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Christian Content! Only 1 book/CD to give the message

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This is highly Christian. For those of you that this is not your path, please be kind.... there's lots of threads out there, this may not be the one to respond to if it's not really your bag.


For those of you with experience, please help?!


DH is a non-believer. Through a number of events and a lot of praying his mind is now more open than ever regarding "the whole Jesus thing" as he puts it. He has heard that "Jesus saves you and he's the Messiah". So it's not that he hasn't been told the Message. He openly struggles with the intellectual part. Was Jesus REALLY the Messiah? Did he REALLY do all those miracle things? (lol) How do we actually KNOW he was crucified, is the Bible the only source?! He very much appreciates science and strong (unbias?) evidence to back things up.... anything really, but specifically Biblically. Can anyone give me one source to read/listen to (audiobook)? Here's what has come to mind:


Evidence that Demands a Verdict

More than a Carpenter

The Case for Christ



Is one of these better than the others? More clear? Is one of them "stronger" in terms of proving the Truth?



TIA also, for those interested and needing something else to pray about, please join me in praying for the salvation of DH

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More than a Carpenter got me, but it was very short. IOW, it doesn't really flesh out the ideas as well as The Case for Christ. As a bonus, if you have netflix, you can watch The Case for Christ (I think they might still be streaming it, if not then The Case for Faith).


Ime, it only takes the realization that there IS evidence. From there, the hunger strikes and the search is on. Prayer is your most important resource here, and I'll be sure to pray for your husband. Ask for God to give you wisdom, words, discernment and ask that the scales be lifted from your dh's eyes and his heart to be opened.




Love you lady :D


ETA, does your dh have a name? :lol:

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For whatever reason I do not like Lee Strobel's approach. I suppose it is because he is a lawyer and I am an engineer. The point is that I think the "best" book for your husband likely will depend on his personality in a not-insignificant way.


That said, my all-time favorite book that covers the entire argument from the very basics of philosophy and carries all the way through to the conclusion that Christianity is the one-and-only credible belief system is actually a cartoon book entitled Me, the Professor, Fuzzy & the Meaning of Life. This book can be read in about two hours and it leaves no other belief systems untouched. None.


If the above is effective (and I think it will be), then I recommend you follow up with I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Normal Geisler and Frank Turek. If your husband is coming from an atheistic belief system, this book takes direct aim at many of the arguments that may have swayed him in the past. Geisler has a Ph.D. in philosophy and has extensive experience debating the topics related to belief systems.

Edited by RegGuheert
Added last paragraph.
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Another oldie but goodie is C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity, which starts from the basics of deism and narrows down to Christianity.

I love that book, but dh got very ... rebellious (?) halfway through. The idea of three choice (Lord, lunatic, or liar) ended the book for him. I'm not sure why and the best he could come up with is, there are more reasons than that! without actually stating any.


It's strange how that lovely little book can rub some people really wrong.

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My personal favorite is Tim Keller's A Reason For God. My husband gave it to a friend at work and it has brought about some good conversation.




I'm not a fan of apologetics, because honestly I think they rarely hit on the real questions most people have, but if I had to pick one, that's what I'd pick. Keller, IMO, doesn't really get at the real questions most skeptics have in the first part--in each section I thought that he started off really well, but then just didn't push the questions in the directions that he should have--but I thought the second part of the book, where he lays out the basic beliefs of Christians, was quite good, especially after the first two chapters.


I'd also suggest N.T. Wright's Simply Christian.


I love that book, but dh got very ... rebellious (?) halfway through. The idea of three choice (Lord, lunatic, or liar) ended the book for him. I'm not sure why and the best he could come up with is, there are more reasons than that! without actually stating any.


It's strange how that lovely little book can rub some people really wrong.


I really, really hate the "trilemma." Actually, one thing that really made me like Keller's books was that he admitted that the trilemma was inaccurate and unpersuasive unless people had accepted certain presuppositions to begin with. I like Lewis when he describes the Christian faith as he understands it, but I think he does a very poor job when trying to lay out a case for why Christianity is the only logical choice. Honestly, if I hadn't already been a Christian before I read him, I'd probably have decided that Christianity was nonsense if I was really supposed to be convinced by his arguments.

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I will pray for you and your husband. I can not advise you on which of the books to use, I can only pray for you. Two of my friends with the same name claim to be agnostics, after praying for each of them significantly I asked them each the same question and was floored by there answer. I started by asking the first one if I could ask God and he would send down lightning and destroy my car right now, would he confess that God was real. The answer was no, and that lead to the other question, and that was how much proof would it take for you to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord? I asked this question to both of them. In each case they basically said it would take an infinite amount of proof. One said creating a few more worlds similar to the one we live in while I watch, and even after that I would not confess that God has the right to say what is right or wrong or to judge His creation.

All I can say is that they demonstrated what is said in 1 Corinthians 1, I can not convince them by great reason, only God can soften there hearts, so I still pray.


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For my dh it was friendship. He was agnostic. We developed a friendship with a christian couple. We hung out and our families really clicked. We would dine and share a drink together (adult beverage). Ed was a cool guy...he never pushed religion...he never pushed Jesus. He offered friendship. Eventually my husband had questions. Ed answered. Ed was also a non believer at one time as well. I think it is all about meeting needs. I pray that God places someone in his path who can fill that role. I have never met someone who has come to Christ through a book. I am sure it happens. It is the body of Christ that is to meet the needs of the non believer.

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As I was reading your post, two books came instantly to mind. One of them you listed was The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. The other was Basic Christianity by John Stott. I think Basic Christianity can also be purchased as an audio cd.


Praying is one of the best things you can do for your husband. And never give up praying for him. God can do amazing things! I'll be praying for you both.

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I am so humbled by everyone's sincere comments and willingness to pray for someone they don't even know. "Thanks" just doesn't seem to fit. You all give me so much hope. And while it doesn't do justice.... thank you. Really. Thank you so so much. For the responses, for the willingness to add Joe to your prayers and being so supportive.

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Ime, it only takes the realization that there IS evidence. From there, the hunger strikes and the search is on. Prayer is your most important resource here,


Had a long discussion this weekend about the subject of proof and evidence. There are some people who want 100% proof, and that just doesn't happen in this world. At some point, you have to make a choice, and often it says more about you as a person and your heart condition. I would never suggest disregarding logic and evidence. But at some point, you have to make a decision about the preponderance of evidence and choose your route.


Example of the glass half empty or half full. One person or the other can't prove the point beyond any doubt. But the way you decide to view it says something about YOU.


Absolutely agree prayer is the most powerful tool. It only takes a small chink in the heart's armor, and God can wedge His way in there. I know this from personal experience...

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If the above is effective (and I think it will be), then I recommend you follow up with I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Normal Geisler and Frank Turek. If your husband is coming from an atheistic belief system, this book takes direct aim at many of the arguments that may have swayed him in the past. Geisler has a Ph.D. in philosophy and has extensive experience debating the topics related to belief systems.


This is the book "got" me. I was struggling mightly, and just happened to pick it up. God used it to break through a lot of issues I had with Christianity. I highly recommend it.

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This is highly Christian. For those of you that this is not your path, please be kind.... there's lots of threads out there, this may not be the one to respond to if it's not really your bag.


For those of you with experience, please help?!


Evidence that Demands a Verdict

More than a Carpenter

The Case for Christ



The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith are also on instant view at Netflix.



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If you don't mind, I'd like to share with you a brief story of my husband's conversion to Christ. Believe me, this is as brief as I can make it. ;)


He grew up Catholic and not just a couple times a year Catholic, but private school and everything else Catholic. One day, a co-worker of his, who is the least bit Christian, said to him, "Don't you know that Mary worship is idolatry?" This coming from a man who was a million miles high in as much sin as he could get his hands on and couldn't care less. Yet, it made such an impression on my husband that after a few weeks of thinking about it, he "quit" being Catholic.


However, he wasn't converting to anything else anytime soon either.


Then he met me. A girl who thought she was a Christian, who would later find out she never was. Regardless, I knew the reality of Heaven and Hell, so I did share my "faith" the best I could in order to save people from Hell. When my husband married me, he was my primary target! :lol:


He HATED me for that. Loved me for everything else, but Bible preaching...that was a big no-no! (As if I knew anything about the Bible back then, but I tried.) Five years into our marriage, he shut me up one day by "praying the prayer". I was delighted; he was annoyed. Obviously, he wasn't converted.


Then God used a ministry called, The Way of the Master, to completely change our lives four years ago. My husband would never read those books I tried giving him (including ones already mentioned here). Never. They collected dust. However, that book intrigued me so much when I began reading it, as it was pulling strings at my own heart, beginning to (rightfully) doubt my own salvation, it must have got him curious about it, because for the first time, he read a Christian book of mine.


He started reading it when I was half way through the book. He finished it before I did.


While God was working on my heart about whether or not I was truly a Christian, God was showing me how He didn't need me to "convert" my husband, nor did he need proof, because the proof was already written on his heart.


My husband was converted after reading that book, which means he became a Christian before *I* did!!!!!!!!! :w00t: And I was Miss Evangelist in our first years of marriage! I was truly converted a few weeks later myself.


For both of us, our eyes were very literally opened. We were blind and now we see!


You can take a look at the website to get more information, but when I speak about my husband's conversion, I get emotional. My jaw still drops at how it all happened. I have researched the method of this ministry and cannot for the life of me debunk any of what they teach on evangelism as contrary to the Word of God. I, personally, have used this method on the streets and I'm amazed at what I see. Completely different from what I'm used to from other evangelism methods.


Their website is: www.wayofthemaster.com For you, as a Christian, I recommend viewing their, "Hell's Best Kept Secret" video, which is free on their website.


I have a lot of their material, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me in a PM. I'd also be happy to send any extra copies of anything I have, including The Way of the Master book. I give those away like candy.


Ultimately, it is God who saves, not us. So I will most certainly keep your husband in my prayers!! If God can save my husband as He did, I have hope for even the most hardened of creatures! :001_smile: Trust in Him!




**I should add that I am big on apologetics today, but ultimately, apologetics doesn't save, it's the Gospel. And the Gospel is rooted both in Law and the good news. The two are not separate. The Law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, because the Law is written on our hearts to show us our need for a Savior at all. However, apologetics is still necessary in evangelism, as we should have an answer for the hope we have within us! :)

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...I have never met someone who has come to Christ through a book. I am sure it happens. It is the body of Christ that is to meet the needs of the non believer.


This is so true. When people inquire into the Eastern Orthodox Church, they'll often receive invitations to "come and see" as much as (or more) than they'll get book suggestions. Not that books don't serve a purpose at all; it was reading a book that piqued our interest, but it was attending the liturgical services that literally introduced us to Christ. Church is who He is, it's His body, in this natural world. I really like what you wrote here.

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He grew up Catholic and not just a couple times a year Catholic, but private school and everything else Catholic. One day, a co-worker of his, who is the least bit Christian, said to him, "Don't you know that Mary worship is idolatry?"



Well, I hate to derail the thread, but it's just too much -- really? Catholics don't worship Mary; is that what you're saying your husband came to believe? There's a huge misconception there that really probably ought to be addressed.

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I have never met someone who has come to Christ through a book. I am sure it happens. It is the body of Christ that is to meet the needs of the non believer.


Well...now you have. Nice to meet you. ;) :seeya::D


Milovany, if you'd like to speak to me in private about that, I'd be happy to speak with you. :) I don't want to distract from the purpose of this post, as I was only sharing the testimony of my husband.

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Milovany, if you'd like to speak to me in private about that, I'd be happy to speak with you. :) I don't want to distract from the purpose of this post, as I was only sharing the testimony of my husband.


No, it's fine. I didn't mean it "ought to be addressed" here on the thread, but in your own understanding, if that's what you believe. Thanks for the offer, though!

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If you don't mind, I'd like to share with you a brief story of my husband's conversion to Christ. Believe me, this is as brief as I can make it. ;)


He grew up Catholic and not just a couple times a year Catholic, but private school and everything else Catholic. One day, a co-worker of his, who is the least bit Christian, said to him, "Don't you know that Mary worship is idolatry?" This coming from a man who was a million miles high in as much sin as he could get his hands on and couldn't care less. Yet, it made such an impression on my husband that after a few weeks of thinking about it, he "quit" being Catholic.



It's an extremely common misconception, easily refuted. I'm afraid your dh's Catholic education was lacking significantly if he believed that Catholics worship Mary.


OP, best wishes for you and your dh. I will be praying for you both! :grouphug:

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It's an extremely common misconception, easily refuted. I'm afraid your dh's Catholic education was lacking significantly if he believed that Catholics worship Mary.






Why one has to give up being Catholic to be a 'Christian' is something I will never understand. Oy.

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Why one has to give up being Catholic to be a 'Christian' is something I will never understand. Oy.


Alright, let's just go with the idea that he gave up a cultural belief for a sincere one. Maybe that took him to a different place of worship, but it happens all the time. I grew up in the church and would have told everyone I was a Christian, but I didn't know what that meant really til I was in my 20s.


Benefit of the doubt and all that.

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Mere Christianity.


I don't care for the Case for Christ series. There are too many holes in his arguments (and I'm a believer).


Edit--I see some people think the same about Mere Christianity. I think the thing to do is to pray that God would work in his heart. God can use books, people, or maybe your DH would be open to simply reading the Gospels with you and talking about them. I don't think there is any one book that will be "it" for everyone. Many people have had changed hearts by opening up their Bible and reading it with fresh eyes.

Edited by Penelope
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