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What does your preteen/teen use to clean his/her face?

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Anna is starting to get some blackheads and little pimples on and around her nose. I got her some neutrogena soap, but I think she is going to need something more since her skin is starting to get a bit oily. I use neutrogena, but I don't know what to have her use on her young flawless skin. ;) What would you recommend?




P.S. I am not ready for yet another sign that my girl is growing up. :crying:

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Salicylic Acid used to be a prescription acne treatment. My kids use an Apricot Scrub with salicylic acid in the shower.. They also use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar as an astringent. Oldest ds did a scientific experiment on himself using the ACV and found that it actually does make a difference.

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My ds13 uses Olay foaming face wash for sensitive skin and Stridex medicated pads on his nose. It doesn't seem to be helping, but that could be because he only uses it when I force him to. Hygeine isn't exactly his top priority. :glare:


He's also starting to get some acne across the top of his back. Any suggestions for that?

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My two older girls have done best with the regimen from http://www.acne.org .


My youngest has done fine with the Neutrogena Wave and its deep cleaning foam pads. My others started off with this, but had to switch to more powerful stuff by 12yo.


I would start with the Wave because it's pretty easy to do and not go up to something more until it's necessary.

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I bought ds13 Tersaseptic skin cleanser (and shampoo-it says it is for both). I wish he would actually remember to use it more often. I spoke to the pharmacist when we bought it because I wanted something strong enough to work but gentle on young skin. He said he always recommends this one for young teens because it is more gentle than clearisil and the other OTC acne soaps/pads etc.

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You may think I am crazy, but since we have gone grain free my son's acne has cleared up. He used to have horrible acne all over his face. Nothing we tried helped. After being grain free for a couple of months, the acne disappeared. He will have flair ups if he does consume any wheat products.

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Both my 14 and 11 yo dds get occasional breakouts on their noses. We have the stridex pads for sensitive skin (salicylic acid as someone mentioned above) and only use them during the breakouts. They actually seem to help. My 14 yo is my disabled kid--washing at a sink isn't going to work. The pads are really easy to use with her.


I'll be following this thread to see what's recommended for the next step if this progresses.

Edited by Ali in OR
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How much do they use at a time and how? Do you just put it on a wet wash cloth and scrub or something?



I keep a small tub of honey by the sink and one in the shower. They usually splash some water on their face, then dip their fingers and take a small scoop. They use their fingers to rub around their faces. If they do have some small bumps on their faces they will use a wet washcloth to rub the honey around. Then they rinse. When they use it in the shower they will apply to their face and leave it on for a couple of minutes while they shampoo.


I also use honey to wash my face (which is why my kids use it) and have been very happy with my skin. I have been using honey for about 3 years now.

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I'm too thrifty (cheap ;) ) to use raw honey for washing. I keep an inexpensive bottle from the grocery store in the shower. I use about a nickel to quarter sized amount, rub it on with my fingers, leave it for 30 seconds or so, and rinse. Once a week or so, I mix in a little baking soda for exfoliating. I was never complimented on my skin before honey, but now it's a fairly normal occurrence. I know a few teens who use it with great success, but I'm sure it's not a magic bullet for everyone.



Note: I did go through an iffy period for the first couple of weeks while my skin was adjusting to me not using harsh cleaners.

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