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Your summer plans. Are they getting accomplished?

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Not your vacation plans. Your "I don't have time to do this during the school year, so I have to do it in the summer time" plans.


I was going to reorganize the school book shelves. Well, it's not done the way I wanted to. But they do have a bit more order. Things we don't use (arts and craft supplies) are removed. The shelves are neater. But I can't say I've reorganized in there.


There are downloads on my computer desktop I was going to listen to. Nope they are all still there staring at me. I do still have most of 2 weeks, but I don't really see it happening.


And starting to read the school books for my high schoolers. I had this goal for last school year too. To read all the high school lit books. I did pretty well. But I didn't get them all read. But last year I actually was reading (or trying) to read all three learning levels of lit. I'm almost through the first 3 weeks worth of lit books and I still have most of 2 weeks before we start. And hey! I only need to stay ahead of them. I don't need to read them all before the school year starts.


So what about you?

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Well, my summer goals were:


1. To do Story Of the World on an as-we-get-to-it-basis for fun because we enjoy doing it but haven't wanted to add it onto our main curriculum over the year- and yes, we have been doing that.


2. To keep up with our 52 Books In 52 Weeks challenge, and, yes, we have been doing that. (Keeping up with it barely! We're always a bit behind)!


3. To review state capitals periodically so they aren't forgotten- we haven't done that once yet!


4. To do a typing program so that over the coming school year my daughter can type reports and such rather than handwriting them- but we haven't done that and at this point I'm thinking we'll just add it onto the school year.


I haven't made any other summer plans because I knew we'd be busy with outings and play time and extra curricular activities and such and wouldn't get to anything else.

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I am getting there. I have less than 2 weeks, but I have a bday 2 bday parties coming up. That helps actually. I organized the school area because I didn't want it to be a mess when everyone comes over! I had the new boxes of books and supplies sitting around and the old stuff still on the shelves. So I got that done.


I have de cluttered a few problem areas in the home.


I have kept up the garden this year. We did take 2 mini vacations. One to a place I have been wanting to take the girls for several years.


I have started the school planning. One small bite at a time. I have more to do, but I am getting it done. I just today typed up our daily time schedule. Still need to print it out. I need to break up the lessons for a co-op class I am teaching and get a syllabus made. I need to print a BIG document for that class, etc. MOstly my stuff now is printing and organizing notebooks and such. In between the baking, cleaning, and partying :)


So no, it is not all done, but I am happy with what has been done. My biggest problem is that I have 2 large events every year in Aug at the same time we are starting the new year. A consignment sale and a houseguest, plus getting ready for co-op the next month. So if I take it a little slow in July, I feel like I am mentally gearing up for the rollercoaster of Aug and Sept about to come!


Oh and no, we didn't finish SOTW3 like I wanted. I have a feeling we will just read the last few chapters w/no narrations or mapwork just to start the new one!

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My summer plans were to spend lots of time outside and at parks so my kids could find some friends. It's been cold and rainy most of the summer so we have yet to meet any friends.


I was going to start pre-reading my daughter's books. I got most of the way done with one of them but quit because we decided to do it as the next family read aloud instead. I'm having a hard time getting interested in reading them before we get to them.

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Not everything has been done, but I have crossed off items from my list.


Bookshelves sorted and mostly organized

Dd's room - major sorting and organizing

Sorted a closet

Sorted a desk, filed stacks of papers

Sorted lots of stuff in the garage (dh needs to continue the job with his stuff...)

Major pruning, weeding and added bark in yard

Pulled out two huge climbing roses (yes they were pretty, but they were uncontrollable and looked it)

Put together a recipe file for my oldest who is moving into an apartment. (I still have to print it and put it into a binder, but the recipes are done)

Almost done with dd's school scrapbook - two years left to go. Big accomplishment! I will finish it in the next couple weeks.

Cleaned out school supply cabinet.

Backed up computer. (May not sound like much, but I have to remember to do it and it was on my list.)


I guess I have accomplished more than I thought I have. There is still so much to do...

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Nope. And they're not going to get done.

In the middle of not getting things done, we suddenly started a kitchen remodel. But my last student is a senior this year...so I'm just rolling with it. I'm not going to let anything bother me- it's my last year to homeschool (19 years!!) so I'll just get things done when they get done.

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Yup, got the summer list right here. I've checked off half of one item (it made me feel good to make a checkmark). The rest of summer has been consumed by swim team, more pool time, taking boys here and there, and reading 2-1/2 books so far. (That 1/2 book thing makes me feel good, too.)


You might imagine that reading, at least, could be done at the pool. Not so when there are so many chatty adults nearby.

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My first instinct was to answer, "No way!"


Then I realized....my basement is almost cleaned and organized. The school shelves were organized in June. We're almost done with our summer science unit. We're halfway through the history I wanted to have finished by now, but that's ok.


So, I guess they're getting accomplished. They're just not completely accomplished yet. :)



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My plans were to take a couple week break for myself then get on all the scheduling and such I needed to do. I have yet to do any of the scheduling, I don't even want to open the planner book or any of the other books.


So, I am going to be that one that waits till the last few days of vacation to start scheduling. I think I burned myself out a bit and my mind still needs a bit of a rest. (well that is my story so I am sticking with it)

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I was going to do a lot of sewing. Nope.


I was going to get the house really clean and organized. Nope.


I was going to prep for speaking in August. That's going pretty well.


I was going to read a lot and finish some books. Nope.


Lots of swimming--we've got that one covered! And I had a great trip to the Central Coast and my 20th HS reunion.

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Nope. We were going to finish up a couple schooling things and work more on others.


I decided I needed a summer break.


We *have* started SOTW1 a little. DS asks for it. Current plan is to stay in summer break mode for 3-4 more weeks. Maybe even 5 more if I so choose.


Oh, but I did get the schooling stuff organized, and cleaned out my closet.

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Well...they were until a couple weeks before we went away last week ( I was actually accomplishing a lot). Then I ended up having to work extra hours before and after the trip...I have a hard time saying no when a child needs a PT especially during the summer when school isn't my top priority and I have built in sitters for dd at home (her brothers).


Then I came back with a horrible cold (my kids kept me up until all hours of the morning playing Irish music...LOL) and am having a hard time sleeping so don't feel like being very productive and my sil and niece are here visiting so we want to see them as much as possible. They live in CA with my brother who is currently in Iraq and staying until he gets home in Sept. My niece is almost 3yo and adores her big cousin but usually only sees her on Skype (the poor child thinks everyone, including her Daddy lives in the computer). Then we found out my sister and her 4 kids (including her very new twins) will be visiting in a couple weeks as well right before we leave for Ireland and I have a ton of stuff to do before we head out of the country and want to get it all done before she gets here so we have time to spend with them. I also have a fundraiser to prepare for next weekend.


Okay, I just felt like whining a little...I really feel crappy and hope I am not getting bronchitis because I just don't have time for that right now.

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I have done:

1. scan all photos since marriage in 1991-1999 and uploaded to Picasa web albums

2. up to date on 2011 shutterfly digital album

3. sold $800 of curriculum

4. bought and organized next year's curriculum

5. 36 weeks of lesson plans

6. reorganized many bookshelves


Still to do:

1. kids finish SOTW4 from last year

2. typing program

3. study skills/outlining books from Remedia

4. scan 2000-2002 photos and upload to Picasa web albums then I'm done!!!!

5. finish 4th child's scrapbook birth- age 5, he's now 10!!

6. finish 2009 scrapbook, started Shutterfly in 2010 - much easier!


I can do it!!

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