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Has anyone here ever weaned themselves...

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Taper to avoid headache. Replace habit with something else like hot tea or seltzer with a shot of white grape/peach juice in it.


I did it last year to see if it would make my GERD go away. It didn't, so after three months of feeling really sorry for myself every day about 10 a.m. I went back to it. I only have one or two cups a day, but it is a big pleasure in my little life.

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Hi Faithe,


Yes, I've weaned myself off coffee before :-) Is it the caffeine you want to decrease? If so you'll want to do it slowly so you won't get headaches. If you don't drink that much it shouldn't be a problem.


I also did it to see if it helped my Fibro and other conditions, but it didn't seem to help and I desperately needed the caffeine for the energy. All of us Fibro people react so differently to things I definitely think it is worth a shot to see if it helps with your flares!


Good luck!



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I quit coffee a couple of months ago (from having at least 16 oz. a day). It makes my reflux worse and I don't need the calories from the creamer. I went cold turkey and missed the morning ritual (I did sub herbal tea), but I didn't have any headaches or problems. I just don't think my body ever got addicted to it. In fact, I often got sleepy after my morning coffee and without it I feel perkier. I do miss the digestive benefits, though, and am considering going back to coffee to get "going" in the morning again!


I'd try going cold turkey, and be ready to push fluids and take an Advil if you start to feel headachy.

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I went from about 5 cups a day (although they were typical British coffee strength, i.e., pretty weak) to 1 a day because of migraines. I replaced with black tea. I pretty much did it within a week and the migraines disappeared. At some point, I can't remember when, but possibly with my first child or pregnancy, my memory fails, I completely gave up even the morning coffee. Now I am very sensitive to coffee. I can't have any after noon or else I can't go to sleep at night.


I wonder if we get more sensitive to caffeine with age. Within this last year I had to cut down on my black tea consumption because it was giving me stomach ache. I am now down to one cup of black tea in the morning and the rest of the time it's green or herbal.

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I have weaned off coffee several times. What works for me is to have just half a cup for a couple days (to avoid that morning headace) and then replace it with a coffee cup full of water each morning. Drinking a cup of water helps keep me regular and it fulfills the "need a cup in my hand" part - I am used to walking around with my coffee cup.

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I fluctuate between tea and coffee anyways, but today is my first official day off coffee again. I am doing it for medical reasons, but also financial. There is a Starbucks about 50feet from my work. I used to get coffee, once every couple of weeks, but now it is up to a few times a week and it is time to stop. I drink froo-froo coffee, so it is wayyyy more expensive than tea, and has tons more calories.

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Years ago I was a Dr Pepper addict. Must have it every day. I gave it up gradually. I switched from Dr P to clear sodas like 7up, Sprite, and ginger ale. After a while I switched to flavored water, and finally I gave up sodas all together. For me, having a plan played a major part in my success.




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I fluctuate between tea and coffee anyways, but today is my first official day off coffee again. I am doing it for medical reasons, but also financial. There is a Starbucks about 50feet from my work. I used to get coffee, once every couple of weeks, but now it is up to a few times a week and it is time to stop. I drink froo-froo coffee, so it is wayyyy more expensive than tea, and has tons more calories.

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Thanks everyone. I only drink 2 cups a day....about 20 Oz. And I just use skim milk...no sugar....never after 11 am...ever.


I am just not sleeping...and feel that maybe i need to cut out all caffiene...which scares me to death....plus, coffee is my one last comfort food....it is my morning ritual....coffee, WTM board, for my morning wake up.


I like the idea of cutting it down with decaf. I think I will try that.

Thanks again,


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To conserve cash, my dh and I have cut out coffee during the week. After a couple weeks, my body is totally into the rhythm, and enjoying the coffee more, and it's "jolt," on the weekends. No problems with Mondays now. First couple weeks were tough. I compensated by taking late morning naps!

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Yes.....but it didn't last. :tongue_smilie:


I started by switching to 1/2 Decaf, 1/2 Regular for about a week (to alleviate those nasty caffeine-addicted headaches). Then, just decaf. for another week....and then NOTHING! I did it in the summer, which was MUCH easier to do since the mornings weren't cold and dark like in the winter. I switched to V8 juice for my morning drink and it worked out really well for me.....for about 2 months. Then, we went out to breakfast one day and the smell of the fresh brewed coffee hit me like a brick wall and I caved!!! To date, I'm still drinking coffee but at the 1/2 Caff. ratio. My system won't tolerate the full-leaded stuff any longer!


Good luck!!!!

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Yes. Start with using 25% decaf and then gradually up it until you're at 100%. By the time I was drinking full decaf, I wasn't really interested in coffee anymore.



:iagree: That's what I did. Several times. Unfortunately, I still got migraines and coffee sometimes helps (caffeine is an ingredient in Excedrin migraine) so I started up again. Several times. It is a fairly painless way to quit.

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Yes, and it was incredibly difficult. I had tried several times and each time I would give up after about 3+ weeks of terrible headaches.


FINALLY, I did something that worked.


I went half-caf first.


I bought a pound of caffeinated and a pound of decaf and mixed them together. When that two pounds of coffee was gone, I went to decaf.


Drinks at Starbucks went to half-caf and then after about a month, I cut out the caffeine altogether.


Once I kicked the caffeine habit, I was able to easily replace the coffee with herbal and decaf tea, although I STILL fight the desire for it.


Good luck. It was definitely worth it. I get far fewer headaches in general now and my irregular heartbeat has really calmed down. I've been coffee-free for a year now!

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I am just not sleeping...and feel that maybe i need to cut out all caffiene.


Could well be. I also find if I move on to decaf, I lose my "taste" for coffee quickly. What about hot milk with a bit of cocoa in it? Not without stimulant, but very, very little.

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I had very gradually worked up to drinking almost a full pot of coffee every day plus a diet soda in the afternoon. I weaned myself off all caffeine by buying decaf and mixing it in with my regular coffee. I went from 25% decaf to 50% decaf in a week and then from 50% to fully decaffeinated in about two weeks. I quit the diet sodas cold turkey. If I can do this anybody can! I have drank one or two, sometimes three(!!) diet sodas a day for atleast 20 years plus a couple of cups of coffee a day for atleast 20 years. I realized awhile back that I had gradually begun to drink almost a pot of coffee a day!!


I have been caffeine free for almost six months and I never crave it anymore. I drink two cups of decaf coffee every morning and drink Dasani water instead of the soda. I also drink decaf tea every once in awhile.


I no longer have migraines and I am sleeping much better. Caffeine can disrupt your sleep for as long as 72 hours.

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I weaned myself off of coffee a few weeks ago. The difference it has made in my energy level is absolutely amazing. I LOVE my coffee and I am not even tempted to have a sip anymore because of how much better I feel. As a fellow Hashimoto's/CF? sufferer, I say DO IT!


The withdrawal was tough. My fatigue was even worse than usual. It is worth it!!! I would plan on being out of commission for a week, though.


ETA: I limited myself to one cup a day and went cold turkey from there. By day 3 or 4 I was so miserable that I had a cup. I didn't touch it again and it was smooth sailing after that.

Edited by Robin's Song
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Yup....I am definitely having second thoughts...vit E. .....sounds good!




I honestly think it's the perimenopause thing going, but Vit e helps tremendously for me.


I stopped taking it for about 2 months-just cause. You know, forgot to buy it, didn't remember, whatnot. The insomnia was wretched. I mean, I Could. Not. Sleep. Dd started complaining about not having E for her face, I got it and after a week of taking it was sleeping like the dead again.


I hope it works the same for you.

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The difference it has made in my energy level is absolutely amazing. I LOVE my coffee and I am not even tempted to have a sip anymore because of how much better I feel. As a fellow Hashimoto's/CF? sufferer' date=' I say DO IT!




My energy level is way up. I no longer wake up feeling tired. I used to stumble to the coffee pot when I first woke up and the kids knew to stay out of my way! I don't feel that way anymore.


My husband has Hashimoto's and has strange sleep cycles. Sometimes he can't sleep at all for weeks at a time and then he will crash and want to do nothing but sleep for a week or so until he catches up. I have tried and tried to get him to give up the caffeine but he won't do it!! He isn't convinced it will help.

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Once I started drinking hot tea, coffee just didn't taste good anymore. (Can you believe it?)


I can totally understand/believe this. I was a COMPLETE coffee addict. I had a good 6 cups of STRONG coffee each day. Weak or low quality coffee wasn't worth my time. I was a coffee SNOB!!!!!! But it REALLY wreaked havoc on my health! It made me MORE tired and it crashed my blood sugar!


I am TOTALLY in love with tea. I bought several types, bags and loose, and I drink it all day long: herbal, caffeinated, etc. I do NOT miss coffee now and I was an addict for nearly three decades!


I feel SO much better while off of it. How did I do it? I went from 6 cups to 3 in the first wee, then went to 1 cup in my second, then had one cup every other day with tea on the off days, then switched to tea completely. I've tried cold turkey before and nearly landed in the hospital from several withdrawal migraines!

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Ok...I am already weaned down to 2 cups from 5 or 6....


I think it makes sense to go down to 1 1/2 then 1 by the end of the week....I have some nice tea....and it is so hot here, I think iced tea may work. I think the vit E sounds good too....ok....we shall see. I have had this coffee habit since I was 12.....seriously.



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I weaned myself off of coffee a few weeks ago. The difference it has made in my energy level is absolutely amazing. I LOVE my coffee and I am not even tempted to have a sip anymore because of how much better I feel. As a fellow Hashimoto's/CF? sufferer' date=' I say DO IT!


The withdrawal was tough. My fatigue was even worse than usual. It is worth it!!! I would plan on being out of commission for a week, though.


ETA: I limited myself to one cup a day and went cold turkey from there. By day 3 or 4 I was so miserable that I had a cup. I didn't touch it again and it was smooth sailing after that.[/quote']


I never even considered giving up coffee ...I used to drink tons....but weaned down to 2 cups....I guess I can wean down even more...and switch over to herbal tea. I need some sleep...and I also think getting off caffiene may help relieve fibro pain.




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I think it makes sense to go down to 1 1/2 then 1 by the end of the week....I have some nice tea....and it is so hot here, I think iced tea may work. I think the vit E sounds good too....ok....we shall see. I have had this coffee habit since I was 12.....seriously.




May I suggest decaf green tea with stevia (iced)? I make it in an iced tea pot, which is so simple. It is my summer drink of choice and is very refreshing.:001_smile:

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Coffee makes my joints ache and I don't even have fibro. Even my knuckles ache, and elbows. Its just too strong for some systems, including mine. It very acidic.

I drink tea. I would use tea to wean myself off coffee.


Black tea or green tea? I only had one cup today...and I am soooo sleepy...but ok as far as headache...



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I'm very allergic to coffee, so Dr. Pepper was my caffeine-delivery device. I was drinking more than 6 cans/day and had to quit because of ovarian cysts.


Cold-turkey is really rough. I went through two weeks of cotton-mouth and absolute exhaustion. My head felt all foggy and everything sounded like it was underwater.


It did all start to turn around at the 2-week point though and got better every day after that. I've been caffeine-free for over 20 years now.


The withdrawal is really really rough. You might do better by cutting your consumption in half each week until you're down to the point that you can just stop.

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Black tea or green tea? I only had one cup today...and I am soooo sleepy...but ok as far as headache...




The caffeine in tea and coffee work differently, tea may not help a coffee headache (I would highly doubt if it does, but leaving room for everyone's bodily differences).


Green tea is significantly healthier than black.


Coffee (if it's not loaded with cream and sugar) actually helps regulate blood sugar. If I don't drink it, I crash. Coffee and B complex help me regulate my hypoglycemia. Coffee is not evil. In moderation it has wonderful health benefits and helps memory issues. Just say'n. ;) Though I completely understand it can exacerbate some health issues.

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The caffeine in tea and coffee work differently, tea may not help a coffee headache (I would highly doubt if it does, but leaving room for everyone's bodily differences).


Green tea is significantly healthier than black.


Coffee (if it's not loaded with cream and sugar) actually helps regulate blood sugar. If I don't drink it, I crash. Coffee and B complex help me regulate my hypoglycemia. Coffee is not evil. In moderation it has wonderful health benefits and helps memory issues. Just say'n. ;) Though I completely understand it can exacerbate some health issues.


I think it may be helping my sugar issues...but hurting my sleep...then again, maybe not...


I don't think coffee in moderation is bad...quite the opposite. It has really helped my ADD kids to focus. I know that I am ADD as well, so NO coffee might not work for me...but I think it may be worth a try.


I love my coffee...it makes me happy. I am not sure I want to do without...just do with ...less....today, I pulled it off.


I had 1 cup this am, I am a bit tired, but I am not so jittery...I am still focused...and it is 2PM here. I'll see how I am at 4 and then 6...after that, I want to be sleepy...:D


I am not too fanatical about anything....so, I will just experiment. Just wanted to know if anyone ever did it before...so I could at least encourage myself that it COULD be done.



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