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Warning: rant. I am not Speedy Gonzalez

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I know this is a bit of a rant, but here is goes:


I am trying to plan next school year (which should start next week). I have tried to sit down and make plans and schedule but it is hard. I live in the tiniest apartment and it is 40 C degrees outside. Poor ds is going nuts with nowhere to go and wanting attention from me. Not to mention housework of course. Once ds goes to bed dh wants attention too. He wants to talk about his job, etc. Then he wants lights out early because he is tired. the other night I tried working in the bathroom but it was amazingly uncomfortable.


I have tried to tell dh that I need some time to schedule. Time with no kid running and jumping all over me. I've told him I need to sit down and make sense of the textbooks and materials. I've told him 20 minutes every night for planning doesn't work for me (so interrupted I forget what I was doing the night before). I need a few hours by myself to plan and print stuff. Last night the dialog went like this: "How do you expect me to make lessons and plan in 20 minutes?" DH says: "I don't know." THAT WAS THE ENTIRE DIALOG.


DH is a good husband, a good provider, and a good friend. However he doesn't realise the amount of work that goes into homeschool planning. I wish I had an open and go curriculum but I don't. Also, I am definitely not Speedy Gonzalez.


I am feeling very discouraged and not all appreciated...

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Know what it is like, My DH is a complete chatterbox and very social. Unfortunately he has such severe allergies that he is almost completely housebound. Which makes me practically his only audience. I might be right in the middle of reading out a science lesson, or explaining some new step in math, or even doing dictation, when he comes in with some amazing new thought that he just has to tell me. He gets so crestfallen if I don't listen with rapt attention... Unfortunately sometimes I am busy...

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HOw old are your kids? Do you have somewhere you can send the kids? I'm sending mine to their grandparents for a week so I can have uninterrupted time. I just can't get much done if they are in the house...too many interruptions. Can you trade time with another HSer? You take her kids for 2hrs and then she take yours? Can you hire a teen to watch the kids for a couple of hours? Maybe split it w/ another HS friend?

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HOw old are your kids? Do you have somewhere you can send the kids? I'm sending mine to their grandparents for a week so I can have uninterrupted time. I just can't get much done if they are in the house...too many interruptions. Can you trade time with another HSer? You take her kids for 2hrs and then she take yours? Can you hire a teen to watch the kids for a couple of hours? Maybe split it w/ another HS friend?


Do you have a friend with kids similar ages to yours. Can you propose a day to watch hers and in exchange get a day in which she watches yours.


Maintain this ground rule for yourself: once your dc are being watched elsewhere, do not do any housework.


I only have 1 kid. But he is INTENSE (he is also accelerated in some ways and clueless in others). Also, we live in a studio apartment, which leaves little room to move. Grandad lives in a home.


I know the perfect teen to babysit ds...but I have to wait another 2 months until the family comes back from the UK.


However, I hear your suggestions of swapping watching duties with another homeschool mum. Yes! Why didn't I think of that?


I think it is a brilliant idea. Now, I think I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself and get on the phone to see I can strike a babysitting "deal".


And yes, Betty, I hear you too. No housework while I am planning!


Thank you all :grouphug:

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:grouphug: My dh is somewhat clueless on how long it takes to plan as well. When we started homeschooling most things were open and go. Now that we're doing classical, I piece together most subjects. It takes time. Also we're getting to the point where I have to do more prep for myself.


My planning schedule has been off this year as well. :grouphug:

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Something else that might help...

Make goals for yourself. Write them down and share them with dh. Explain to him, tonight I have to plan Science. I need to spend 2 hours on this. Can you take kid to the park (or the pool) and get him ready for bed OR you go to a coffee shop or the library. Perhaps your DH is not really understanding or hearing your needs. Sometimes saying exactly what you need, gets you what you need.

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Why do you have to work in the bathroom? I take it the main living area is used for sleeping? If so, I would get my dh an eye mask to block the light and work in the evenings. I cannot go to bed early just because my husband does. That would drive me insane.



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(psst) I find the car more comfortable than the bathroom. I'm also known for doing it in the car, parked in the shade, while kiddo plays on some swings right in front of me, at the park.


This is a good idea too. Or how about a trip to Chuck E Cheese if the noise doesn't bother you. Plan to buy tons of tokens and then you can sit and work at one of the tables while he is playing.



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Or take him to storytime at the library. Or do you have one of those places that have a bazillion bouncy houses and you pay to play for an hour or two? Or take him to McDonalds and let him play in the PlayPlace. You can make it work!

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I'm not Speedy Gonzales either. It takes time to plan. And I'm a bit ADHD about it all too. Going back, revising, making other plans in the middle and basically not following a logical path. I can't pay full attention to the kids, keep the house up and make good plans.


I don't have any good advice on how to do it, but I do have a lot of sympathy.

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I'm not Speedy Gonzales either. It takes time to plan. And I'm a bit ADHD about it all too. Going back, revising, making other plans in the middle and basically not following a logical path. I can't pay full attention to the kids, keep the house up and make good plans.


I don't have any good advice on how to do it, but I do have a lot of sympathy.


:iagree:Much sympathy.

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:grouphug: to you. If it wasn't for this board and my mother I would have gone crazy a long time ago. :lol:


I know just how you feel. My problem is though along the same lines but once I get them to bed after dealing with all 4 all day I am all set to plan out my wonderful ideas and ideas I have read..I am at a loss :confused: Cannot think of one thing

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I am getting so many ideas I am going to end up writing a book on the subject. Tonight I printed the programmes of study for all core subjects. DH saw this and said "AHHHHHHH". To which I replied, "Yes, dear. This is what we have to accomplish this year so I can sit down and make plan lessons." Dh saw the list and went into the kitchen to make me a cup of tea. This weekend, if dh has to work I will take ds to a bouncy castle or something they have around here which is like a "cage" and kids get to run around like maniacs.


LisaTheresa: going to bed early drives me insane.

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