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Who's on Google+?

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So tell me what this is....I have heard it mentioned a few times on my FB circle. I'm too lazy to go look myself...don't want to ask on FB for fear of looking "out of it" to those I know, lol!!


It's a new type of social media through Google that uses "Circles" of friends, rather than just one big friends list. It's kind of a mashup of Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. You can blog on it, or share videos or pictures or check in to places or do whatever you want. You control who gets to see what you say, and you can interact with all sort of people and content as well. It's brand new right now, so a lot of people are just figuring out the possibilities for it!


Trying to get on it.


I can send you an invite. PM your email if you'd like. :)

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I joined Google+ this weekend. Some have sent articles to share with me on subjects I listed an interest in. I'm still trying to figure how to put together albums and I believe you can have a group conference with everyone in a circle.


I would be interested in joining your homeschool circle. I'll PM my email to you.

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I'm confused, though - is it like facebook where the other person has to confirm a "friendship" or do you just add people? At what point do you see their posts and at what point to they see your posts?

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I would love an invite, but even on the main screen it says "Already invited? We are currently over capacity" or something like that. Do the invites work still?


I think they turn the ability to join on and off, timewise. So try again.

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Sorry, I haven't been at the computer as much today! I tried to add everyone who has already PMed me. I'm Amy Knepper - you can add me if you're already on and I'll add you back. :)


Here's how I'm imagining it right now. If I have a "homeschool" circle - I'll share stuff relevant to homeschooling with the people in that circle. I may or may not also have you in "friends" or "acquaintances" for other posts. I don't do a lot of public posting right now. But if all of us are connecting via each other's circles, we ought to be able to hangout, share and reshare information, etc. Of course, this is all hypothesis - the service is still so new!


I'm confused, though - is it like facebook where the other person has to confirm a "friendship" or do you just add people? At what point do you see their posts and at what point to they see your posts?


You only see posts from people you follow, by putting them in your circles. However, you'll only see what they choose to share publicly, unless they add you to a circle they share with. Anytime you post, you can choose who can see it - one person, a circle, several circles, the circles of your circles, or public (everyone).


It's got a lot of potential - it's just so new that everyone is still experimenting with how to use it right now.

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It's a crazy dream of mine that everyone will just sneak over to Google+ in the middle of the night and leave Facebook behind. Did I mention that I hate Facebook?


I'm liking Google+ so far. If you haven't yet, check these out:






ETA: The Google+Facebook extension has major security holes and shouldn't be installed. It downloads a script every time it executes, a frowned upon and dangerous practice.

and there's an IE/Chrome/Firefox extension that let you see your FB feed in a tab in G+ and make basic status updates.


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Once you wrap your head around Circles, it's a snap. Twitter users should find it a bit easier, as they're already used to the idea of unreciprocated "followers."

Edited by nmoira
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You only see posts from people you follow, by putting them in your circles. However, you'll only see what they choose to share publicly, unless they add you to a circle they share with. Anytime you post, you can choose who can see it - one person, a circle, several circles, the circles of your circles, or public (everyone).




Once you wrap your head around Circles, it's a snap. Twitter users should find it a bit easier, as they're already used to the idea of unreciprocated "followers."


Hmm, think I'm getting it.

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I'm there...although I'm not sure that I know exactly what to do with it! If you see me, please add me and I'll add you back. My name is Amy Davis, and since that's fairly common, I'll try to post my pic here. I've never attached a photo...so we'll see...



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I signed up this weekend and still am not sure what I am doing but would love a homeschool circle!:) Pm me or add me. Lori Carr. I don't know how many Lori Carrs there are but my profile pic is of my husband and I. I have no idea how to add a pic. I will try to add everyone that has posted theirs on here.

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Hmmm....I've been on it for a while, but I still haven't quite figured it out. I don't like that the name you put on it automatically links to all your Google accounts. I have an email that I use for pretty much everything, but only use my initials because it's linked to my blog (where I don't use my real name) and when I respond to people, I don't want them to have my name (it's incredibly unusual). By putting my name on Google+ though, where people I know IRL can find me, it automatically puts on my email too. I don't like that. It has potential, but they should allow you to use whatever name you like (nickname, real name, first name only, whatever) without it transferring to all your other accounts.

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From this morning's Guardian:




There are a couple good chuckles... "The Anti-Social Network" makes it sound perfect for me, and I'm now thinking about "Yes" and "No" circles. :tongue_smilie:

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I am SO glad to see this thread. I was able to get into Google + yesterday, and have been trying to figure it out ever since! I can't even find the person who sent me the invite, because of multiple users with the same name.


I like the idea of the Homeschool circle if I can get it all figured out. If anyone wants to add me, my name is Tamara Wagle.

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I found a few of you. So if a strange lady in a mask has added you as a friend, it's just me :001_smile:. Google + definitely has potential.


If you would like to add me, I'm Terrie R


I am SO glad to see this thread. I was able to get into Google + yesterday, and have been trying to figure it out ever since! I can't even find the person who sent me the invite, because of multiple users with the same name.


I like the idea of the Homeschool circle if I can get it all figured out. If anyone wants to add me, my name is Tamara Wagle.


I just added you both. :)

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