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College tuition

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In light of all our conversations lately about going to college, I thought this article was very timely. I'll admit that even I'm not sure I'm going back to school in the fall because I'm having a really difficult time justifying the cost of my education when I don't have plans to use the diploma afterwards. DH is perfectly okay with the costs as he says going back to school has been one of the best things for me. But ugh! The prices! My state univerisity's tuition is $3,200 per semester if I take only 4 classes.


Ga. schools among colleges with steepest tuition hikes

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It only gets worse with a graduate degree. I'm paying $2200 for a 3 credit class, and that's at one of the cheaper state universities for the course.


Since we're paying out of pocket I'm doing it a class at a time. Considering how much librarians make, I'm constantly amazed at how people afford this.

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It's become really crazy. When I started back to school 6 years ago I was paying just over $30 per credit hour. Now I'm paying over $100 per hour.:glare: I won't even get started on how crazy textbook prices have become.


Our local cc costs us $220 per credit hour plus books, etc.

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Our local cc costs us $220 per credit hour plus books, etc.


Ugh. The closest CC for us is 1.5 hours away. They have a mandatory set of fees due each semester that total $355 before tuition is tacked on, and that does not include books. Those mandatory fees stay the same whether a person takes 1 credit hour or 18 credit hours. This is the problem I have at my 4-year university, except our fees are higher. It is simply not a good financial decision to take only 1 class. Because of the mandatory fees, it is best to take a full load every semester. The community college charges $80 per credit hour for on-campus classes, and $99 for off-campus or online. Mandatory fees are required by all students.


Also, this is one of the big problems that dd19 and I have with the idea that she should enroll in at least 1 class each semester even though she doesn't want to go. It seems nuts to pay $652 + book fees for 1 class when she doesn't even want to be in the classes. I DO want to be in classes, and I don't want to have pay that much money for 1 class. :( My university charges higher so my cost for 1 class would actually be $1,154 + book fees.

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So Beth, what would you do with the money if you weren't spending it on education and personal development? ;)


If your husband doesn't mind your expensive hobby, and I imagine he would if he wanted the money used elsewhere, what's the trouble?


If you can afford something, "I like it" is justification enough.



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I really don't think that sounds too bad.


I realize you will have other costs involved.


Our schools locally were not on the list, but I have no idea what college will cost when my kids get there. We have budgeted $10K per year per child and hope it won't exceed that, but we will see. When I say budgeted, I don't mean we have that all 100% saved and ready to use, I mean that that is what we anticipate spending and that is what we have built into our budget plan. We make too much for financial help but not enough to pay cash without some savings and serious planning either.




In light of all our conversations lately about going to college, I thought this article was very timely. I'll admit that even I'm not sure I'm going back to school in the fall because I'm having a really difficult time justifying the cost of my education when I don't have plans to use the diploma afterwards. DH is perfectly okay with the costs as he says going back to school has been one of the best things for me. But ugh! The prices! My state univerisity's tuition is $3,200 per semester if I take only 4 classes.


Ga. schools among colleges with steepest tuition hikes

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My University made the list for "Highest Net Price". :glare: Thankfully, I had some scholarships. But I still walked away with a student loan.



I remember complaining about having to pay for the parking pass each semester and then not being able to find a parking space anywhere!

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My dh currently is on staff for a local university. As a benefit, we only have to pay 25 % of the instate tuition plus books etc for the kids to go to college. Unless serious scholarships are involved, that is our plan and we do have almost enough per girl to make that happen. Our local cc is similar in cost for full time as well so there are a few options there.

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If you don't plan on using the degree but are interested in learning, can you get a copy of a syllabus for the classes you are interested in and do the work on your own? You won't get 'credit' for it but if you are studying something you are interested in that shouldn't matter. Or you could just start checking out some books and read up on what you want to learn.


If you want interaction with others who share that interest you could probably find a few groups on the internet to get you started and maybe later you could look into attending some conferences. If you live near a college that offers classes in the field you are interested in you could visit their library and sit and read any of the books and journals....last time I checked I didn't have to show ID to get INTO a college library, just to check out.

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If you can afford something, "I like it" is justification enough.


That's what he says too, but it just seems rather extravagent sometimes. We're still paying for my car. I drive to school to take classes I really don't need in a car that I don't own. :D


ETA: I feel like this sounds really bad. I should mention that I have bipolar 2 along with OCD and ADD and the past few years since getting diagnosed were really bad. Part of my counseling has been to find something that grounds me, something that I can focus on that is just for me. After trying a few things, including getting a job, I went back to school and it was really great. DH doesn't want to see me lose that. I do feel very blessed that we're able to do this. I just don't feel like I'm worth it when there are other things that we could be doing with that money.

Edited by Night Elf
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If you don't need the degree, is there an option to audit the classes instead of registering in them? This can be done at many universities and the cost to audit is usually far less than actually taking the class for marks/grades.


I wish. This is what is on my college website (including the incorrect spelling of the word courses :D): "Auditing of cousres will be permitted for regularly enrolled students who have obtained the approval of their advisor. Proper paperwork obtained in the Office of the Registrar must be filed before the end of Drop/Add. Such courses will count at full value in computing the student's course load and fees. The student's name will appear on the official class rolls of the course. A grade of V will be recorded on the transcript. The grade of V will have no effect on the student's grade point average The student will not be permited to have the audit grade changed at a future date."

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That calculator drives me nuts.


It will only allow me to calculate the total cost of tuition, room and board combined. When I plug in my own numbers (tuition alone), it won't spit out a number for savings.


And $2,800.....does that include room and board and is it a private school? That is more than I would have to pay per month for all of my kids to attend the state school per month, even if they lived on campus.


I am not even entertaining private schools unless they come up with a plan!




I actually used a 529 calculator the other day since we are getting ready to open accounts and for my 4 i should be saving 2,800 per month.:001_huh:
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I am not even entertaining private schools unless they come up with a plan!




Note that many private schools can cost the same or less than state schools once aid is figured in. I've seen it happen IRL many times with kids at our ps. It may also be that way with my own. I know the private college oldest is going to is less expensive (after aid) than our state schools...


The reason this happens is because private colleges sometimes have generous donors. State schools seldom have as much aid they can give away. If cost is an issue, it's worth keeping all options on the table, then deciding.

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Note that many private schools can cost the same or less than state schools once aid is figured in. I've seen it happen IRL many times with kids at our ps. It may also be that way with my own. I know the private college oldest is going to is less expensive (after aid) than our state schools...


The reason this happens is because private colleges sometimes have generous donors. State schools seldom have as much aid they can give away. If cost is an issue, it's worth keeping all options on the table, then deciding.



I went to a private college. The tuition wasn't all that high to begin with, but I did receive the most aid to attend there, including a dean's scholarship that covered 1/3 of the cost.

It came out cheaper than all of my other acceptances save for the 2 year business school that offered me a free ride.


(And hindsight is SUCH a bummer, lol!)

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Well, as I said, if there is a plan......we can discuss.


I am not there yet and won't be for about 7 more years and things can and probably will change a lot by then!


I wish we could get this stupid house paid off by then, but it doesn't look like that can happen, although DH should HOPEFULLY get some raises in the next 7 years.....heck, we might not even live here in 7 years.....no idea at all what changes might come our way.


I could go back to work at some point as well to help fund college.


We TELL our boys we will pay for them to live at home and attend the local school (current tution is $5,200/year) and anything beyond that they will have to cover the difference, but in reality we will try very hard to make things happen should they wish for something else. Better to keep their expectations low! :D




Note that many private schools can cost the same or less than state schools once aid is figured in. I've seen it happen IRL many times with kids at our ps. It may also be that way with my own. I know the private college oldest is going to is less expensive (after aid) than our state schools...


The reason this happens is because private colleges sometimes have generous donors. State schools seldom have as much aid they can give away. If cost is an issue, it's worth keeping all options on the table, then deciding.

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