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Dh's job.


The good:


He's an employee, not an independent contractor. Last year, our self-employment taxes were nearly 2mos' pay.


He gets a fuel surcharge on top of the 45% per job pay.


He gets one paid day off per full month that he works, so by the time the baby comes, he could have...well, a day off.


It's been busy. In Dallas, he spent a lot of time just waiting for a job. He'd try to do school in between, but by the time he got to a hotspot, they'd call him...for a $17 job. $50/14 hrs the last few nights he worked. :(


The bad:


He made less than $100 this week, working about 9hrs/day.

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Are you saying he worked 45 hours this week, and earned less than $100? :eek:


No, only about 36 this week--the manager couldn't start him on Mon (like they'd agreed).


He's right at $100, but they require that he rents his radio from them. I think that was $30/wk, but I don't remember for sure.

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I'm wondering if he'd make more money working with a temp agency or day labor place. It hardly seems worth his time or money to continue with the current company.


I know, but he won't just quit. He tried temp agencies in DFW. There are a couple of places he's heard about here that he'll apply to, but wow. He got home & looked like he'd been kicked & robbed. I feel SO bad for him.

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Oh well, that's okay then. Kidding! Not funny though. :-( :grouphug: I'd think even McDonald's pays better than $2.78/hour. Has he had time to look for a better job, or is he just holding it together while you get settled? Praying that better times are ahead for you guys.

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Oh well, that's okay then. Kidding! Not funny though. :-( :grouphug: I'd think even McDonald's pays better than $2.78/hour. Has he had time to look for a better job, or is he just holding it together while you get settled? Praying that better times are ahead for you guys.


Just holding it together. Every spare moment has been school. My mom asked me tonight when I told her if he'd "even bothered to apply for the job the neighbor told him about." *sigh*


McD's does pay better. He applied there. Not even an interview. Honestly, the people I see working at places lately REALLY makes me wonder how they can possibly be employed & dh not. Some kind of alternate reality I'll wake up from soon, I'm sure.

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No, only about 36 this week--the manager couldn't start him on Mon (like they'd agreed).


He's right at $100, but they require that he rents his radio from them. I think that was $30/wk, but I don't remember for sure.


Is that even legal? Doesn't he have to at least make minimum wage?

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I know, but he won't just quit. He tried temp agencies in DFW. There are a couple of places he's heard about here that he'll apply to, but wow. He got home & looked like he'd been kicked & robbed. I feel SO bad for him.


Aubrey, does he not have a teaching credential? What am I missing? Maybe I was dreaming but I thought you mentioned it once. You don't have to answer, of course. Is there no minimum wage in CO??? This just bothers me. I will pray for you and him. Something big and good has got to come soon.

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Kicked and robbed is right! If he's an employee, then he shouldn't have to "rent" equipment from his own employer! It's their equipment, he's their employee, and they have the responsibility to provide what is needed for the job!


True. Hadn't even thought of that. Dh uses all kinds of equipment daily and we'd be out thousands if he had to buy it.

I know you just moved and all is unsettled but there has to be a better position that this. When you work 9 hrs for 5 days, you deserve more than a $100.00.

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Someone mentioned teaching. If he's working toward teacher certification, find out what your new state requires for substitute teachers AND substitute teacher's aides. Some states allow you to sub for teachers while still in college. If a degree is required for substitute teachers, sometimes the bar is lower for substitute aides.

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Kicked and robbed is right! If he's an employee, then he shouldn't have to "rent" equipment from his own employer! It's their equipment, he's their employee, and they have the responsibility to provide what is needed for the job!


Statutorily, is he an employee or an independent contractor? The minimum wage laws do not apply to independent contractors themselves.

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Someone mentioned teaching. If he's working toward teacher certification, find out what your new state requires for substitute teachers AND substitute teacher's aides. Some states allow you to sub for teachers while still in college. If a degree is required for substitute teachers, sometimes the bar is lower for substitute aides.


:iagree: Uncertified subs make around $100/day depending on your area and certified even more. My sister is a certified special ed teacher who subs part-time so she can HS her DD. Good subs are ALWAYS in demand.


Also, some states have "fast track" programs leading to certification. They're for folks making a career change and/or who already meet some requirements. Some of my dad's friends were doing it in FL several years back and a close friend's DH here in NY too.


:grouphug: and prayers too.

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Statutorily, is he an employee or an independent contractor? The minimum wage laws do not apply to independent contractors themselves.


I think she just said that he's an employee, NOT an independent contractor. That is why I reacted the way I did to him having to "rent" equipment from his company.

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Aubrey, what is your husband going to school for and when does he graduate?


The other posters are right about subbing. One of our friends is a substitute teacher and that would be much better.


Master of Project Management--basically a specialized MBA. This is his first semester (it's an 8wk session, so I'm not sure what to call it, other than a behind-kicker), but it's not the kind of thing he will necessarily have to finish (I don't think). Basically, he's getting it on his resume & working on it until he finds a job.

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What does he do?????


He's a courier--it was a seminary job a couple of years ago, meant to fill in until he could find something better, which he obviously hasn't. He gets paid by the job, so I don't think min wage applies.


When he first started out, he made about $150/day before paying his gas & expenses. Occasionally, there'd be a really good day, but it depends on the amt of work, quality of work, & in Dallas--whether or not the dispatcher likes you. So he could predict things like bad jobs on Mondays & much better ones on Thursdays (if they were avail).


The Dallas office was a mess--they'd require drivers to wait on packages that weren't ready, wouldn't pay wait time, would short their miles, etc. This co addressed all of that during the 4 hrs of "training" & it sounded so much better, so much more honest. They avoid wait time for their drivers whenever possible, but pay them to wait after 5min (instead of 30).


It was never meant to be more than a filler job, but in seminary it paid the bills. Then they re-did their pay structure, & it almost paid the bills. Then the economy got even worse, & fewer businesses were willing/able to pay for the expedited shipping, & things got bad. Then worse. It was always a struggle to determine whether to stay out more hours working or come home & apply for jobs that never call back.


I don't know what else to say. When he first told me...well, it wasn't a big deal. I'm used to things like this at this point. But mom & I took the kids to the store while dh worked on the floor/school papers, & by the time we got home & the kids were tired & cranky...it had hit me. He looked like he'd been fired when he pulled into the driveway, & honestly, that would probably be better. At least he could use all of his time to look for something else.


I wish I could fix it for him. The money part stinks, but it will work out one way or another. I'm worried about his self-esteem. *sigh*

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I get where you are coming from. The problem with "filler" jobs is that once they are on your resume, people won't look at you for jobs that aren't similar. My dh has the same problem. He has worked in Management since he was 18 years old. Problem is, he manages baseball facilities, the places with indoor batting cages, and that give lessons. Its SUCH a specialized field, that he can't find a job doing anything else. And I mean ANYTHING. He has applied at Wal-Mart, Target, things offering minimum wage only. Not even a call back. It SUCKS. Hope your Dh finds something awesome soon!

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I wish I could fix it for him. The money part stinks, but it will work out one way or another. I'm worried about his self-esteem. *sigh*


I'm so sorry! Remind him that as hard as this is, you guys will look back on it someday and say, "can you believe the crazy job you had back in 2011 when you made $100 one week?!" Things will get better. I'm sure you both know that, but remind him - and remind him that it isn't him, it's the darn economy. I assume (and pray!) that you are all healthy, which is what is most important. This economy stinks and it breaks my heart reading personal stories about how good families are struggling. Praying something better comes your all's way!

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I think she just said that he's an employee, NOT an independent contractor. That is why I reacted the way I did to him having to "rent" equipment from his company.


In another post and/or thread, she mentioned self-employment tax. If a courier pays self-employment tax, he generally is an independent contractor.

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In another post and/or thread, she mentioned self-employment tax. If a courier pays self-employment tax, he generally is an independent contractor.


She said that in TX he was an ind. contractor and in CO he is an employee. If so, they have to pay him min. wage, regardless of how he gets paid (by the job or hourly.)

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Is that even legal? Doesn't he have to at least make minimum wage?


That was my first thought too..


Someone mentioned teaching. If he's working toward teacher certification, find out what your new state requires for substitute teachers AND substitute teacher's aides. Some states allow you to sub for teachers while still in college. If a degree is required for substitute teachers, sometimes the bar is lower for substitute aides.


I know in TN, for instance, you can sub without a degree. Not saying they hire the best subs for all their schools, but it apparently pays well according to the person I know who has no teaching degree but does it.




As for not getting jobs after working in the same field.. I once worked at a small petrol station and the manager/owner wouldn't hire certain people after she looked at their applications and felt they were "over qualified" for such a job. My Dad couldn't get a job working at a hardware store even though he knew the stuff inside out. Their reasoning? You know TOO much and you know that half of what we sell is c.ap, including 98% of the wood we sell. It was true, Dad was always REALLY picky about the wood he'd accept from them.


It's sad when they won't hire people because they feel they are TOO good for the job. Let's be honest, if someone has a degree but is willing to take a 9-5 job scrubbing toilets, checking people out at the grocery mart, or filling shelves at the local dept. store darn it who cares, hire them! Betting they'll work harder for you then the nillies who all ready work there and insult the customers non-stop.


Praying your situation improves SOON!

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I once worked at a small petrol station and the manager/owner wouldn't hire certain people after she looked at their applications and felt they were "over qualified" for such a job.


I think that's mostly because they are afraid people won't stay in a job they are overqualified for. I've run into that, too.

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It's sad when they won't hire people because they feel they are TOO good for the job.


I remember being desperate for a job and running into this. Even the fast food places wouldn't hire me. I stopped putting down my education and just mentioned my high school diploma - I was told that they could tell I was educated by my good speech. I started to throw in a couple of "ain'ts" but they laughed at me (different place) and told me that they could tell that I was someone with a good education who was trying to look uneducated. Nope - I was too educated to be hired. Fortunately, I then found a job at an engineering firm where they loved educated employees so much that they made sure that everyone from the receptionist on up had a good education.

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Honestly, the people I see working at places lately REALLY makes me wonder how they can possibly be employed & dh not. Some kind of alternate reality I'll wake up from soon, I'm sure.



I wonder this all the time. The level of incompetence I see in so many employed people makes my head spin. Especially because I know some smart, capable people who would love to have a job.:glare:

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