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Measuring Ahead

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Good grief.


Saw my OB. I'm 34 wks on Sunday.


Measuring over 39.



He wouldn't be surprised if this baby is born early, given the suspected size and contractions, etc. He says that baby appears to be full term size, so its quite likely that my body is indeed getting ready to evict sooner than later. No exam, b/c he didn't want to risk 'stirring things up' earlier than might already happen. Assured me that if baby were to be born today, everything would be fine, probably need a short stay in NICU, but at this point the hazards of stopping labour outweigh the benefits, so whenever it happens, it happens.


U/s in 2 wks.


Good news is baby is head down (he was transverse at the last appt) and appears engaged.


So, its a hurry up and wait game, same as the end of any baby baking session.

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:lol: and :grouphug:. Can't help you out there, but I can offer sympathy. And at least you can worry less about him coming early now, right?

Every day that he's brewing is less worry. I'd obviously rather get to term, 37 wks, than have him today, avoiding a NICU visit altogether, but yeah, it was reassuring to hear the Dr say he'd be fine, even with a NICU stay.


Von, my first child was 9 lbs 6 oz. He ended up being a csection b/c he started out face up, and then rotated half way, so his nose was against my hip. 3 hrs of pushing later, and he was too wedged to turn.


Diva was a VBAC at 9 lbs 1 oz.


The Littles were 7 lbs, 15 oz, and 7 lbs 5 oz.


I called Wolf to tell him what the OB said, and he asked me, "How the heck did that happen?" Uh, like *I* know! :lol: Btwn having to eat gf, nausea, etc, I've been concerned that baby would be undersized, not a flipping giant!

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My midwife has been telling me for weeks that I'm measuring behind, despite the fact that she insisted upon bumping up my due date because she claims baby is large (based on a mid-pregnancy ultrasound).


Anyway. At my appt. last week she was puzzling over my measurements again -- "You measure smaller this week than you did last week, and last week you were 2 cm behind!" Okay. So I suggested that she measure again. The second time she pushed my pants and panties down out of the way before measuring and somehow found an additional 3 cm, which put me right on track. She said, "Oh! You're right on track! I guess I just needed to get your pants out of the way and measure properly." Yep. That makes sense. :001_huh:


I *hate* all of the guessing games that doctors play with due dates, size, etc. So annoying. 5 cm is kind of a big difference -- I'm surprised they aren't doing a scan sooner than 2 weeks. Have you been measuring ahead the entire time?

Edited by Pretty in Pink
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I *hate* all of the guessing games that doctors play with due dates, size, etc. So annoying. 7 cm is a huge difference -- I'm surprised they aren't doing a scan sooner than 2 weeks. Have you been measuring ahead the entire time?

Not 7 cm. 5 and a bit. Not that it really matters, I guess :lol:


Yeah, I was measuring ahead before too, but didn't get the numbers from him. He already had another u/s done a cpl of wks ago, showing baby was 4 lbs 8 oz at 31 wks. So the one in 2 wks is a follow up to that. He's been concerned about baby's size since I first saw him.

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If you have measured on track all along, and now suddenly are measuring that much bigger I would guess it is actually a larger amount of amnio fluid not a bigger baby. It is quite possible he is going to be a big guy, BUT it is unlikely that he suddenly grew that much since your last visit. I am going to keep praying that that little guy hangs on until at least 36 weeks though, even though 34 weeks is not that early and things would likely be okay, it is still better for him to hang on and avoid the need of the nicu. The last thing you want is him to be in the hospital while you are laid out at home unable to get to him.

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I always measure a good 4-5 weeks ahead but I do have babies born the size of toddlers-my largest being 11lbs. 4oz.


holy crap! My biggest was only 7lbs 6 oz, and she didn't hit 11 lbs until around 4 months old. THe others were all smaller and his 11 lbs between 3-4 months old. Just the thought of pushing out a baby that big makes my legs close up tight.

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If you have measured on track all along, and now suddenly are measuring that much bigger I would guess it is actually a larger amount of amnio fluid not a bigger baby. It is quite possible he is going to be a big guy, BUT it is unlikely that he suddenly grew that much since your last visit. I am going to keep praying that that little guy hangs on until at least 36 weeks though, even though 34 weeks is not that early and things would likely be okay, it is still better for him to hang on and avoid the need of the nicu. The last thing you want is him to be in the hospital while you are laid out at home unable to get to him.

I switched from a GP to a midwife, to an OB. I honestly don't know if I've been measuring large all along, but for sure since I've been seeing the OB at the end of August.


I'd rather he waited until 37 wks, if it were up to me. Yeah, like I get a vote! :lol:


At least I'm not feeling terrified with every contraction, though.

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Another possible option is simply the position baby has chosen to be today. I've had jumps of 3-4 cm from one week to another only to have them go down the next week when baby has moved to a different position. Personally I think measuring with a tape measure from points A to B that are guestimated by the doctor has got to be one of the most inaccurate measurements possible.

Edited by cjzimmer1
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I switched from a GP to a midwife, to an OB. I honestly don't know if I've been measuring large all along, but for sure since I've been seeing the OB at the end of August.


I'd rather he waited until 37 wks, if it were up to me. Yeah, like I get a vote! :lol:


At least I'm not feeling terrified with every contraction, though.


Maybe the reduced stress level will get him to relax and hang out a while longer.

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I always measure big! Even in early pregnancy my drs are always wanting to play with my dates, adjusting them by full months, or insisting that I am carring a 'hidden twin'. They have been right 0/3! I was right 3/3. I had two different, older, very experienced doctors and nurses. It is just how my body grows babies.


DD12 was 7-11

DS16 was 8-11

(our other little one didn't make it to delivery.)


I carry all my baby weight in my belly though (not my hips/back). At 9 months, from the back, I don't even look pregnant. When I turn sideways, it is like a ship turning in a harbor, you better watch out~ I gained 48lbs with dd12. I lost 30 of it within 3 days of delivery. LOL She has always loved swimming!

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I always measure big! Even in early pregnancy my drs are always wanting to play with my dates, adjusting them by full months, or insisting that I am carring a 'hidden twin'. They have been right 0/3! I was right 3/3. I had two different, older, very experienced doctors and nurses. It is just how my body grows babies.


DD12 was 7-11

DS16 was 8-11

(our other little one didn't make it to delivery.)


I carry all my baby weight in my belly though (not my hips/back). At 9 months, from the back, I don't even look pregnant. When I turn sideways, it is like a ship turning in a harbor, you better watch out~ I gained 48lbs with dd12. I lost 30 of it within 3 days of delivery. LOL She has always loved swimming!

Sorry about the loss of your little one :grouphug:


I carry all in the belly too! Heck, I've had guys honk at me from behind :lol:


I've been losing weight, not gaining. That's pretty typical for me too. Belly gets bigger, but scale either doesn't move, or decreases.


Wolf's been commenting that my butt is shrinking. He's disappointed :lol:

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What's funny is that I measured WAY ahead with my DD, and several weeks behind with my second DS. My OB was expecting my DD to be 10-11 lbs., and she thought my DS would be maybe 6-7. Both of them were the exact same weight, 8 lbs. 3 oz., despite the fact that I measured so different with each of them.

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Sorry about the loss of your little one :grouphug:


I carry all in the belly too! Heck, I've had guys honk at me from behind :lol:


I've been losing weight, not gaining. That's pretty typical for me too. Belly gets bigger, but scale either doesn't move, or decreases.


Wolf's been commenting that my butt is shrinking. He's disappointed :lol:


In that case, I wouldn't think twice about what they measure. Sometimes doctors get too stuck on averages and forget about us outliers. LOL

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In that case, I wouldn't think twice about what they measure. Sometimes doctors get too stuck on averages and forget about us outliers. LOL

Its not just the measurements that have me wondering, although they certainly don't help, LOL!


This guy just *feels* big. I've been saying to Wolf, "I'm pretty sure I was this big at the END of pregnancy w/the Littles!" and the heavy contractions, major back ache almost have me in tears and pressure that makes walking interesting.


My belly is always rock hard. I have no clue where I'm going to expand to, b/c I honestly feel stretched and stuffed as it is!

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Its not just the measurements that have me wondering, although they certainly don't help, LOL!


This guy just *feels* big. I've been saying to Wolf, "I'm pretty sure I was this big at the END of pregnancy w/the Littles!" and the heavy contractions, major back ache almost have me in tears and pressure that makes walking interesting.


My belly is always rock hard. I have no clue where I'm going to expand to, b/c I honestly feel stretched and stuffed as it is!


Carrying a lot of water can make you feel like that also! I don't know about you, but when I am in pain, I feel more achy all over. If you RSD is still flared up, I can see why other aches and pains may be more bothersome. I think that once they are engaged, contractions and achiness is just part of it. It seems like it just slowly starts the process, and in the end, sometimes it makes the actual delivery easier.


We will just hope for a small little 6 or 7lber for you to hold in a month or so!

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Not 7 cm. 5 and a bit. Not that it really matters, I guess :lol:


Yeah, I was measuring ahead before too, but didn't get the numbers from him. He already had another u/s done a cpl of wks ago, showing baby was 4 lbs 8 oz at 31 wks. So the one in 2 wks is a follow up to that. He's been concerned about baby's size since I first saw him.


I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago at 32 weeks and baby was 4 1/2 lbs. They told me mine was too SMALL. :lol:

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Carrying a lot of water can make you feel like that also! I don't know about you, but when I am in pain, I feel more achy all over. If you RSD is still flared up, I can see why other aches and pains may be more bothersome. I think that once they are engaged, contractions and achiness is just part of it. It seems like it just slowly starts the process, and in the end, sometimes it makes the actual delivery easier.


We will just hope for a small little 6 or 7lber for you to hold in a month or so!

Yeah, that could very well be. I know the contractions were registering on the monitor on the wknd, but I was feeling them mainly in my back, which they admitted wouldn't show up on the monitor. This is the first baby that's ever 'engaged' as well, so its all been very different.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was over 8 lbs. Tazzie missed 8 by an ounce, and Princess being a girl and a week early was smaller, so 8 lbs wouldn't be out of line.

I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago at 32 weeks and baby was 4 1/2 lbs. They told me mine was too SMALL. :lol:

Ok, that *is* odd. :lol: Here's a growth chart I found...



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I always measure big! Even in early pregnancy my drs are always wanting to play with my dates, adjusting them by full months, or insisting that I am carring a 'hidden twin'. They have been right 0/3! I was right 3/3. I had two different, older, very experienced doctors and nurses. It is just how my body grows babies.


DD12 was 7-11

DS16 was 8-11

(our other little one didn't make it to delivery.)


I carry all my baby weight in my belly though (not my hips/back). At 9 months, from the back, I don't even look pregnant. When I turn sideways, it is like a ship turning in a harbor, you better watch out~ I gained 48lbs with dd12. I lost 30 of it within 3 days of delivery. LOL She has always loved swimming!


This is me, too -- always measuring a couple of weeks ahead, and carrying it ALL in the belly. Ultrasounds always showed the babies to be right on target, though, and they were all average-sized at birth: 7'5", 7'7", 7'13". I have a very short torso, which may have something to do with it as well.

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Anyone else measure drastically ahead and not have a toddler sized newborn? Please? :bigear:


Mine was measuring a week or two ahead from about week 32 on - he was 21" and 8lb 2oz when born at term (the maternal-fetal specialist measured him as 10lb 12oz three days before he was born).


Are you positive of your conception date? You may be further ahead in the pregnancy?

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I measured way ahead at one point, around 8 months I think. It was strange. I measured 4 weeks ahead at one appointment, then 3 weeks ahead at the next appointment, then 2 weeks ahead, then right on schedule. I think at one point I was actually a week behind, then it jumped back up to on schedule the next week. My midwife said I had a lot of fluid, and it was the way the baby was laying in there probably. She was big when she was born, 9lbs, but that was at almost 42 weeks, and at that point I was back to measuring on schedule.

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My 6th child had my docs in a panic. They said he was HUGE. I measured big. Sent me for u/s. They were grim. BIG baby. Right. He was born on his due date and was 8 lb 4 oz.


My 3rd child, on the other hand (I had twins via c-section 3 years prior to his birth) looked of average size, etc. I had a vbac, no one worried, he was small, etc. Yeah, right. 9 lb, 2 oz.


Don't believe anything! :)

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I have a friend who's OB was so worried that the baby was going to be huge that she induced my friend at 37 weeks because she was certain the baby was already at 9-10 lbs at that stage. I had a feeling the OB was going to be wrong and guess what? She was, lol! Baby was barely 6 lbs and nearly had to be put in the NICU. Turned out my friend just had a large amount of amniotic fluid and carried all out front.


With my 10yo the OB kept saying that I was measuring large and the baby would be around 9 lbs. I kept telling him that I thought my dates weren't correct, that my periods were wacky and it was hard to pinpoint exactly when I got pg. OB kept insisting I was going to have a big baby. OB put me on bedrest and medication when during a cervical exam he could feel contractions. I was in and out of the hospital for the next month. The day ds was born my regular OB was on vacation, his partner delivered ds. He decided I'd been through enough and since I was at 4 cm and having contractions every 10 mins it was time. DS weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was born at 37 wks. When I saw my OB for the 2 wk post-op check he said that he should've listened to me, that I really was just farther along than he thought. ;) Our babies have all been around average except oldest ds: ds #1 5 lbs 6.5 oz, ds #2 7 lbs 13 oz, dd 7 lbs 10 oz.


All that to say there are all kinds of reasons to be measuring on the large side and sometimes it has nothing at all to do with the actual size of the baby. :001_smile:

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...They said he was HUGE.


He was born on his due date and was 8 lb 4 oz.


Don't believe anything! :)


My good friend and I had our first babies within a few months of each other. We were both told (based on U/S -- in her case, *frequent* U/Ss for other issues) that we were having girls.


She was told that her baby was "huge" and they pressured and bullied her into an induction at her due date.


I was told that my baby was small and would be "a cute LITTLE baby". (They didn't suggest she would be underweight, just small.)


She didn't have a 10lb baby.

I didn't have a 6lb baby.


Our SONS were both 8lbs4oz.



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