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Nurse called and said my pap is abnormal....your experience?

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I would ask for a repeat pap first. I had two abnormal paps and then had a colposcopy (sp?). Mine wasn't that bad but I was pregnant with older dd and they didn't do a biopsy or anything because they wanted to wait until after I delivered. All paps since I delivered were normal.

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I have been having abnormal PAPs for years - with normal ones in between. I've also had two colposcopies. I waiting for results now from the latest PAP and expect that I'll have to take the next step or two.


I'm surprised that they are doing a colposcopy after only one "mildly abnormal" PAP test. With three different Gyns, the standard procedure has been to take another PAP 6 months later. If that one is still abnormal, then colposcopy.


The new PAP tests have better/different grading that the old ones we had 5-10 years ago. It has been a while since I looked it up, but I recall that the old test had fewer gradations. Something like: good, questionable, cancerous, really cancerous. The new tests have more gradations in the "middle ground" between good and pre-cancerous. So we get more call-backs.


Unless you are in a high risk group, I'd make an appointment for a 6 month follow-up.



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I had one as well. Abnormal is nothing to be concerned over. Sometimes the lab read it incorreclty or you could have an infection or a million things could cause abnormal paps. I had a colp and all was fine. Had normal paps now for 18 years after that. I was told now that I am 43, married for 23, I can come in every 2 years now.

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I had an abnormal one, but mine had a higher level of issue than it sounds like yours did. Either way, by the time they biopsied it a few weeks later everything was back to normal. The biopsy was negative. It turns out that many things can cause an abnormal pap, from vigorous Tea to yeast to HPV. I had an HPV infection, but my body cleared it, and repaired any problems. I wouldn't do a biopsy again after just one abnormal. I'd make them repeat the Pap first. There was no need for mine it turned out, and I don't like taking chunks out of my reproductive organs without need.

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Had an abnormal pap, panicked for a weekend waiting to get back in to see doctor. She apologized for her staff but the test wasn't 'abnormal' they didn't get enough cells to DO the test!!! Would have saved me from lots of unneccessary stress had her staff told me THAT during the phone call. I agree with others, so many variables, I'd get the pap redone before I had more extensive testing done.

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I come from the other side of things and will say be very cautious. You should absolutely have the biopsy. I had several bad paps when I was in my early twenties and ended up having to have my cervix frozen once, and laser surgery on my cervix twice due to pre-cancerous cells. I have had no issues since I had my kids, but had I not taken care if it, who knows what the future would have held for me or if I would have been able to have kids. I had always gone to my gyn appointments on time faithfully every year and had been married and trying to get pregnant for a couple of years when all of this happened. I don't want to scare you, I would just hate for you to throw caution to the wind when it could be something more serious. Not having it checked out is like playing Russian Roulette with your health and your life. Sure, it could be nothing, and I hope it is, but wouldn't you rather know for sure?

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I had an "abnormal" pap that was caused by the gyn being too rough with the brush they used. It caused my cervix to bleed a little, and the blood obscured the result. A repeat pap was normal, and 20 years later, I've never had another abnormal pap.


IMHO, I'd have a repeat pap in a month or two before deciding whether to have a more invasive procedure.



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I had a whole slew of abnormal paps back 25 years ago and I finally figured out it was related to the birth control method I was using (sponge, diaphragm, and cervical cap all with spermicide). I haven't had an abnormal pap since I stopped using any of those.

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Thanks for all of the responses.


I will add that when she did the pap, she said that there were a few "spots" on my cervix that looked like nothing to her and that she fully expected the results to be normal. She is a very experienced doc.


Also, dh and I do often enjoy positions that hit the cervix, but we had not enjoyed tea for several days before the pap. We use no birth control and I have not been on any in over 10 years. Aunt Flow did come to visit later in the evening after my pap.


My concern was because she did say that there were some spots on my cervix and now she jumps straight to a colposcopy and biopsy. I have three dc from late dh, but new hubby has none and we were planning on TTC later this year. I plan to go ahead with the testing.

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I had two in a row come back abnormal. I went in for a 3rd, my dr was out and had to see a different doc, I read my chart while I was waiting (bad me), it turns out the problem was too much blood on the slide for it to be read (both times), different dr and I got a no problem result. I refused to allow the first dr to ever do it again. I had wondered why it hurt so much when he did it. It had never been painful before. It wasn't painful when his partner did it. Never had a bad result again.

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I would ask for a repeat pap ASAP. You risk nothing but repeating the test immediately, but putting it off could be risky. It's probably nothing as the test can be affected by a number of things, but better safe than sorry.


I've had an abnormal pap during my second pregnancy. As a result I learned that I have HPV, which is good to know. I have had normal results for the past 8 years but I *still* go in every 6 months just to be safe. It gives me peace of mind.


I have a girlfriend who kept up with her annual paps and got an abnormal result one year (the previous year her result had been normal). Anyway, her abnormal pap indicated severe cervical dysplasia and she was in the hospital a week later undergoing a hysterectomy for cervical cancer. She was 24 at the time.

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I had mild dysplasia when I was 20 - after my ds12 was born. I had a colpo and cryo. Then, I followed up every 3 mos for a year, every 6 mos for another year, and then went back to yearly paps. Now, I continue to get yearly paps (because of that one abnormal one). I have not had even 1 come back abnormal since that one when I was 20.


No worries. Mild dysplasia sometimes isn't even treated right off because it can be so very minor. Sounds like your doc is being proactive (which I prefer, to be honest). Prayers that all goes well!

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Before going for the more invasive procedure have them redo the pap. I get an abnormal pap if I go for the test close to my period. My 2nd pap has always been normal. The cells of the cervix are always changing and abnormal paps are not that uncommon.

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that happened once to me...it was a yeast infection that I didn't know I had (very mild one)...my nurse says it happens often and usually isn't anything to be concerned about...but I was nervous too.


Same here. We did a course of meds for a yeast infection, then repeated the PAP - no problems.

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Personally, I'd go straight for the colpo rather than get another pap. I mean, if they're going to "be up there" anyway, why not have the clearer look instead of waiting on results and possibly having to go back a THIRD time?!


If there's nothing to biopsy, there won't be a biopsy (as was my case.)

If there is something to biopsy, get 'er done!

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I was on vacation when my nurse originally called, so I didn't schedule anything at that point. I called today to schedule the tests and both the nurse and doc are on vacation. The receptionist said that they can't get me in for the procedures until late Sept. I am not happy about that and plan to call back next week and talk to the nurse to see if we can do something sooner.


However, I did ask for the specific results and the receptionist said low grade lesions.

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