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It was my tenth wedding anniversary yesterday...

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Ewwwww... sorry! :( IF he never forgets who he's married to, you can forgive him, right?? :) Especially if you remind him that when you go out, you'd like to go to.... "a really nice spot".... I'm going to the Melting Pot! I'm gonna remind him!! Since my 40th BD wasn't exciting.... I'm going to make sure that I remember for him. Poor guys, I really don't think they have a chance at remembering the important times!! Something, perhaps "guyness" is against them!

Happy Marriage!!!!! And hopefully he'll make up the anniversary flubber!

HUGS! :)

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You have a whole year to celebrate. Did you tell him what day it was? Or did you forget, too?


No, I did not forget. I cooked his favorite meal (chicken and dumplings) and I made a peach pie, also his favorite, with peaches we bought in Georgia on the way back from our Florida Keys trip. Made a nice big meal of his favorites special for him, then the boys and I ended up eating without him because he got stuck at work and didn't text me. :glare: It was just doubly disappointing because I thought 'well maybe he's late because he's stopped to get me flowers' or something, but..... no.


He kept saying that the trip (to Florida) was for our anniversary, which is fine. I don't want a big to do. It's not a big thing. But he did forget that yesterday was our anniversary until one of the boys said something. I realize it's not a huge thing, and blah blah blah. But he flat out forgot our anniversary date.

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That's a bummer. We'll be having our 10th anniversary in January, and dh usually remembers that it's coming, but he never plans anything or gets me card or anything. If we do something, it's because I plan it.


I think he once sent me flowers for an anniversary. I think it was the 3rd, but that's about it.


Same here. I have to plan all of the special events around here too. On one hand- it hurts that I am always the one putting it all together- and I would love for him to do it- to show he cares too. On the other hand- he is such a great guy in so many other ways (I mean above and beyond) that try to get over it... But it is hard when we are batting a thousand in that department.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm sorry! I would be hurt, too.


Next year you should call him first thing in the morning to wish him a Happy Anniversary if he's at work. A hug and Happy Anniversary if you are awake with him when he leaves (my dh used to leave at 5:30 a.m.) or first thing in the morning.


many men don't forget important days like this, but many men do. Still many men know about the day but do nothing. They're wired wrong.;)

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:tongue_smilie: My dh is this way too.


:glare: I used to get mad.


Now I tell him verbally, via email and text that OUR ANNIVERSARY IS IN A WEEK


I repeat this PSA daily, arrange a sitter, tell dh what I'd like if I'm into flowers or a little present or chocolate.


Results: I am not stressed, he's not embarassed and mad he forgot and got in trouble and I get a night out with my absent minded sweetie!


He really is the poster child for completely forgetting this and then scambling around.

It is kind of depressing when I think of the 14 years we've had together and the way these important-to -us- girls dates just slip right on by the dh's radar!

But, he's holding the fort down everywhere else!


Happy 10 Years to you both!!!!!




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I am the one who usually forgets! Yesterday, there was a box of flowers waitng for me when I got home. I opened the card and dh had said somethinf along the lines of, "It has been a wild 13 years, but I wouldn't change a thing." My thought was, "Has it been 13 years?" ;)


Some of us are REALLY bad with dates!!! I still am a bit unsure on ds4 birthday :tongue_smilie:, I am that bad!!! I can never remember if it is July 12 or 13th.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry.


I'm the one who forgets dates. On one hand, DH says it's easy to surprise me and on the other I know he'd like to be treated and surprised one year too.


FWIW, usually the person who forgets isn't doing it because the date isn't important or anything like that.

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I'm sorry. :grouphug:

I have to confess that this year, I was on the other end of the situation.

I completely forgot. It's been 23 years for us, and I didn't remember.

Dh called me from work in the morning and said, "Well??". I said, "What?". He hung up laughing.

At lunchtime, he came in the door with a big flower arrangement. I still didn't get it. :001_huh: I said, "Wow! Who'd you get the flowers for?" :D

Then I got it. :001_huh:

Dh's response? "Ok, I'll give you another 23 years to make up for forgetting, but after that...".

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We had a blow up really early in our marriage about this. Ever since then I remind dh of dates coming up, and I let him know what I am in the mood for. Take Valentines Day for instance. There is no way a dh can not realize that is creeping up. Some years, I want to dress up, go out and the whole hoop la. Other years, I like going the day before or after when it is quieter, some (when our money is tight and I am the one watching it) I think it would be nice to stay home have dinner and watch a movie together. So, I let him know.

A few of my friends have told me that this is very unromantic. However, I look at it as something romantic. I am setting my dh up for success. I don't want to have him screw things up and feel bad. I don't get a lot of surprises, but the ones I do are so worth it. We will be at a dinner party and he will here one of these stories about a husband who forgot something, and he comes up and whisper in my ear that he is so glad that I am his partner, or I come up to bed and find a heart made of M and M's on my pillow, for no reason.

Remind him, be clear about things, and ask that he do the same for you! In 40 years, the 10th anniversary won't seem like such a let down:grouphug:


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and my dh forgot.






Are we officially old now? :D


Dh and I have been married 26 years. We have remembered our anniversary - either one or both of us - about 5 times. It's just not on our radar. If you want it to be a celebration or something to be noted, mention it beforehand. Don't expect your spouse to remember. Not all of us do. It's ok. :grouphug:


(I might point out that last year, on his birthday, dh started humming "Happy Birthday" while showering...then I remembered. LOL!)

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I'm sorry. :grouphug:

I'm usually the one who forgets important dates. I forgot my Dad's birthday this month. :( I called them through Skype this morning, just to chat and they were in the middle of birthday party. :eek: Talk about embarrassing...


I totally understand. My dh forgets his twin brother's birthday.....:lol:



Well, this one tops them all! :lol:
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