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Now mom called...

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We need regional WTM retreat homes. Seriously. My heart breaks for your situation. If I were rich... (which I am not)...A sabbatical home for homeschoolers????


Why aren't sabbaticals built into life anymore? No one can afford them, well probably some people. What happened to going somewhere for the summer, someplace with better air, a respite for the mind and body.


Have you looked into that foreclosure loophole in Texas, where the guy is living in the house for 16.00?

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Living w/my mil has been bearable b/c we have her in the basement. Now we have to cohabitate. Nightmare.


Which one do you get along w/better. That would be my decision.


They make me tense in different ways. Mil wants to know when I'm getting a job, having my tubes tied, & putting the dc in school.


Mom's fine w/ us having 10+ kids, would pay for hs'ing, & partly wants us to come to make sure I don't have to work & put the dc in school.


Mil tries to keep the dc overnight about once a month, has helped to some extent after every baby, brings gifts for every birthday & minor holidays.


My mom doesn't even want to come LOOK at a new baby when it's born, sends gifts randomly, & has kept 2 of the dc once ever.


Mil thinks she still needs to parent both dh & me & can be pretty bossy about stuff, but she also gives us space, if that makes sense.


Mom thinks she never needed to parent ME, much less anybody else. But she thinks I'm her other self & tends to be very co-dependent, telling me everything, & getting upset if I'm not available/agreeable 100%. I think if she'd be honest, she'd say that what she really wants is ME to move in w/ her & dh & the kids to go somewhere else. They're just obstacles to her having me to herself.


Mil is definitely more laid back, easy-going, rational. But she's also extremely extroverted & CAN NOT understand any other personality. She's a "positive thinker" & really believes that everyone's problems are basically deserved because they're just not trying hard enough. She thinks dh is a slacker for working only 60-80 hrs/week & that it's actually MY fault--she assumes I'm making him come home to help around the house, that he'd never just CHOOSE to come home when he could be out making $$.


She thinks that it's my fault he quit seminary, but she's nice enough to never say so. We're completely opposite personalities, but because of that, I can SEE how hard she works to understand/accept me & I interpret that as genuine love, usually viewed as the "loyalty" kind rather than the understanding or affectionate kind.


She was thrilled w/ the idea of us going to Malaysia because we'd be putting the kids in school. CO, though? Nope, too far away if we're still hs'ing. :confused:

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Is there any possibility of renting a storage unit in CO? If so, I would go ahead and move ALL your stuff into one on Wed. Go to your mom's and get a feel of what it's like for a week or so. If it truly is unbearable, then start looking at options.


Knowing your dh's health, and what the air is like here...he NEEDS CO for a while. You need a place to land until the baby is born and he has a job worked out. It may not be ideal, but it isn't permanent. In my experience most anything is bearable if you know that there will eventually be an end.


I agree with PP that it isn't going to be any easier in a month. In fact it will be harder, that close to your due date.

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On the one hand, I'm so glad you see it that way. It's a nightmare to have to think about moving in w/ family in the first place, & under these circumstances? Wow.


On the other hand...well, I don't think people move in w/ family for fun. Of course there's a compelling reason. Last month we couldn't buy groceries. Our water was almost turned off. Now dh's job is paying 1/2 what it paid last month, & that's w/ working extra hours. He's started having breathing problems related to the air. He's working nights to avoid the ozone, but nights pay worse than days.


Yesterday, we drove to church & the children's museum & home. By the time we got home, he couldn't breathe. He stayed inside the house either sitting at the desk or sleeping until 9 this morning. When he got up to get dressed & go in (he has to turn in paperwork on Mon mornings), getting dressed left him out of breath.


He's applied for every kind of job there is, from real business jobs to minimum wage teenager jobs to gas station clerks. He hasn't gotten called back on anything. We've contacted friends, & occasionally, there's a job available, he's promised an interview, & we never hear back & calls are not returned. It's excruciating.


I'm so sorry, Aubrey, that is an impossible situation. You all have been through so much over the past few years. On one side you've got extreme financial problems and health problems, and on the other side you've got family members that could cause you huge amounts of stress if you move in with them-- who have already started the dysfunction just in the discussion phase, which is likely to get much worse as the situation unfolds. If a friend came to me with your situation, and asked me my advice, I guess I would ask this: What would you do if living with your mother and/or dh's mother were not an option? Would you accept govt. assistance? Live in subsidized housing? Move to a cheaper, healthier place with more job options? Go to work yourself and send the kids to school? Would dh pursue job options differently? I would think about what I would do if the option of living with family weren't there, and see if any of those could possibly work. Then compare that best case scenario with the one you're currently pursuing, and see which seems better. Everyone has different tolerance levels for these kinds of dynamics, but for me, living with difficult family members would pretty much be off the table if there were *any* other option. As dedicated as I am to homeschooling, I would even put my kids in school before I would let myself and my kids be put in a high stress family situation 24/7.

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Is there any possibility of renting a storage unit in CO? If so, I would go ahead and move ALL your stuff into one on Wed. Go to your mom's and get a feel of what it's like for a week or so. If it truly is unbearable, then start looking at options.


Knowing your dh's health, and what the air is like here...he NEEDS CO for a while. You need a place to land until the baby is born and he has a job worked out. It may not be ideal, but it isn't permanent. In my experience most anything is bearable if you know that there will eventually be an end.


I agree with PP that it isn't going to be any easier in a month. In fact it will be harder, that close to your due date.


If I call my mom & tell her I'm thinking about not coming at all, she'll be horrified. I'm SURE she has no idea what she said last night--how it sounded. Because she does that kind of thing all. the. time. When I was pg w/ #1, I told her I wasn't sure if spanking was a good idea & I was frustrated w/ the illogical defenses of it I'd read in some places.


She wrote me a letter saying that it would be better if he died than had me for a parent. Later, she was horrified that it came out that way & asked me to burn the letter.


But last week, I mentioned something about dd having a hard time expressing herself clearly, & mom said, "Just don't let her write people letters!" And laughed. I'm sure she remembers that there was a problem w/ a letter she wrote me w/out remember WHAT the problem was or surely she would never bring it up again & certainly not laugh.


So if I could be Spock, feelingless, we'd be fine. I do tend to be more rational than feeling (compared to dh & mom, lol), but while I can say & do the rational thing, I FEEL the hurt of it all, even long after things are solved. And have I mentioned I'm PG???? I don't want to have to be the rational one, lol.


My point? We could make it work with mom (maybe), but it would be up to ME to make it work, & I don't know if I have the emotional strength for that.

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How about if he went ahead and moved out with your Mom and helped her get all the household things done and started looking for jobs? He can help her post-surgically and see what kinds of job opportunities present themselves.


Your Mom already offered to pay August rent, so maybe you could stay there for a few weeks. I know things are tight. I am a tad worried, though, that the hoarding thing will be a nightmare. If your DH could take a look at it, that would help.


I know you are pregnant, though, and anxious to get settled yourself.

I agree. I would try to send DH to check things out and to see what his asthma is like there.


My DH has asthma and it had to be managed carefully when we lived in (humid) Kansas City. Since we moved to CA (it's dry where we live) he only takes his rescue inhaler a few times/year and has no allergy issue and we open the windows almost every night. The heat and humidity are the #1 factors in his asthma. It's just very difficult to breathe wet air.

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Help me. Does she mean wait? Or "don't come"? I told her about mil's offer for us to go there, but she still insists she wants us. She's stressed out trying to get the house ready, but she won't leave it alone & let me do it when I get there. But she's stressed about weird stuff--tape & bed work on HER bathroom *ceiling* that's not done well enough. Flat paint that's been used to touch up a glossy trim.


I told her we'd fix it for her when we get there, but then she starts telling me she needs to have carpet put in our part of the house. I don't know. She never completely makes sense, but...I'm worried.




Sounds like she's nesting :). I think you need to restate your plans and stick to them. She's worrying way ahead of time and that can't be helped until the future actually happens. Uncertainty only adds to the stress. (And go camping if necessary. I'd bet there are lots of tents available on CO Craigslist or Freecycle. :))



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I'm so sorry, Aubrey, that is an impossible situation. You all have been through so much over the past few years. On one side you've got extreme financial problems and health problems, and on the other side you've got family members that could cause you huge amounts of stress if you move in with them-- who have already started the dysfunction just in the discussion phase, which is likely to get much worse as the situation unfolds.


If a friend came to me with your situation, and asked me my advice, I guess I would ask this: What would you do if living with your mother and/or dh's mother were not an option?


I'm waiting until dh gets home today to discuss exactly this.


Would you accept govt. assistance? Live in subsidized housing?


Maybe. I don't even know how to find out about that, but maybe.


Move to a cheaper, healthier place with more job options?


We're paying less than $800/mo now. There's virtually nothing cheaper, in any location or size. I've looked. We could save as much as $200/mo MAYBE, & that's not enough w/ dh's job situation the way it is.


I don't know how we could afford to move to a healthier place w/out a job already lined up.


Everything we've read says that DFW is one of the best places to find a job. So moving *away* from this wouldn't make a lot of sense to most people, BUT I do have a feeling that job prospects for dh's experience are better elsewhere. But that's not a sure enough thing to move across the country for, kwim?


Go to work yourself and send the kids to school?


I've been looking for a job for over a year--maybe 2 now. But my degree is in English & Education, & teachers are being laid off everywhere. I've done exhausting rounds of projects for some of the jobs, analyzing test data, grading stacks of student writing, etc. I've been one of the top 10, one of the top 2, but never THE GUY.


And honestly, at this point, who would hire me? I know they're not supposed to discriminate on the basis of pg, but...w/ so many other applicants, would YOU?


Even before I was pg, bookstores wouldn't call me back. *sigh*


Would dh pursue job options differently?


No, he's pretty much trying everything already.


I would think about what I would do if the option of living with family weren't there, and see if any of those could possibly work.


We knew it would be like this to live w/ family, so for the last few years, we've been working to avoid this--as if it weren't possible. We're not living out of the car or anything, but dh's breathing was kind-of the final blow: looking forward, we won't be able to make ends meet, kwim?


Then compare that best case scenario with the one you're currently pursuing, and see which seems better. Everyone has different tolerance levels for these kinds of dynamics, but for me, living with difficult family members would pretty much be off the table if there were *any* other option. As dedicated as I am to homeschooling, I would even put my kids in school before I would let myself and my kids be put in a high stress family situation 24/7.


Yep. Like I said before, the other options that have floated through my head aren't even appropriate to mention here. Not serious thoughts, just desperate ones.

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I don't know if you would even consider it, but certain states offer funding for 'schooling at home'. WA State does, and we get well over $1,000 for each student. I am able to pick out exactly what the kids are learning, and the state pays for it. I am not sure if TX or CO offer this, but if you want to stay with homeschooling, this might be a way to save $$ for the essentials and still homeschool.


I am with the other poster who said they would pretty much go through every other option, including state assistance, before I would move into an environment that would cause more stress. I think each of us get that MIL and sometimes mom's can be difficult at best to handle. At this point, they aren't going to change any. I would honestly try to keep it to a short term stay or avoid it completely. I am liking the KOA or your tent idea better and better. ;-) The kids would probably think it was an adventure with you as their mom.. you are very creative!

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My point? We could make it work with mom (maybe), but it would be up to ME to make it work, & I don't know if I have the emotional strength for that.


Not with a new baby!! I'll say it again (when it comes in threes we're supposed to retain it better :D) Stay with MIL for SIX months ONLY....use that time to get clarification, tell your mother that YES you ARE moving out there to be with her but with you so close to delivering and dh finishing up classes...this may not be the best time to add that stress....I think it will make everyone happy...and the decision will be done...in six months...see if it's the best option to move...it very well may be! :)

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I'm worried, stressed, & scared. I'm *extremely* oversensitive on a good day. And my relationship w/ my mother...is indescribable. I'd be embarrassed to try in one post anyway. She gets her feelings hurt easily, but she also has trouble sending/receiving communication, & she's not...always...logical. Volatile combination.
I could have written your post, could have described my own mom and it would mimic your own. I have no suggestions (unfortunately) but as one hormonal pg woman with an...interesting...mother to another...big hugs. :grouphug: If I had a tent or something I'd let you have it. :D
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I don't know if you would even consider it, but certain states offer funding for 'schooling at home'. WA State does, and we get well over $1,000 for each student. I am able to pick out exactly what the kids are learning, and the state pays for it. I am not sure if TX or CO offer this, but if you want to stay with homeschooling, this might be a way to save $$ for the essentials and still homeschool.


I am with the other poster who said they would pretty much go through every other option, including state assistance, before I would move into an environment that would cause more stress. I think each of us get that MIL and sometimes mom's can be difficult at best to handle. At this point, they aren't going to change any. I would honestly try to keep it to a short term stay or avoid it completely. I am liking the KOA or your tent idea better and better. ;-) The kids would probably think it was an adventure with you as their mom.. you are very creative!


For state assistance, I think we'd have to stay in TX, which I'm not completely against, but it doesn't solve the breathing problem.


We'll be talking about what to do soon, & I'll get some peace from agreeing on a decision, almost no matter what the decision is.

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Not with a new baby!! I'll say it again (when it comes in threes we're supposed to retain it better :D) Stay with MIL for SIX months ONLY....use that time to get clarification, tell your mother that YES you ARE moving out there to be with her but with you so close to delivering and dh finishing up classes...this may not be the best time to add that stress....I think it will make everyone happy...and the decision will be done...in six months...see if it's the best option to move...it very well may be! :)


I responded to this idea in the other thread. I don't think it would be fair to take bil out of mil's house if we're only going to stay 2-6 mos. (Some people had suggested shorter times.)


My mother has been as clear as she'll ever be able.


Dh is not finishing up classes. He's taking an 8 week session, followed by another 8 week session. It will be ongoing, but it's online, so where we live doesn't matter. My mom tried to spin asking us to stay here 2 more weeks to be helpful to dh's classes, but it's not. He won't be done w/ anything in 2 weeks, & the stress of not making enough $ trumps the stress of moving. And the air quality is compacting the work issue.


I'm not saying we can't go to mil's or that we wouldn't consider a shorter stay, just that it's inconvenient enough to someone else that I feel like we'd need a good reason to do it that way, & I can't think of a reason good enough to confront the physical/emotional/financial stress of a double move. Plus, it's harder on me to move w/ a baby than pg.

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B-I-L is wealthy. You are not.


You have children. He has none, best as I can determine from earlier posts.




If your dh has a commercial license, I have seen billboards here advertising the hiring of short-haul drivers (one day).


Another random thought: We here are peppering you with one suggestion after another. You know we are doing this because we truly want a good situation to come together for you and your family. Now, however, might be a good time to print out this thread (if it would help you to have the posts handy), turn off the Internet, and go off to think and pray without the distraction of us here.


God be with you.

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What is dh's field? Project management--he's done this for a couple of years, is working on a MPM, but also has a lot of customer service experience & some sales, though he's not great at the latter.


My gut feeling is that I would just go to your mom's as planned, but it sounds scary and awful and icky. I'm sorry. :grouphug: You don't need that. Do you have any leads on OB/ midwife in CO? No.

Where in CO is she?


Denver--is there another part of CO? ;)

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B-I-L is wealthy. You are not.


You have children. He has none, best as I can determine from earlier posts.




If your dh has a commercial license, I have seen billboards here advertising the hiring of short-haul drivers (one day). He doesn't.


Another random thought: We here are peppering you with one suggestion after another. You know we are doing this because we truly want a good situation to come together for you and your family. Now, however, might be a good time to print out this thread (if it would help you to have the posts handy), turn off the Internet, and go off to think and pray without the distraction of us here.


God be with you.


I'm just opening the computer between boxes, over lunch. Really just while I wait for dh to get home (he's on his way) so we can talk. It helps me to hear the non-emotional ideas you guys have so that when I talk to dh I'm not all feeling.


I tend to be hot-headed in my feelings even if I don't act on them, so last night I was being pretty emotional & irrational w/ my suggestions. I think it will be easier for both of us that I've listened to you guys first, figured out how to articulate what I do think, etc.


ETA: Dh is 10 min away w/ chocolate. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that was the elegant solution. ;)

Edited by Aubrey
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I have read the entire thread (and the other one about MIL).


To me, an impartial observer, it really seems like, based on your responses to everyone's questions, you truly do think that going to CO is your best option. It also seems that you are just worrying about having to deal with your mom's OCD/ADHD and related issues, as well as finding an OB/midwife.


Do you think this is an accurate assessment, if you take a step back and look at your own responses? Rather than confusing the issue with umpteen suggestions, if you can just figure out what your gut is telling you, you may be able to come to a conclusion more easily.


That being said, the whole situation sucks. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. I'm sorry this is happening to you and your family. I will be praying for God's guidance and peace.

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I didn't realize that you guys weren't on any kind of public assistance. Honestly, I would go that route before moving into my mother's home based on what you have described. Or I would move in with MIL. The only thing giving me pause about that is your dh's asthma situation. I haven't read other threads on that...maybe you could link one (if it exists) so that you don't have to repeat yourself over and over. Is a physician helping him manage his condition currently?

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Aubrey, I'm curious to know what path your family has chosen. You're in such a hard place--I'm thinking of you and praying that God will make the path clear.




I posted an update on the OP so no one would have to scroll through everything.


Dh woke up w/ breathing problems again today, & he barely left the house yesterday. He had to do 2 breathing treatments on top of his emergency inhaler, regular inhaler, & other things he does to get it under control. He said it scares him for it to be this bad, & he's NEVER said that before.


The guy who knows about transferring to CO didn't call him back yesterday & is off today--won't be in until 3 tomorrow--so we won't be leaving Weds. But even then, if all goes well, it takes these guys forever to do anything, so I'm guessing Mon/Tues of next week.


But I have to say...I'm not sure it matters or that it's wise to wait. I'm not very good at seeing these kinds of decisions well, but for dh's health to be this bad...I said we wouldn't go to CO w/out a job, but he barely has a job here when the air quality is tolerable. I wonder if we should go anyway & maybe the sooner the better.


I *think* I've got the house packed well enough to leave tomorrow if we could...or at least could have it that packed by this evening. If we don't go right away, that's ok, too, though: I've kept the kids' school stuff out, & as long as dh is working nights, I can take the kids to the library, etc during the day (in dh's car w/ 10yo in front).


So we're waiting.

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And my relationship w/ my mother...is indescribable. I'd be embarrassed to try in one post anyway. She gets her feelings hurt easily, but she also has trouble sending/receiving communication, & she's not...always...logical. Volatile combination.


Oh freaking good golly what am I going to do.


that's my mom. She has ADHD, too, and yup, you just described her. I lived with her for 9 weeks while we were inbetween houses, way back at two kids and I was 8 months pregnant. We slept on an airmattress which Dh had to pump up every night at 11 when he got home (I was ON the mattress sleeping, he'd pump it with a foot pump). It was hard. I really, really was pins and needles all the time and we did OK, but it was so very difficult. The worst thing was that I think our pain in living there made us move on ANY house just to get out. But we did what we had to do and now we actually laugh about it. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I posted an update on the OP so no one would have to scroll through everything.


Dh woke up w/ breathing problems again today, & he barely left the house yesterday. He had to do 2 breathing treatments on top of his emergency inhaler, regular inhaler, & other things he does to get it under control. He said it scares him for it to be this bad, & he's NEVER said that before.


The guy who knows about transferring to CO didn't call him back yesterday & is off today--won't be in until 3 tomorrow--so we won't be leaving Weds. But even then, if all goes well, it takes these guys forever to do anything, so I'm guessing Mon/Tues of next week.


But I have to say...I'm not sure it matters or that it's wise to wait. I'm not very good at seeing these kinds of decisions well, but for dh's health to be this bad...I said we wouldn't go to CO w/out a job, but he barely has a job here when the air quality is tolerable. I wonder if we should go anyway & maybe the sooner the better.


I *think* I've got the house packed well enough to leave tomorrow if we could...or at least could have it that packed by this evening. If we don't go right away, that's ok, too, though: I've kept the kids' school stuff out, & as long as dh is working nights, I can take the kids to the library, etc during the day (in dh's car w/ 10yo in front).


So we're waiting.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: If you haven't already, I'd spend the time still here finding out everything about applying for government aid in CO, so you can have as much filled out already as possible, and be able to get aid ASAP when you drive out there.

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