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Email not connected with your internet company?

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Good luck with that.


You're going to get spam, regardless of whether your e-mail is through your Internet Service Provider or not, if you use it anywhere except to people you personally know.


I have a Yahoo account, a g-mail account (which I never use), and an account through my ISP; I use Outlook as my e-mail program, which has a pretty spam guard. I rarely get spammed there. Yahoo has good spam control, too, although I'm more likely to get spam on that account becaues I use it any time I have to provide an e-mail addy on-line.

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I love Gmail - Google's email service.


When I switched from Yahoo to Gmail a few years ago, my spam went down considerably.



You'll get spam anywhere you go, but with gmail it NEVER ends up in my inbox, just in my spam folder.

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You'll get spam anywhere you go, but with gmail it NEVER ends up in my inbox, just in my spam folder.


This is true of me for Yahoo, too. I don't get any spam in my inbox; only in my spam folder. I do have one email for personal/family use, and one for Internet use (I use this one for registering and ordering online). I've been with yahoo for 10+ years and have been pleased with their service. I've had to close/open accounts and continue to choose yahoo. I tried gmail at one point, but prefer yahoo (admittedly this is probably much due to familiarity).

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The best way I've found to really limit spam is to maintain two email accounts - one for family & friends that you guard with your life, the second for online shopping, forum registrations, anything else, etc. My two accounts are both gmail. My personal account gets little to no spam and when it does, I set up a filter immediately to block it in the future. The second account, I don't care what goes in there - if I need a receipt or something, I can search the inbox for it, same if I forget a user name on a site I've registered....I don't sign into it very often.

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This is true of me for Yahoo, too. I don't get any spam in my inbox; only in my spam folder. I do have one email for personal/family use, and one for Internet use (I use this one for registering and ordering online). I've been with yahoo for 10+ years and have been pleased with their service. I've had to close/open accounts and continue to choose yahoo. I tried gmail at one point, but prefer yahoo (admittedly this is probably much due to familiarity).


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Good luck with that.


You're going to get spam, regardless of whether your e-mail is through your Internet Service Provider or not, if you use it anywhere except to people you personally know.


I have a Yahoo account, a g-mail account (which I never use), and an account through my ISP; I use Outlook as my e-mail program, which has a pretty spam guard. I rarely get spammed there. Yahoo has good spam control, too, although I'm more likely to get spam on that account becaues I use it any time I have to provide an e-mail addy on-line.


I have gotten 2 spam emails on my gmail account ever. I only give it out to certain people and certain companies. Anyone else that needs an email account gets my old aim account which to date has over 5000 unopened spam messages which weren't even caught by the spam filter they have and weren't sent to the spam folder.


I have never, however, gotten even one piece of spam on email accounts that I host on my own domains.

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I use my gmail account for everything and the spam filter is excellent. I get dozens of spam emails daily but they all go straight to my spam folder and I never see them. It has made, maybe, three mistakes in a couple of years.


Plus, gmail will pick up your ISP mail for you and deliver it to your gmail box.

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We need to get an email address and I don't want a lot of spam! Suggestions?


I have g-mail, hotmail (old, grandfathered for use with outlook), and yahoo. yahoo is TONS of spam to the point I rarely even look in the spam folder and a real pain to report phishing. Hotmail, because of how long I've had it and use it the most (I have to delete approx six from the JUNK mailbox via the phishing spam button every week. no big deal. they never make it to my inbox.). very little spam with g-mail, but I use it more for personal/business (NOT shopping online.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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I have gotten 2 spam emails on my gmail account ever. I only give it out to certain people and certain companies. Anyone else that needs an email account gets my old aim account which to date has over 5000 unopened spam messages which weren't even caught by the spam filter they have and weren't sent to the spam folder.


I have never, however, gotten even one piece of spam on email accounts that I host on my own domains.

I never see the spam that comes into my Yahoo account, unless it's from a contact whose e-mail was hacked. I have Yahoo set up so that spam goes into the trash when it comes in, and the trash is emptied each time I exit Yahoo.

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I never see the spam that comes into my Yahoo account, unless it's from a contact whose e-mail was hacked. I have Yahoo set up so that spam goes into the trash when it comes in, and the trash is emptied each time I exit Yahoo.


That's cool. I was just saying that it's possible to get no spam at all.

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That's cool. I was just saying that it's possible to get no spam at all.

:iagree:I've used several emails over the last few years & I don't start getting spam until I've used it for something like yahoo groups, where the email address is visible to other users.

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My dh has a hotmail account, I have Yahoo, and we have a gmail account for paypal. All them work fine, and I find them all similar. I really do not get much spam on Yahoo, and what I do get goes to my spam folder. I do get a lot of emails in my yahoo account, but they come from things I signed up for.

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This is true of me for Yahoo, too. I don't get any spam in my inbox; only in my spam folder. I do have one email for personal/family use, and one for Internet use (I use this one for registering and ordering online). I've been with yahoo for 10+ years and have been pleased with their service. I've had to close/open accounts and continue to choose yahoo. I tried gmail at one point, but prefer yahoo (admittedly this is probably much due to familiarity).


:iagree: I've had my yahoo account for at least 12 years. It's familiar so I haven't gotten into my gmail account too much. Not bothered by spam as I clean it out several times a day. Just doesn't ruffle my feathers.

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Another vote for gmail! I almost never see spam in my regular inbox with gmail; 99.99% of the time, it's sent straight to the spam box. (In fact, it's so good that occasionally good mail is sent to the spam box, but that is also rare.) I love gmail's organizational accessories, like stars and filters, as well. So, so easy to find something later.


I actually have multiple gmail addresses -- one strictly for ebay, one for friends/FB notices/coupons/etc., and one for family/homeschool co-op/etc. If we need an email address for something that will continue to send us coupons or updates or whatnot, I use the friends address, but I am very strict about where I use the family one. As a result, that one gets very little spam.

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