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Indiana Jones & a concussion

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About 1 o'clock this afternoon, my son ripped one handle off his sibling's jump rope so he could use it as a bullwhip, climbed up on top of their bookcase, swung the "bullwhip" across the room, and, seeing it catch around the bunk bed ladder . . . jumped! When I came to investigate the noise, his legs and hands were twitching, his eyes were rolled back in his head. The CAT scan indicated that there was no damage done, but he has spent most of the rest of the day sleeping or moaning in pain.


I was so very, very stupid to let him see the Indiana Jones movie.

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About 1 o'clock this afternoon, my son ripped one handle off his sibling's jump rope so he could use it as a bullwhip, climbed up on top of their bookcase, swung the "bullwhip" across the room, and, seeing it catch around the bunk bed ladder . . . jumped! When I came to investigate the noise, his legs and hands were twitching, his eyes were rolled back in his head. The CAT scan indicated that there was no damage done, but he has spent most of the rest of the day sleeping or moaning in pain.


I was so very, very stupid to let him see the Indiana Jones movie.


Oh, my goodness! I hope he feels better soon.


Has he done anything like this in the past? Was there any reason for you to suspect he would try the stunts he saw in the movie?


Don't be so hard on yourself. Kids are so unpredictable.



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Oh how frightening. I've been in a similar circumstance with dd when she was almost 4 and it took months for me to stop talking about it. They were kind to listne to me. But now, your son is ok, now make sure take care of your own self how ever you have to. I cleaned for days and dh played war games on pc to work out terror. No blame and you're not stupid. Kids do those kinds of things. It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault. Stuff just happens. I am glad your son is ok.

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Your children are young and so you might not be able to see this right now.



But someday this is going to be one of those legendary family stories that is told over and over and over again and most especially when he brings a new girl home to introduce to you.


Once you recover from the sheer terror of the day, and have a little time to distance yourself emotionally. I believe you :lol: over this antic.


Aren't boys fun?


Here's to a quick healing and may tomorrow be a day without pain from all this treasure hunting and adventuring.

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Your children are young and so you might not be able to see this right now.



But someday this is going to be one of those legendary family stories that is told over and over and over again and most especially when he brings a new girl home to introduce to you.


Once you recover from the sheer terror of the day, and have a little time to distance yourself emotionally. I believe you :lol: over this antic.


Aren't boys fun?


Here's to a quick healing and may tomorrow be a day without pain from all this treasure hunting and adventuring.


I agree, Kelli. It's still early for us, but just the other night when I was putting Kate to bed, we talked about the day she hung herself and we were in stitches. I hope the OP will feel the same way soon.

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Oh, honey, I'm so sorry! Hope he recovers without any difficulty. He could have seen the same thing on the advertisements for the movie, even if you hadn't taken him.


My youngest ran straight out the door from an after school program one day when he was a kindergartener and climbed up on a set of monkey bars that were too big for his age/size. He jumped to grab the horizontal bars so he could climb hand over hand - and fell straight down into pea gravel and snapped his arm. His caretaker couldn't stop him in time and felt awful. I was about a minute away from being there to pick him up and felt awful. But little boys *will* be little boys, in spite of all we try to do to protect them.


I know we'd like to just completely wrap them in bubble wrap sometimes, but it would be awful hot and sweaty in there.....

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You are not stupid. When ds was 4, he climbed up on an end table in our living room, grabbed the cord for the mini-blinds (which I had cut so they were really short, as to not pose a hazard ya know) and proceeded to jump off the table and "play Tarzan". He got a nice rope burn across his neck, and I got labeled as an abusive mother at his preschool. I didn't know he had ever heard of Tarzan. So, you're not stupid, you just have a great kid w/ a great imagination, and a very large headache! Hugs to both of you!

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Yes, be kind to yourself. Boys will be boys and you can't keep an eye on everything he does. At this age even warning him that what he sees on Tv isn't real life doesn't really sink in. Hopefully he is will be feeling better soon and isn't confused.


My husband got a concussion when he fell off the knee board behind the boat...must have hit his head on the board. He was confused for 6 hours and kept saying the same things over..."I know that this is Sacred Heart Hospital and you can wait forever to see a dr..." when I told him he had already seen the dr and we were waiting for the results of the cat scan he said, "NO! I didn't have a cat scan!" 2 minutes later he was saying..." I know that this is Sacred Heart..." He repeated the same phrases for 6 hours! Reesegirl

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About 1 o'clock this afternoon, my son ripped one handle off his sibling's jump rope so he could use it as a bullwhip, climbed up on top of their bookcase, swung the "bullwhip" across the room, and, seeing it catch around the bunk bed ladder . . . jumped! When I came to investigate the noise, his legs and hands were twitching, his eyes were rolled back in his head. The CAT scan indicated that there was no damage done, but he has spent most of the rest of the day sleeping or moaning in pain.


I was so very, very stupid to let him see the Indiana Jones movie.



That is so laugh worthy and yet, so d#mn scary. My dh did something similar as a young boy. Something about swinging through tree tops like Tarzan leading to sewing his tongue back together. That wasn't his worse accident either as a kid. ;)

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Take all rope items away from that boy! ;) Legos, much safer!


I don't know - I was reading the police blotter in our small-town newspaper yesterday, and an item of interest was: "5/7, 4:40 p.m. - Child with Lego stuck inside nose reported from Bug Hill Rd. residence. Patient transported." I love it that this is what our town considers newsworthy!


(Another favorite item was: "Brush fire flared up on East Buckland Rd. Owner extinguished.")


-Anne (wife of Drew/Plaid Dad)

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I don't know - I was reading the police blotter in our small-town newspaper yesterday, and an item of interest was: "5/7, 4:40 p.m. - Child with Lego stuck inside nose reported from Bug Hill Rd. residence. Patient transported." I love it that this is what our town considers newsworthy!


(Another favorite item was: "Brush fire flared up on East Buckland Rd. Owner extinguished.")


-Anne (wife of Drew/Plaid Dad)


Oh my! You know, anything can be dangerous, can't it? Food up the nose, shoe lace end stuck in the ear (my ds did that one), danger all around! We were at the ped. Thurs. Dr. removed an object from a wee one's nose before coming into our room. They decided it was a crayon bit.

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:ohmy: Okay, maybe I should just ban all forms of rope. :tongue_smilie: I'm glad someone else has BTDT :001_smile:


I suppose this is one way that girls are different from boys. On the way home from my Kate's near death episode, she said she would NEVER do that again, and she hasn't. I continued to let her play with ropes and strings. Boys on the other hand, find different ways if the the first way was unsuccessful.


Kate had taken a piece of 9' x 1" plastic strip, that I gave her to keep her busy while I worked, and tied it to a post and some how it got around her neck as she twirled in circles until she was hanging from the post. She somehow managed to horsely whisper my name and when I turn around she had blood squiring out her nose with each heartbeat and had voided her bladder. It took me over a year to not shudder every time I pictured her. And it was hard not to think about it.


Just so you don't think I am a stupid mom for giving an almost 4yo a string like that, we'd had many talks about never putting anything around the neck because she was alway tying whatever she could get her hands on to anything that could be tied to. I had also squished it into a small pail of water thinking it would stay stuck together and not unwind. It wasn't 5 minutes later when I wasn't looking that she had managed to hang herself. She is not a twirler, so I don't even know why she was twirling. With that particular child, I decided that my only job is to keep her alive. She has had a few other close calls, but not as close as this one.


This week end is 6 years to the date that it happened. I'll probably be thinking about you every year at this time, along with my dd and whisper a little prayer of thanks for all of us that we still have our babies.

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(Another favorite item was: "Brush fire flared up on East Buckland Rd. Owner extinguished.")


Was the owner extinguished, or did the owner extinguish it?


Thank goodness, thank goodness, my risk-taking child has sensory issues. That sometimes seems to be his only natural inhibitor. He'd NEVER stick a Lego up his nose.

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My 13yo ds said he was impressed with your son's ingenuity. Thought it was brilliant in fact...



Haha! My 14yo said, "That sounds cool, wish I would've thought of that!" Then he said that of course HE wouldn't have gotten hurt! Yeah......right!:001_rolleyes:


I agree Jenn............Boys!


But how VERY scary this must have been! I can't imagine coming in and seeing him like that! Glad things turned out ok!

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Thanks, Jane. I need to print that out for kiddo's scrapbook. My partner and I were wondering in the hospital how many Indy-related injuries they'd see this summer.


I must confess that I told your tale of woe to my husband and son as we were waiting for the Indiana Jones movie to begin yesterday. It was my sixteen year old who pointed out the Foxtrot comic to pass along to you, as well as pointing out the toy Indiana Jones whip that is advertized in today's Target insert in the newspaper. That one is blowing my mind--how long until the recall??



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My ds (9) plays rep hockey, and this was the first year he played with contact/checking. Since he plays 4 - 6 times a week, I spent at least half of my week with my heart in my throat and an audible mantra of "Please, don't hit my kid!"


His concussion however, came courtesy of a class field trip, and astonishingly not the rink! On the return bus ride home, one of his classmates, reached over the seat and was tickling his buddy. The kid was laughing so hard that kneed my ds in the head, propelling it into the window causing a fractured cheek bone and a concussion! You just never know.


Progress report - still in hockey, currently homeschooling, and desperately trying to figure out ways to make bubble wrap more fashionable and less sticky.

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(((hugs))) Rose! We all do this kind of thing and kick ourselves afterwards. My dh was thinking, Oh, yeah, Joshua could love this movie, but I said he has to wait till he's a bit older because of the ants eating people and the people burning alive. I just don't like that kind of thing. I *am* however going to get the Young Indiana Jones shows if I can.


I'm sure dh will have the DVD in the house when it's released and then I'll have to fast forward the objectionable scenes. Luckily, my hero lover is my more cautious child. The child-with-no-fear is the animal lover. It works better that way.

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Your children are young and so you might not be able to see this right now.



But someday this is going to be one of those legendary family stories that is told over and over and over again and most especially when he brings a new girl home to introduce to you.


Once you recover from the sheer terror of the day, and have a little time to distance yourself emotionally. I believe you :lol: over this antic.


Aren't boys fun?


Here's to a quick healing and may tomorrow be a day without pain from all this treasure hunting and adventuring.


I agree with Kelli - oh look, here is the approriate smiley :iagree:

(Sorry, I don't use the smileys much and get easily excited).

When I read this, I leaned back and laughed. I know he's hurting all over but at least he seems okay and Kelli is soooo right. This will be one of the best stories ever...in a couple of years!

Mom of a boy here too!

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This will be one of the best stories ever...in a couple of years!




It will be the story his brothers tell his girlfriend when he brings her home. With much exaggerated twitching and eye rolling.


I'm glad he seems to be doing all right. Just don't hesitate to take him back to the ER if he seems in any way worse.

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