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Does the Number '666' Freak You Out?

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No but I am kind of OCD about numbers. I prefer odd numbers to even ones and then like some and dislike others without any rhyme or reason. I like 3,6 & 9 epsecially, 9 being my favorite. I like 7 and 5 is ok but dislike 2 and 4. Eight is ok because it is made up of two odd numbers 5+3 but ten is not. :confused: There is not really any explaining it. I can just think of a number and tell you if I like it or not. I am generally fond of primes. There are other OCDs in my family who prefer just the opposite which makes for some interesting tuning of levels on the tv, radio, thermostat, etc. :001_smile:

Edited by KidsHappen
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We had a van for several years, and the license plate started with 666. That was a bit disconcerting.


When I was a teenager, I attended a weekly Bible study at the home of an awesome family who owned a car with the license plate "666-AXE" (not a vanity plate, they just got that one). I thought that was pretty cool!

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It doesn't bother me when it is random and meaningless. I do raise my eyebrows when it seems to correspond with something politically...


For example, in a European country there is headquarters for the European Union, which is built to look like the tower of Babel (although we have not photographs, there is an artists' rendition and that is what it is built to have the appearance of) and it is built to look "unfinished" like the tower of Babylon and the tower of Babylon is when, Biblically speaking, one language used by all people turned into many languages to confuse and disperse the population. Anyway, the headquarters slogan is something like "many languages, one voice" and it has a large room with seats for all the representatives of countries who have joined up with the European Union and it has over 700 seats... One seat alone remains empty and is to be assigned in the future and it is seat #666.


That kind of raises my eyebrows.


Who knows. Could be nothing.


But, makes me wonder....


(PS I have never subscribed to conspiracy theories and I don't live by fear, I live by faith)

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It doesn't bother me when it is random and meaningless. I do raise my eyebrows when it seems to correspond with something politically...


For example, in a European country there is headquarters for the European Union, which is built to look like the tower of Babel (although we have not photographs, there is an artists' rendition and that is what it is built to have the appearance of) and it is built to look "unfinished" like the tower of Babylon and the tower of Babylon is when, Biblically speaking, one language used by all people turned into many languages to confuse and disperse the population. Anyway, the headquarters slogan is something like "many languages, one voice" and it has a large room with seats for all the representatives of countries who have joined up with the European Union and it has over 700 seats... One seat alone remains empty and is to be assigned in the future and it is seat #666.


That kind of raises my eyebrows.


Who knows. Could be nothing.


But, makes me wonder....


(PS I have never subscribed to conspiracy theories and I don't live by fear, I live by faith)



I Googled it. I found it very convincing.



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The very first connection that my brain makes:


666 --> "number of the beast" -->

- loved them as a teenager.


It doesn't *bother* me to end up with it as a total for money or whatever, but I'd prolly raise my eyebrows (it's never happened) and laugh a bit in that awkward "hey this is culturally superstitious for us" kinda way. Make sense?

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We were at a feis (Irish Dance competition) and picked up dds' competition numbers, which are assigned alphabetically by last name then first names. My kids were number 665 and number 667. THAT sort of weirded me out for a minute since they're always sequential since they have the same last name; then I figured it out and started to giggle. I'd've liked a photo of one of my kids in one of those gaudy dresses and crazy wigs sporting the Number of the Beast, but apparently the powers that be don't have my sense of humor.

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Ack...I can't believe I just typed it. I just noticed the number of visitors for the site was 666 (I did it again ~shudder~).


It's silly, I guess, but if my total at the store is $6.66 I'll grab a pack of gum or something to change it.

no. and my girls attended a university whose lucky number is 13. It was founded by thirteen men with thirteen dollars and thirteen prayers.

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It doesn't bother me when it is random and meaningless. I do raise my eyebrows when it seems to correspond with something politically...


For example, in a European country there is headquarters for the European Union, which is built to look like the tower of Babel (although we have not photographs, there is an artists' rendition and that is what it is built to have the appearance of) and it is built to look "unfinished" like the tower of Babylon and the tower of Babylon is when, Biblically speaking, one language used by all people turned into many languages to confuse and disperse the population. Anyway, the headquarters slogan is something like "many languages, one voice" and it has a large room with seats for all the representatives of countries who have joined up with the European Union and it has over 700 seats... One seat alone remains empty and is to be assigned in the future and it is seat #666.


That kind of raises my eyebrows.


Who knows. Could be nothing.


But, makes me wonder....


(PS I have never subscribed to conspiracy theories and I don't live by fear, I live by faith)



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For example, in a European country there is headquarters for the European Union, which is built to look like the tower of Babel (although we have not photographs, there is an artists' rendition and that is what it is built to have the appearance of) and it is built to look "unfinished" like the tower of Babylon and the tower of Babylon is when, Biblically speaking, one language used by all people turned into many languages to confuse and disperse the population. Anyway, the headquarters slogan is something like "many languages, one voice" and it has a large room with seats for all the representatives of countries who have joined up with the European Union and it has over 700 seats... One seat alone remains empty and is to be assigned in the future and it is seat #666.


I'm going to need some proof of this story. What country? What do you mean, you don't have photographs? And does anyone know exactly what the Tower of Babel looked like (I never saw any descriptions that were that detailed)?


This sounds completely made up, like an urban legend. Citation please.

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Being clueless, I had to look this up... Nope, those numbers don't bother me a bit. :)


Okay, I went and looked it up.:001_rolleyes: You'd have loved the tour guide we had a kualoa ranch - lots of lost trivia. He was very disappointed there weren't any lost fans in the group.

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I'm going to need some proof of this story. What country? What do you mean, you don't have photographs? And does anyone know exactly what the Tower of Babel looked like (I never saw any descriptions that were that detailed)?


This sounds completely made up, like an urban legend. Citation please.


Heh. Seriously, Google it. Utter nonsense. :rolleyes:

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It doesn't bother me when it is random and meaningless. I do raise my eyebrows when it seems to correspond with something politically...


For example, in a European country there is headquarters for the European Union, which is built to look like the tower of Babel (although we have not photographs, there is an artists' rendition and that is what it is built to have the appearance of) and it is built to look "unfinished" like the tower of Babylon and the tower of Babylon is when, Biblically speaking, one language used by all people turned into many languages to confuse and disperse the population. Anyway, the headquarters slogan is something like "many languages, one voice" and it has a large room with seats for all the representatives of countries who have joined up with the European Union and it has over 700 seats... One seat alone remains empty and is to be assigned in the future and it is seat #666.


That kind of raises my eyebrows.


Who knows. Could be nothing.


But, makes me wonder....


(PS I have never subscribed to conspiracy theories and I don't live by fear, I live by faith)


Living by faith is fine but add in a little research as well. Faith is great for God, not so great for the internet.


The city in Europe is Brussels, Belgium although there are two places that house the parliament of the EU, the other being in Strasbourg, France.


You can check the seating plans (just download the PDFs) for each parliament here.


According to those plans the person sitting in seat 666 in Strasbourg is a politician by the name of Matera. In Brussels it's a politician by the name of Rivasi.


The whole lie is based on some article that's over a decade old and it seems none of the countless sites that have perpetuated the lie since have bothered to fact-check it.

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Hey, I don't mind a bit of skepticism... No problem there! I said that there are no photographs of the tower of babel, but that an artists rendition was copied for this building and built to copy it...


You can google European Union any time...

You can look up the headquarters...

You can look up "empty seat 666", too!


Here you go:


For information on the European Union: http://europa.eu/index_en.htm

Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union


A simple "google images" for European Union Headquarters will show several photos of the actual building...


While I haven't read extensively on the subject and cannot attest to validity of all information at any particular source, you can see the artistic rendition of the tower of babel and the actual building "connection" here: http://watchmanradio.com/eu.html

But, I do not endorse that site or know what its purpose is...

You can find a lot of sites which do give interpretations and information regarding this by googling EU and the Tower of Babel


I have not said what I believe in regards to this information, I am just saying that when I come across this type of information, it does creep me out regarding the 666... and the EU's slogan of "many languages, one voice"...

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Thanks, wishbonedawn! I actually have seen the photos of the building and noticed the slogan and found that very interesting!!!


Like I mentioned, I don't believe all the information, what I said was that when I come across of hear about those types of stories regarding 666, I do raise my eyebrows and have a bit of a reaction....

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I'm going to need some proof of this story. What country? What do you mean, you don't have photographs? And does anyone know exactly what the Tower of Babel looked like (I never saw any descriptions that were that detailed)?


This sounds completely made up, like an urban legend. Citation please.


This is the article that it all comes from. Ian Paisley, the author, is a politican from Northern Ireland who's had some successes but is also a raving anti-Catholic and praised Slobodon MiloÅ¡ević.


The article was written 12 years ago. I have no idea if the claim was real at that point but it certainly isn't now.


This is a good reason to fact check outrageous claims. They're often outdated, untrue and written by men who think a genocide-committing war criminal is worthy of praise.

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I don't think that the European Union being in existence is utter nonsense. It seems like quite a valid existing organization... same with their building.


What I did was give an example of hearing about the number being used and that in that way the number bothers me....

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Thanks, wishbonedawn! I actually have seen the photos of the building and noticed the slogan and found that very interesting!!!


Like I mentioned, I don't believe all the information, what I said was that when I come across of hear about those types of stories regarding 666, I do raise my eyebrows and have a bit of a reaction....


Just make sure you Google it ruthlessly. :) Especially the stuff that connects modern events to the Bible - I've found that stuff is especially bad.


Snopes.com is a good place to start although they didn't have anything on this particular story.

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I don't think that the European Union being in existence is utter nonsense. It seems like quite a valid existing organization... same with their building.


What I did was give an example of hearing about the number being used and that in that way the number bothers me....


Hmmm, maybe it's the United States that's the danger! We're a country of joined states.

Probably we're bringing the anti-Christ in some way. Why is this end-of-days stuff always about Europe or the US joining in some dangerous liaison with other countries. Why don't we just look at the US?


It's not sexy enough, I think.

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