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Roll Call: How many pregnant WTMers do we have right now?

If you're pregnant, how far along are you?  

  1. 1. If you're pregnant, how far along are you?

    • 1st Trimester
    • 2nd Trimester
    • 3rd Trimester
    • Just delivered!/other

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I've noticed lately that there seems to be a lot of Hive members who are pregnant (I'm probably noticing because I'm pregnant too :tongue_smilie:). Just wondering how far along everyone is. It seems like there's a lot of early pregnancies, and those ready to deliver (or just delivered).


With my other pregnancies I used to hang out at pregnancy message boards, but I just can't relate to most of the people there. I thought it might be fun to post how far along everyone is.


BTW, I'm 10 weeks pregnant with baby #4. I'm 37, so I guess I'm now in the "advanced maternal age" category. :D


I'll post a poll shortly.

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I'm 9 weeks pregnant with #3. This will be my third c-section. I am finding that I am more chill about this pregnancy than either of my previous ones. Most of the time I forget I'm pregnant! I'm lucky, though, because I don't get sick, just a little tired.


ETA: Totally planned, too.

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I opened the poll hoping there was a "I wish" choice :glare: I am hoping I get pregnant with #4 soon. Congrats to all you other lovely pregnant ladies!


Oops, I'm sorry about that! I was in a bit of a hurry when I did the poll...I should have posted more options. Glad you posted though...good luck to you! :grouphug:

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Due with #6 & #7 mid-Feb, so just about halfway.


So how many of these were surprises besides mine?!


Mine was an absolute surprise. Of course, #3 was too.:D It's taken me awhile to get used to the idea, especially with the big age gap between my kids. The whole family is getting excited about it now, especially since my belly popped out this week, all of a sudden. I don't remember showing this early before...must be because this is my 4th.

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Due on October 7th with #6 (lost two over the years). However, this past Monday my midwife informed me that I am 4cm dilated and 90% effaced, so we shall see. I have yet to have a baby early!


He was not a surprise, and we used the Shettles method to conceive a boy.


Advanced maternal age?? Ha, I am 40 and we would love more babies! We do not prevent, just take what we are given.

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We're having our fifth at the end of February. I'm 17 weeks and currently feeling the baby tumble around. This is his/her favorite time of day to move around.


ETA: I'm 28 and will turn 29 about one month after the baby is born. Also, this baby was not a surprise but we weren't ttc either. We just start being less conservative about avoiding pregnancy when we start to feel a little more ready and that always seems to bring us a new baby.

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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35 weeks, #5. Keep forgetting, except for the foul mood, swollen ankles, & inability to walk past anything w/out knocking it over w/ my belly or bum. Well, & the mental fog that makes me think 4 + 2 = 8, the garage is called the microwave, & a cup of water belongs down the front of my shirt instead of in my cup/mouth. :001_huh:


ETA: I'm in my early 30s. I think I just turned 32, but who knows really? :001_huh: :lol:

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