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Surprise pregnancy.....

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Well, after taking my 3rd pregnancy test today, I guess it's official. I'm pregnant!


This is a complete surprise, and not the best time for us financially. DH's business has been tanking this year. He's supposed to hear back about a job interview this week (it only pays $12.50/hr, but has great benefits). I've been applying for part-time jobs all summer and haven't gotten a thing (I'm self-employed too, and haven't had a "real" job in 15+ years). I've been selling a lot of our books on eBay so I can afford to buy the rest of our curriculum for the year. We are really on the edge of things right now...and then this happens.


I know everything will turn out all right. Our youngest was a bit of a surprise too, but of course now I can't imagine a life without her! I'm just in shock, and feeling the usual guilt of "taking away" from the other kids (and my baby girl won't be the baby anymore :crying:


That, and the fact that we absolutely need to move (we barely have enough room in this house as it is) and have no health insurance and no money. I will do a homebirth with a midwife (I did this with our youngest) but still, it will probably be at least $1500 to do that. It would be great if DH got this job with benefits!


Also, the age gap is going to be huge: DD (14 next month), DS 11, DD 6, and the new baby due in April. I just wonder how that's going to play out. The kids get along so well right now...I worry about what'll happen when we throw a new baby into the mix!


Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I don't have a lot of real life friends to talk to (though I'm so lucky to have a very supportive DH!)

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I know where you are. We were done (we thought!) and then found out we're having a surprise too. Our surprise is due in October and I think I'm just getting over the shock. LOL!


I hope your DH gets the job. Just remember you have ~8 months to plan for this one. Not everything has to be done right now. :)

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:grouphug: I can sympathise. Our surprise is nearly 2 (my avatar pic:)) I cried for 2 weeks when I found out :o It was really hard the first 6 months... However, I can honestly say she is the joy of our family. The boys (who were 13 and 10 when she was born - yes, I was worried too-) absolutely dote on her and often comment how much fun she is.


PS Your baby girl will probably be thrilled she is not the baby anymore :D

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:grouphug: I was looking at the ages of your kids and it is similiar to my family that I grew up in. I am the youngest--definitely a surprise (though my mom says we all were.:)) When I was born my brother was 14, my oldest sister was 12 and my other sister was 7. It turned out alright too.

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:grouphug: I hope your husband can get a job with benefits. We're having a surprise in January. We're very excited about the baby, but pregnancy and I do not play well together. :glare: My husband graduates in Dec and luckily those in his major are recruited at graduation. But I worry that we'll end up moving out of state when I'm 8 months pregnant or that he won't get a job at all. We're planning a homebirth too and I can't imagine having to find another provider that late. It will have to work out somehow. :001_huh:

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have no health insurance and no money. !)


I don't know what state you are in, but because you are pregnant you should be able to get healthcare coverage through the state for the duration of the pregnancy and postpartum period. with your income being that low, your kids should also qualify.

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Congrats! My "surprise" is lying next to me right now and turns 6 tomorrow (actually...today!). She's the joy of my life (with my other 6 of course!). Her little brother, also a little of a surprise, gets along with everybody (except when he gets into their stuff!). Enjoy...I'm trying not to be jealous as I "thought" I was pregnant this month. Aunt Flo was just a bit tardy this month. :glare:

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Well, after taking my 3rd pregnancy test today, I guess it's official. I'm pregnant!




I worry about what'll happen when we throw a new baby into the mix!


Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I don't have a lot of real life friends to talk to (though I'm so lucky to have a very supportive DH!)



Congrats! Cherish this gift! Embrace your dear husband..and rest in the fact you will be cared for! Your children will be such a big help and what wonderful lessons they will learn...

So excited for you all!

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Congratulations! There are 6 years between kid #3 and kid #4 for us. We thought we were done after 3 kids, but "Surprise!"


DD10 has been a great blessing for all of us. Having oldre kids around to lend a hand with a new baby was a real treat - I could actually go and take a hot shower and leave the 10yo to watch the baby! It was wonderful!

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I don't know what state you are in, but because you are pregnant you should be able to get healthcare coverage through the state for the duration of the pregnancy and postpartum period. with your income being that low, your kids should also qualify.


Although I have no idea if they would cover a home birth.

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I know everything will turn out all right. Our youngest was a bit of a surprise too, but of course now I can't imagine a life without her! I'm just in shock, and feeling the usual guilt of "taking away" from the other kids (and my baby girl won't be the baby anymore :crying:



Also, the age gap is going to be huge: DD (14 next month), DS 11, DD 6, and the new baby due in April. I just wonder how that's going to play out. The kids get along so well right now...I worry about what'll happen when we throw a new baby into the mix!


Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I don't have a lot of real life friends to talk to (though I'm so lucky to have a very supportive DH!)


We had a baby last year after a gap of nearly 6 years and she has brought nothing but pleasure (OK, and a few sleep deprived nights.... ). She has added so much richness and delight to ALL of our other children, regardless of their age. I really think that your new baby will 'add' to your other children's lives - not take away from them.


Also, another advantage of your children being older is that they are able to be helpful in so many ways, allowing you time to spend with the baby; or minding the baby while you spend time with the other kids. I found having a new baby easier with having older kids than when they were all little. It really is great. So good, in fact, we are now expecting another.


Enjoy. Hope all is going well for you.

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My new LO was a surprise. We had six years between our first two (both planned) kids, and then I got pregnant with the new baby when DD was only 7 months old. I cried for about three days, and then spent pretty much the entire pregnancy in denial. I honestly don't think it really hit me until I was in transition in labor that we were going to have an actual baby, at which point I told everybody I changed my mind and was going home. ;)


But, he's great. His timing wasn't the greatest, but he's a wonderful little baby and everybody is really happy we had him. DS told us that surprise babies are the best surprises there are. :)

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Congratulations! We just found out about our "surprise" a few weeks ago. I'd potty trained our 4th this summer and was done with diapers for the first time in almost 8 years, and was really enjoying that freedom! While I always said I'd welcome another one, my husband said we were D-O-N-E. So I started giving away clothing, we got rid of our nursery furniture and bought another set of bunk beds. Three days later I missed a cycle. I cried and cried. The same morning I showed my husband the pregnancy test, he told me his guard unit is up for deployment in the spring, and he quite likely won't be around for the birth. Insert more crying. Timing is certainly not ideal, but I trust that God knows how all this will play out and am trying to enjoy the ride. Hope you enjoy yours, too!

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Congratulations!!!! I found out last August that I was unexpectedly pregnant (BTW, I took 5 pregnancy tests). Indy was 8 and supposed to be an only. Our lives were great. We were at a point where he was independent enough that I could do my own thing for a good chunk of the day, James Bond and I could sleep in on the weekends and we could leave the house without having to make sure the diaper bag is stocked and lugging car seats around. We did NOT plan on starting over. JB and I were completely baffled by what we were going to do with a baby and neither of us were happy. Indy was our pride and joy and used to being the center of attention and having to share the love we gave him was inconceivable (get it???? hahahaha). Fast forward a year. Han Solo is now 4 months old and none of us could imagine our lives without him. He's sweet and lovable and makes us all smile. Indy worships him. Of course things are more difficult logistically, homeschooling has become more challenging and I haven't slept a full night in months, but one smile from him makes me forget all of that.

Your new baby will fit into your family perfectly. You will all love him or her to distraction and once s/he comes along you won't be able to imagine your lives without him/her.

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Congratulations!!!! I found out last August that I was unexpectedly pregnant (BTW, I took 5 pregnancy tests).


I think I took five, too. I took both that were in the pack I got from CVS. Then I called a friend, telling her that I could NOT be pregnant, and she brought me over two more (she has four kids under five and has a whole stash of pregnancy tests at home). Then I ran out and got one more from the store just to be really sure.


And, honestly, until he actually came out of me, I found it hard to really believe that I was having another baby.

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Congratulations!! Our surprise is 3 going on 23. LOL! We were so unprepared financially, no health insurance, we'd sold all of our baby stuff because we were "done", etc. Everything just worked itself out, and it will for you too. It may work itself out in a way that you are totally not expecting right now, but just trust that it will. And it goes without saying that she has been nothing but a blessing. There is seriously not a day that goes by that I don't specifically think about how happy I am that we got such a wonderful surprise.


Have you ever heard that saying, "Man plans and God laughs"? It was right after we found out we were expecting her that we decided that God gets an enormous chuckle out of us. :tongue_smilie:

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