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Sooooo you wrote the top ten list in the OP?


I just copied and pasted it to my mom. Do I need to cite your blog?


I always do, even in personal communication--mainly because I don't want people to think I wrote the words in question or am trying to take credit for them, but also because I usually think they might want to read more by the author if they like whatever I sent.

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However, sarcasm when used in a tongue-in-cheek, self-depricating way, can be really funny and liven the mood. Like the whole thread (that I'm guessing started this) about not understanding why people don't agree with her brilliance. This isn't a put-down to others. At least I don't see it that way, it is a funny, back-door way of admitting a truth. We all, deep inside, feel like our opinions are the best ones. I mean, after all, if we didn't - we'd change them. I think it was a humorous way to laugh at ourselves. To laugh at how highly we sometimes catch ourselves feeling about our opinions. If it was that thread that spurred this one, why was that one insulting and the "lowest form of wit"???? It just seemed like silly, good-natured fun to me.


Now, I DO think that thread was a bit of of a swipe at other posts we've seen that follow that question but are about hot button issues. They're dressed up as sincerity but the root message is often as mean and insincere as some claim sarcasm to be.


It's the difference between an insincere, "Bless your heart!" said with a wide smile and, "Bless you heart!," said in a flat voice. One is the posts that other thread was addressing and one is sarcasm but for both the message is the same. It's just that the first one is trying to lay down a layer of chocolate so you can't see that they really ofering up manure.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Seems even God can be sarcastic, read Job 38.


Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! :leaving:


Of course he is! Didn't you realize Jesus was a coward? He used sarcasm often with the Pharisees, you know.


No prophet is ever accepted in his own country. And Jesus was, after all, American.

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Seems even God can be sarcastic, read Job 38.


Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! :leaving:


From James:


If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,†but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?


Can't you just hear it? "Keep warm, and eat well," said over your shoulder as you pass by the local begger.

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I haven't read any of the other posts but I know that I have a hard time handling sarcastic people. I never know how to read them....are they being funny, is their an edge of truth in what they are saying, do they like me or don't they? Maybe it depends on the type of sarcasm....


If someone is using sarcasm so much that it defines them, I think it's an issue. But I know people who use familiarity so much that it defines them. Everyone is greeted like they're a lost long relative, every comment is accepted with over-the-top enthusiasm. Ugh.


Anything used too much creates an issue.

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Guest Annesb17
I love you. Please stay :D


I need to thank the original poster, because I've been meaning to join these forums for ages. I'm a huge SWB fan, just finished the first year of homeschooling my kids, and before that we were at the Memoria Press school. But that post gave me the push I needed to join up.


Thanks for the warm welcome! :)

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I have to add that my dh always has a quick comeback and wit. Some of the examples that others have posted, ie the pregnancy one, aren't what I consider sarcastic rather quick witted. Do others think that this

One day at a party my friend Tammy was holding the new baby of my friend Jane. Jane told Tammy, "careful, that is how I got pregnant!" Without missing a beat I turned to dh and said, "you LIED!!"


It was sarcastic and funny. It wasn't mean or cynical.

is sarcastic? I think it is just really quick witted.
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Of course he is! Didn't you realize Jesus was a coward? He used sarcasm often with the Pharisees, you know.


No prophet is ever accepted in his own country. And Jesus was, after all, American.


From James:


If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?


Can't you just hear it? "Keep warm, and eat well," said over your shoulder as you pass by the local begger.


There is a time and place for everything.:biggrinjester:

Edited by blessedmom4god
Fixing a quote
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I need to thank the original poster, because I've been meaning to join these forums for ages. I'm a huge SWB fan, just finished the first year of homeschooling my kids, and before that we were at the Memoria Press school. But that post gave me the push I needed to join up.


Thanks for the warm welcome! :)



You totally fit in here. So glad that Cdrumm introduced this board to your genius. And she was so coy about it, too!



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Now, I DO think that thread was a bit of of a swipe at other posts we've seen that follow that question but are about hot button issues. They're dressed up as sincerity but the root message is often as mean and insincere as some claim sarcasm to be.


It's the difference between an insincere, "Bless your heart!" said with a wide smile and, "Bless you heart!," said in a flat voice. One is the posts that other thread was addressing and one is sarcasm but for both the message is the same. It's just that the first one is trying to lay down a layer of chocolate so you can't see that they really ofering up manure.


Oh. I guess I missed the context of the other thread. There are so many posts and conversations going on here at once, sometimes I miss what's really happening. I just thought it was started out of a funny realization that may have happened in the OPs life. I find myself doing the same thing sometimes, and I like to laugh at myself when I do.

Maybe the sarcasm comes in when it may seem that I am also laughing at others who do the same? Is that what is upsetting people?


I will have to admit. I feel like I'm missing something.


But then again, I am the sarcastic woman who started a similar thread. (see http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=293719) So, maybe I am blind to my own sarcasm. :tongue_smilie:


I just don't get how it is negative. (at least not all the time). I was just trying to be funny. What am I missing?

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Seriously.....I am at a loss! What is it about sarcasm that is bothering people? I mean other than when it is mean-spirited or used to cut someone else down. When it is just used in silly fun, why is that a problem?


I tend to use dry, sarcastic humor. My sisters are super sarcastic. They use it to act like I'm stupid for seeing life any other way than their "right" way. They also use it to make fun of other people. I hate that, and I get why the OP and others would not like that. That seems to be more of a problem of arrogance and meanness to me, I don't blame that on sarcasm. But the thread that I thought started this seemed more like silly fun.


Can someone help me understand? (someone who is NOT sarcastic, please!!! :lol:)

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Sarcasm seen as evolutionary

People with dementia, or head injuries in that area, often lose the ability to pick up on sarcasm, and so they don't respond in a socially ...



I don't think sarcasm should be used on children (most don't get it until they are teens.) And I don't think sarcasm should be used to be rude (too hurtful.) But I sure hope people continue to use sarcasm and other forms of dry humor- I really enjoy it.


Maybe we should add a disclaimer to sarcastic threads... SC for sarcastic content.;)

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Maybe we should add a disclaimer to sarcastic threads... SC for sarcastic content.;)



I've always joked with my SIL that we need a sarcastic font. It would be perfect and make deciphering our sarcastic text messages WAY easier.

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I'm very sick of mean-spirited snarkiness, particularly when it belittles those holding different religious beliefs. I might think that the teachings of a particular faith are pure nonsense, but what do I gain by mocking those who do believe them? If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all...

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I think its very subjective.


I have a dry sense of humour, and yes, I'm sarcastic.


Wolf and I tease each other and kibbitz all the time. We're not mean or anything, but its our currency. We laugh a lot. If that were to stop, he'd be worried about what's wrong.


It all depends on the individuals involved.




DH and I really enjoy a good sarcastic comment or observation. While sarcasm can be a way to be mean and hurt others, it certainly isn't the only use for sarcasm. And as for the OP stating that one should preferably be blunt and 'just say what you mean', I've already gotten in trouble here for doing that! Apparently it is also 'mean' to say what you mean, according at least to those folks who do not agree with what 'you' mean. Next you'll be telling us not to use bad puns because they are also mean and a low form of humor! What will DH and I do then?


Our personal crusade is against 'people who say insincere things in social chit chat' :D which we believe has a far, far greater potential to be hurtful to others! (Note, if you failed to detect the sarcasm, then perhaps you should just ignore this reply).

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Here are ten reasons for you to put the sarcasm aside.


  1. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, says Oscar Wilde. It’s not funny; it doesn’t make you seem witty. Take Emily Post’s advice instead: “As a possession for either man or woman, a ready smile is more valuable in life than a ready wit.â€


Too many sarcastic people in my life.

ETA: A member here was kind enough to point out I accidentally forgot to credit the author of this passage. It is from the Modern Ms. Darcy blog (which I love) http://modernmrsdarcy.com/2011/03/you-can-kick-the-sarcastic-habit/


I wasn't quoting Wilde.


Right up there...though I can't make that 1 the right #...

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Seriously.....I am at a loss! What is it about sarcasm that is bothering people? I mean other than when it is mean-spirited or used to cut someone else down. When it is just used in silly fun, why is that a problem?


I tend to use dry, sarcastic humor. My sisters are super sarcastic. They use it to act like I'm stupid for seeing life any other way than their "right" way. They also use it to make fun of other people. I hate that, and I get why the OP and others would not like that. That seems to be more of a problem of arrogance and meanness to me, I don't blame that on sarcasm. But the thread that I thought started this seemed more like silly fun.


Can someone help me understand? (someone who is NOT sarcastic, please!!! :lol:)


Well I think the thread you are referring to was fun AND very pointed. I didn't even post to it because I didn't have the time to sort through to see if I was one of the ones referred to as thinking my way is right. That was actually said to me in another thread prior to that...so yeah, it was sarcastic and probably directed at a few people specifically.

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:iagree: I will never, ever, in a thousand, million, billion years, understand how Carrot Top has a career.


And wth is with his eyebrows?



He seriously looks like something that would be inside of a Dahlek if they were bigger and less squidlike (the things inside Dahleks, not Dahleks themselves).

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Well I think the thread you are referring to was fun AND very pointed. I didn't even post to it because I didn't have the time to sort through to see if I was one of the ones referred to as thinking my way is right. That was actually said to me in another thread prior to that...so yeah, it was sarcastic and probably directed at a few people specifically.


Thanks, Scarlett! I just took the thread as funny without any specific context. But, as I'm reading here and there, it looks like I missed the reference point! Wow. How does everyone keep up with all these threads??!!


Thanks so much for catching me up. It stinks to feel like your missing the point! :D The context also helps me understand more what the OP may have meant by sarcasm. My dry humor is rarely mean.


Of course, it is also rarely as funny as *I* think it is! :lol:

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