna come with?" It really bugs me when people end questions with the word 'with'. What happened to 'with me' or 'with us'.


FWIW, this could be a holdover from German. Some German verbs have a separable prefix that comes off and gets stuck on the end of a sentence. "mitkommen" means "to come with", so you might say something like "Ich gehe nach WalMart, kommst du mit?" Yeah, way more than you wanted to know . . . :001_smile: I agree that it's annoying in English.



ETA: You're welcome, JulieH. :)

Edited by LAS in LA
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I've got another: horrible grammar and spelling and use of metaphor in worship songs at church. "and like a flood Your mercy reigns" WHAT does that MEAN???? (rhetorical question; we don't need to speculate on what the lyricist actually meant.) :D


That's my favorite part of the song :D.


Wouldn't that be personification, too? Maybe so many worship songs are full of metaphors and personification b/c the Bible is too.


Mercy triumphs over judgment!

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The slogan "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee" drives me insane and makes me want to boycott their products (why do they have to make such yummy stuff that makes boycotting impossible??!!) :glare:


Oh yes, this one definitely grates on me! I think they leave it that way purposely, for those who catch the double negative as well as those who hear the "does it like" instead. Either way, it's a beneficial message for the company. But still, very annoying. It also reminds me of my personal pet peeve, but it was already mentioned:



My pet peeve is "could care less."


This drives me nuts!! I tend to get a little snarky: "Really? You could care less? How much less?" :D

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