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Be very careful what you post online

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For example... our little troll there, corneporne... whatever. I timed it. It took me exactly 12 minutes before I was looking at his address and phone number. Wife's name, kids... baby #3 on the way.


If this stuff is right his middle name is Ryan.


There's even an article where he states that his solution to crime is to arm everyone. That's a hoot. Anyway, if you give me permission I'll show everyone how it's done.


We should talk about this. If it took me twelve minutes to come up with all this just from a few posts on a forum. What can someone do who means it? And what about our kids?


I'm not sure anyone is really all that interested in me. (Overweight middle-aged woman with gray hair and crooked teeth -- can you say "crone"?) I honestly -- and I very well could be wrong out of ignorance here -- don't think there has been any more interest in cyber stalking than IRL stalking (minus an online component, I mean). I do teach my children to be cautious, but the eldest has been a bit lax recently, posting his college affiliation with his online DailyKos diary.


I know there have been specific instances that are horrible and freaky. The lady who was a dog breeder whose attacker was on the same forum, knew she was pg, expressed "interest" in a puppy, went to the woman's home, and cut out her baby, leaving her dead. The suicide of the 13 y/o girl because of the mom that posed as a boy who liked her, only to turn on her and send her into despair. Obviously, the pervs who solicit minors online.


But for most adults, I think the dangers are remote. The numbers don't support my being more than moderately cautious -- # of posts online vs. # of scary incidents.


Am I being naive about this?

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Well....if you found it that means it is public information....right?


Yabbut, I wouldn't post info about your husband and kids or your address or whatever just to make a point. Mentioning his middle name was just a way to verify whether or not he was correct to make the same point about internet safety.


I'm doubting at this point that the guy's a troll. He might be trollish, yes. But he also might be just... underinformed.


(Not because I disagree with him in particular, but more because of the way he doesn't seem to know how to craft a conversation or build a message board relationship.)

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Corn's... it's his stuff. I'm not gonna spread anything around without his say-so. Just because I found it doesn't mean I'm gonna do anything with it.


So, ask him. E-mail him, PM him. I think most people know when they list their birthdate on the members list and link to their blog (which has their full name on it) that their information is 'out there'.


But maybe I'm wrong.

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So, ask him. E-mail him, PM him. I think most people know when they list their birthdate on the members list and link to their blog (which has their full name on it) that their information is 'out there'.


But maybe I'm wrong.

I did, we'll see what he says... and here I thought I'd just find a troll.


BTW... he seems genuine enough.

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For example... our little troll there, corneporne... whatever. It took me exactly 12 minutes before I was looking at his address and phone number. Wife's name, kids... baby #3 on the way.


If this stuff is right his middle name is Ryan.


There's even an article where he states that his solution to crime is to arm everyone. That's a hoot. Anyway, if you give me permission I'll show everyone how it's done.


We should talk about this. If it took me twelve minutes to come up with all this just from a few posts on a forum. What can someone do who means it? And what about our kids?


You actually went to all this trouble? Sounds like something butch would do. Interesting.

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Yeh, typing words and clicking the mouse is lots of trouble. :)

It IS interesting to discover whether a person is 'for real' or if they are just a troll with an anon i.d. stirring up trouble for trouble's sake. I can handle "real" discussion, that's not just for the sake of getting everyone hyped up.

I don't "get" the Butch comment, unless you are wrongly implying that Phred is Butch?

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His first and last name is on his blog. Google is not hard. It's what lots of experienced MB users do when a troll pops up. Being genuine (as in not fake) doesn't make you not a troll (someone frequenting a message board with the express intent to cause trouble) in my eyes.

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Perhaps trouble is the wrong word. I don't think I've ever been interested in anyone on these boards enough to track to track them down irl, just to dig up personal information on them :). Anyhow, there wasn't anything to "get" about the butch comment, except that the only other poster on these boards who has done that sort of thing (track down a poster they didn't like, post publicly that they know who they are, what their address is, how old their kids are, etc.) was butch and I thought it was creepy then, and I think it's creepy now. Draw whatever conclusions *you* want, but *I* wasn't implying anything... just drawing a parallel.

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Yeh, but IIRC she was being "stalked" by that person, so she had valid reasons for doing what she did. :)

I was just curious about the mention of Butch, because I've seen another recently accuse another poster of being Butch (as if that's a bad thing, LOL).

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Perhaps trouble is the wrong word. I don't think I've ever been interested in anyone on these boards enough to track to track them down irl, just to dig up personal information on them :). Anyhow, there wasn't anything to "get" about the butch comment, except that the only other poster on these boards who has done that sort of thing (track down a poster they didn't like, post publicly that they know who they are, what their address is, how old their kids are, etc.) was butch and I thought it was creepy then, and I think it's creepy now. Draw whatever conclusions *you* want, but *I* wasn't implying anything... just drawing a parallel.

Wow... you sure get a lot out of one post. I'm much more concerned about being able to have a family blog and not run into someone who's a nutcase. It's really not so hard to find out about someone... but what makes you think I don't like the guy? He's getting the same buckshot I got when I started posting. So maybe he'll learn. Now, I don't know what a "butch" is but I'm assuming the parallel isn't flattering. Thanks.


So can we try to steer this onto the track I was hoping it would head? How in the world can we have fun with blogs and such if someone can decide they like the way your daughter looks and find out where she is so easily? My family is trying a personal wiki right now. We're all using a space on wetpaint.com. Not sure if we like it yet or not... only been there two weeks.


Anyone else trying anything different?

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No, it wasn't an accusation... it was more a dig. Because I really do think it is mean spiritied to say, "Hey, buddy... I know who you are and where you live and I know what your kids' names are. You better watch out what you say."


The times I saw butch do it, it was never because the person was stalking her, it was because she was either ticked or just didn't like the person. It always came across as an ugly mean streak to me. This feels exactly like that same ugly mean streak... that's all. And it's just my opinion...

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I don't even know what the heck a 'personal wiki' is, LOL. :o

I don't like living in fear, and my internet caution waxes and wanes. So, now I'll hafta go to wetpaint.com and see what it is too, :)

This is a very interesting topic though. Thanks for bringing it up.

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Okie Dokie. :)

I'm pretty sure there were some behind the scenes stalking things going on back then, with Butch, but whatever. (and I'm NOT saying that in a snarky voice- hey, who invented that word anyway? Snarky?)


And I don't see Phred's post as harassing cornopean (i think that's right) at all, I see it as just bringing up the issue of internet safety. I follow links from here ALL the time, to blogs- to other blogs, to family mem blogs, etc. I look up things a lot too, out of interest. Since corn's blog includes his first and last name (theoretically) it's not such a weird/off thing to look up his name/etc. via google. *I* don't see anything "creepy", but that's just *my* opinion ;)

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You know, I believe Butch/Doc went by Phred on another message board. I thought you were her when you first started posting, hence my "Yeah, Phred is here" post.


I would be interested to know how you found the information. I don't care to know the specifics about the member in question, though. Care to see what you can dig up on me? I'd rather not have it posted, but you can pm me. Or just list the steps so I can do it myself. I'm not too worried though.

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No, it wasn't an accusation... it was more a dig. Because I really do think it is mean spiritied to say, "Hey, buddy... I know who you are and where you live and I know what your kids' names are. You better watch out what you say."


The times I saw butch do it, it was never because the person was stalking her, it was because she was either ticked or just didn't like the person. It always came across as an ugly mean streak to me. This feels exactly like that same ugly mean streak... that's all. And it's just my opinion...




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Wow... you sure get a lot out of one post. I'm much more concerned about being able to have a family blog and not run into someone who's a nutcase. It's really not so hard to find out about someone... but what makes you think I don't like the guy? He's getting the same buckshot I got when I started posting. So maybe he'll learn. Now, I don't know what a "butch" is but I'm assuming the parallel isn't flattering. Thanks.


So can we try to steer this onto the track I was hoping it would head? How in the world can we have fun with blogs and such if someone can decide they like the way your daughter looks and find out where she is so easily? My family is trying a personal wiki right now. We're all using a space on wetpaint.com. Not sure if we like it yet or not... only been there two weeks.


Anyone else trying anything different?


Just for the sake of this conversation, I just hunted our poster down. I'm not sure why it took you 12 minutes, because it only took me about 1 to see his whole name and the state he lives in. Stick that into google and voila! Full address and phone number.


If how to blog safely was your intended topic (not a veiled intimidation of the poster), I don't understand why you didn't mention that in your op. Regardless - my suggestion, if you are worried about this sort of thing, is don't put your full name on your blog. Don't mention where you live. Keep an unlisted phone number. Put personal pictures in a password protected album.

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To paraphrase one of your less scary 'Pubbies: I know Butch; Butch is a friend of mine. Phred is no Butch.


Let her go, people. She doesn't post here and probably never will. Let her go. :D


And to Phred: no offense meant, okay? Just being a little silly there. Butch was a posting moniker used by a fantastic blogger. Her blogsite is well known in homeschooling circles, and especially by unschoolers. She's a remarkable person who homeschooled 4 children (triplets in the mix even!) successfully to adulthood. She's also very intelligent and certainly no push-over. Some may find her abrasive because she refuses to dance to the tune du jour, but others find her appealing for the exact same reason. Brand me a fan. :D

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No, it wasn't an accusation... it was more a dig. Because I really do think it is mean spiritied to say, "Hey, buddy... I know who you are and where you live and I know what your kids' names are. You better watch out what you say."


The times I saw butch do it, it was never because the person was stalking her, it was because she was either ticked or just didn't like the person. It always came across as an ugly mean streak to me. This feels exactly like that same ugly mean streak... that's all. And it's just my opinion...

Oh cripes... how do I get the admin to delete the thread. I don't want that here.... I clicked his profile and I just started noodlin' around and poof it all fell out. Google is a mighty tool. So I thought... Hey, let's chat about this. I've even PMed him for permission to show it.

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I'm not sure anyone is really all that interested in me....for most adults, I think the dangers are remote....Am I being naive about this?


Yep. Even without last names or other specific info, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to get info on someone via their online life. That's the nature of putting yourself out there in the public domain ~ or having a newspaper or business or any other group put you out there. But...so what? So Butch/Doc was able to discover what duties I do at my church and so on. Oooohhh!!! Fascinating!:rolleyes:

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I would be interested to know how you found the information. I don't care to know the specifics about the member in question, though. Care to see what you can dig up on me? I'd rather not have it posted, but you can pm me. Or just list the steps so I can do it myself. I'm not too worried though.


One of the first things to do is to google your name. Zoominfo.com and 411.com are other sites that have lots of basic information collected together. Once you have some of the basics (like town or school) then you can google the name with the other piece of information.

I did this once on the old board with the name of a member who is an author and her town. I found out her dh's name, their alma mater, their address, where dh worked, where they went to church, and I think names of her in-laws. (Lest you think I'm stalking her, I sent her all the info I got and the thread that initiated the search was one about how much info we could get on a person, a topic she said she was researching for a book).

I don't think that you need to be alarmist about the chances that someone will use information for evil purposes. But I think you can be too naive about how long information stays on the internet and about the ability for websites to correlate bits of previously unrelated information.

For example, it is possible to correlate my dh's name, universities attended, profession (including specialty), works published, job positions held, my name and info about our kids from one line references in a dozen different locations. It helps that our name is rather obscure. But it still isn't that hard.

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Actually, cornopean is not a troll, at least not in the "just here for the giggles" meaning. I have been on another forum with him for months. He's annoying, but not a troll.


And cornopean, if you're reading, I suggest you remove identifying info from your blog.


It's a pretty hard thing to remember sometimes. I should send folks to my blog to make sure my particulars aren't absentmindedly posted. I don't mind folks knowing my general area, but don't necessarily want them to know my phone number.

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One of the first things to do is to google your name. Zoominfo.com and 411.com are other sites that have lots of basic information collected together. Once you have some of the basics (like town or school) then you can google the name with the other piece of information.

I did this once on the old board with the name of a member who is an author and her town. I found out her dh's name, their alma mater, their address, where dh worked, where they went to church, and I think names of her in-laws. (Lest you think I'm stalking her, I sent her all the info I got and the thread that initiated the search was one about how much info we could get on a person, a topic she said she was researching for a book).

I don't think that you need to be alarmist about the chances that someone will use information for evil purposes. But I think you can be too naive about how long information stays on the internet and about the ability for websites to correlate bits of previously unrelated information.

For example, it is possible to correlate my dh's name, universities attended, profession (including specialty), works published, job positions held, my name and info about our kids from one line references in a dozen different locations. It helps that our name is rather obscure. But it still isn't that hard.


Hmmm...well, I come up third on a google search using my first and last name. I come up further down on the first page in a listing of email addresses for members of my high school graduating class along with my maiden name. If I take information from the context of the third result on that google search, it's easy to tell what town I live near and from there my address and phone number can be found on whitepages.com. However, I don't believe anyone could find my last name unless I emailed them, and that's the one thing that helps supply the rest of the information.

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Zoominfo.com and 411.com are other sites that have lots of basic information collected together. Once you have some of the basics (like town or school) then you can google the name with the other piece of information.


This is true, but it also isn't necessarily. I come up on searches but the address given is not mine- it is not even a residence. It shows as a "work" address but it isn't even where I work because it is a non-profit that I am a member of the board but we don't meet there etc.

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I used to be more private, in many ways, when I was online, but I am less guarded now... I don't know if that is wise or not.


I'm afraid I don't have any useful suggestions... but I share your concern.


In my estimation, you're quite private. I know you used to be moreso. On the other hand, you used to be less so if you consider the fact that you used to include your husband's name in your signature line. (Which in itself would allow me to learn your last name in a matter of seconds.) I'm just not convinced that the concerns people express are valid. Like it or not, we live in a wired world. If you work, if you play, if you participate in society in a standard manner, you're going to have info out there that's pretty easily to obtain. But...so what?

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If how to blog safely was your intended topic (not a veiled intimidation of the poster), I don't understand why you didn't mention that in your op.


Yeah, I'm wondering about that as well. Seems very disingenuous to me. Why pick *that* particular poster to point out "the dangers of sharing too much info online"? Please.

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Hmmm...well, I come up third on a google search using my first and last name. I come up further down on the first page in a listing of email addresses for members of my high school graduating class along with my maiden name. If I take information from the context of the third result on that google search, it's easy to tell what town I live near and from there my address and phone number can be found on whitepages.com. However, I don't believe anyone could find my last name unless I emailed them, and that's the one thing that helps supply the rest of the information.


When I google my first and last names, other folks by that name pop up. Kinda weird to see *my* name on someone else's stuff. I even have an unusual spelling that should narrow the field...go figure...


So in hunting up someone on the internet, you must make sure you have the correct person. I understand that many employers do a google search on prospective employees...I wonder how they manage to make sure they have the correct person. I certainly wouldn't want someone else's life to be mistaken for mine.

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In my estimation, you're quite private. I know you used to be moreso. On the other hand, you used to be less so if you consider the fact that you used to include your husband's name in your signature line. (Which in itself would allow me to learn your last name in a matter of seconds.) I'm just not convinced that the concerns people express are valid. Like it or not, we live in a wired world. If you work, if you play, if you participate in society in a standard manner, you're going to have info out there that's pretty easily to obtain. But...so what?




But not entirely. "Stuff" comes up, you know? OTOH, my real life has a fair amount of publicity to it. Not that I'm famous (yea, right), but I have had reason to show up in various publications and articles. Not unlike you, Colleen, the kinds of work my dh and I do has a way of being interesting, at least on a local level. So, if I Google my real name or dh's, I get a bunch of hits relating to my previous job and to his, and those often include phone numbers. I wouldn't change that aspect of our lives, though it renders me fairly exposed by the standards given in this thread, anyhow.


The facade of privacy I try to maintain on the internet is more to honor my dh, who does not especially *get* online forums nor my attraction to my many imaginary friends. ;) He's more wary than I am, so I try to compromise for him. But, I'm not sure how effective any of that really is.

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Have you tried googling your login name? If you use it a various boards someone could certainly create a pattern of your life, or at least your internet habits.


zabasearch.com is another people locator, their information can be accurate, but is sometimes outdated.

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Yeah, I'm wondering about that as well. Seems very disingenuous to me. Why pick *that* particular poster to point out "the dangers of sharing too much info online"? Please.


Because in at least 2 other threads the particular poster in question was posting in an interesting matter (one on the Civil War and one on Obama). There were questions raised about the particular poster in question, so it is natural that Phred would try to verify him, which would trigger the original post in this thread.

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