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I did it! I made that awesome patriotic cake.

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Last year when I read this thread, I put a reminder in my Google calendar with the link so I could make the same cake. And I did!


It was a bit tricky simply because of the number of layers. If I do it again, I'd look for something other than food coloring to color the layers. Even using "no taste" red, I can taste it too much. Family liked it though.

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Put the cakes (3 red and 1 blue 9 inch round cakes) in the freezer for a little bit so that they are really cold but not frozen. Then used a bread knife to cut the domed tops off of each cake and cut each cake in half. The white layers are just buttercream frosting.


For the last red cake, I cut the top off, cut it in half and then used a bowl to cut out the center. I cut the remaining rings in half (like a half circle) to make transferring them to the cake easier, icing between layers.


Finally, I used the same bowl to cut the center of the blue cake and plopped that in the center hole on the cake.


I rushed through it, but it would have been easier to ice between layers if I had put the cake in the freezer for a bit between layers.

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Last year when I read this thread, I put a reminder in my Google calendar with the link so I could make the same cake. And I did!


It was a bit tricky simply because of the number of layers. If I do it again, I'd look for something other than food coloring to color the layers. Even using "no taste" red, I can taste it too much. Family liked it though.


What about red velvet cake? It is beautiful red cake.


Have you ever tried the Wilton food coloring? I think it has a more muted flavor than the standard drops.


Now I am craving a piece of cake.

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I love it! I did a rainbow cake for my son's first birthday, so my layers had to all be baked separately since they were different colors. It's tedious, but I loved the results.


I'm going to have to try this next year!

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I love it! I did a rainbow cake for my son's first birthday, so my layers had to all be baked separately since they were different colors. It's tedious, but I loved the results.


I'm going to have to try this next year!



I've been wanting to make a rainbow cake. My DD is turning 2 this month...maybe for her birthday.

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