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This whole Warren Jeffs trial...

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....makes my heart hurt. I have only kept up with it here and there because honestly, it makes me so nauseous I can only take it in small doses. Today's headline in particular:






I know this isn't very christian like but... I hope they put him in a cell with a really big guy named bubba and throw away the key.

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Yes he is one sick person BUT, he is only ONE person!! I feel like the parents of these girls are even MORE responsible!


Did you read this part? He thought nothing of sending people away and keeping their children. Maybe a mother stays so she can at least be there for her poor raped and impregnated child. There was obviously a reason for the raid (however badly some folks believe it might have been handled). That guy is going down. Nice he kept such good records. ;) I didn't even know there was a trial.


"Jeffs also allegedly excommunicated 60 church members he saw as a threat to his leadership, breaking up 300 families while stripping them of property and "reassigning" wives and children."

Edited by LibraryLover
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I didn't even know there was a trial.


"Jeffs also allegedly excommunicated 60 church members he saw as a threat to his leadership, breaking up 300 families while stripping them of property and "reassigning" wives and children."


I read a memoir/autobiography of one of the first women to leave the FLDS church WITH her children. Children were (are?) generally considered the husband's property, so while mothers were welcome to leave, they couldn't take their children with them. Imagine being an only modestly educated woman of 12+ children, with no income and trying to leave the only place you've known your entire life AND you've been taught that the outside world is dangerous. Oh, and that you can't get into heaven without your husband. It's no wonder women can't or don't leave.


That said, this is his second major trial. He was tried and convicted in Utah. That conviction was reversed because of incorrect jury instructions.

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This thinking is so twisted. As hard as it is to understand for one person to be that messed up,




I do not understand the LACK of desire to protect my daughters.


How sad.


It's institutional. The parents were raised in the faith and their parents besides. They isolate themselves. They really and truly believe that this path is the best for them.


That said, Warren Jeffs has made changes and restrictions and done things to his followers that are so over and above anything that previous "prophets" have done that even they, as insulated and isolated as they are, are starting to think that he's gone too far.


And without derailing this thread too much, I think it's naive to think that Warren Jeffs is the only religious leader who has used his position to control and manipulate.

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I read a memoir/autobiography of one of the first women to leave the FLDS church WITH her children. Children were (are?) generally considered the husband's property, so while mothers were welcome to leave, they couldn't take their children with them. Imagine being an only modestly educated woman of 12+ children, with no income and trying to leave the only place you've known your entire life AND you've been taught that the outside world is dangerous. Oh, and that you can't get into heaven without your husband. It's no wonder women can't or don't leave.


That said, this is his second major trial. He was tried and convicted in Utah. That conviction was reversed because of incorrect jury instructions.


That was maddening. :angry: I cannot fathom how some human beings can do what they do & claim it's in God's name. Yuck yuck yuck yuck YUCK!!!!!

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It's all so sick. I can't spend too much time wondering how people are so easily manipulated. It's outside my realm of understanding how the people around him can allow it all to happen. It just makes me ill. Those poor girls.


I can kind of understand because just last year I was almost sucked into a religion which is regarded by A LOT of people as a high-risk high-control cult. I was getting depressed and lonely just being at home all the time with the children and when a member from this religion came door knocking, I jumped at the chance for some companionship. I went to meetings and read their literature and version of the bible all the time. If you are bombarded by the same thing over and over and over and over again, you get to the stage where you believe everything you read and hear etc. I was even reading the childrens literature to my DD and took her to a meeting.


How I 'woke up' was I, for some reason, googled the religion and came across a forum for current and ex-members and what I saw there was a big wake up call. I thank god everyday that I got out of that mess. I am not religious and I doubt I will be ever be part of a religion again because of my experience, but I am not about to dismiss the possibility of a 'creator', just like I don't agree 100% with 'evolution' IYKWIM.


What I am trying to get at, is if you are in the 'right' frame of mind or easily swayed, then falling into this sort of 'religion' is very, very easy. And getting out is just as hard, if not impossible, because of everything you have put into the religion i.e time, money, life etc etc.

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And without derailing this thread too much, I think it's naive to think that Warren Jeffs is the only religious leader who has used his position to control and manipulate.


Of course he's not but the evidence they have on him is quite disgusting. I think that's what many are reacting to.

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btw, she's strident about the evils of hsing...


I think her position is completely understandable considering her experiences.


It's a bit like being raised by incredibly abusive alcoholics and choosing to completely avoid any alcohol as a response. It would be hard to understand that one gin and tonic with dinner is okay when you experience with gin has been beatings and extreme danger.

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