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Because they're self-conscious and don't think they're pretty and would rather try to make you laugh then let you realize that they aren't pretty.


(Of course, young women almost always are pretty, but most of them don't know that, and duck face is the visual equivalent of nervous laughter.)


:iagree: I told my local teen girl about people wondering why girls think the duck face is attractive. She said: they don't do it to be attractive...they make that face to be funny and because sometimes they don't know what else to do so they choose to look funny. People should be careful about saying it isn't attractive because they may already feel bad about themselves.

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Oh, and please stop sending me your frontierville, farmville, so-and-so just answered a question about you...... I really don't want to play! :glare:


You can hide all the Farmville/Frontierville/Mob Wars/Egg Hunt/etc notifications. I have and I never see them, unless I happen to click over to the page of someone who plays it. But it's not on my newsfeed and even if they invite me to play, I never see it. I'm glad, because otherwise I am pretty sure I would have quit Facebook by now.


So... mine is: Dear Facebook: Please find someone to take your picture. The camera held up in the mirror pictures really bug me, for no really good reason, but they do. Unless it's a rash you need help diagnosing or Johnny Depp is also in the mirror and you need proof, then the pic can probably wait until someone gets home to take it for you. Thanks!

p.s. Bless your heart.

Edited by scrappyhappymama
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Dear Facebook,


Stop telling me how terrible your husband is, what a mess your kids are, and how angry you are at dealing with it. If you spent more time with your family you might not have the feelings you do. I'd also be really grateful if you'd stop using profanity on my wall because as long as you do, you will forever remain on my blocked list-- Family or not.


Thanks for understanding.

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And, non-duck face crowd, please stop putting one hand on your hip and crossing your ankles in every picture. I know that, according to women's magazines or something, that's supposed to be some kind of flattering pose, but it looks like you're trying too hard. Just stand there and smile!

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:iagree: I told my local teen girl about people wondering why girls think the duck face is attractive. She said: they don't do it to be attractive...they make that face to be funny and because sometimes they don't know what else to do so they choose to look funny.



You have the opinion of one teen. I've seen the duck face often enough to know that many of them actually DO think it is attractive. I also get weary of the confused duck face. That is a pretty common one I am seeing...this effort to have the duck face combined with a confused look. Just don't get it.


I'm glad to have fb to keep up with people, but some of the things that I'm starting to get weary of are listed here. Soon I will have to start blocking.

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I'm sick of teenage girls with their boobs out AND their tongue out. What is up with that? Also the sexy face in about 200 pictures that they took of themselves in the bathroom mirror. These girls have parents as their fb friends, what is wrong that the mom is not making them take these down?


I KNOW! What is up with the tongue out. All of my nieces do it, and when their friends are in the pictures, their tongue is out too. If it's done to be funny, it really isn't.


Oh, come on, Colleen! You know you want a little duck face! :lol:


Hunter and I are happy to make your day complete. Quack.


:w00t: Now that's funny!


You can hide all the Farmville/Frontierville/Mob Wars/Egg Hunt/etc notifications. I have and I never see them, unless I happen to click over to the page of someone who plays it. But it's not on my newsfeed and even if they invite me to play, I never see it. I'm glad, because otherwise I am pretty sure I would have quit Facebook by now.


So... mine is: Dear Facebook: Please find someone to take your picture. The camera held up in the mirror pictures really bug me, for no really good reason, but they do. Unless it's a rash you need help diagnosing or Johnny Depp is also in the mirror and you need proof, then the pic can probably wait until someone gets home to take it for you. Thanks!

p.s. Bless your heart.


:lol: Rash! Next time I have one, I'll be sure to post.


Seriously, I barely ever post and wonder about some of the pics. I have a friend who posts pictures of food she eats every.single.day.each.meal. Not sure what to do about that. Nice fries?! :001_huh:

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You have the opinion of one teen. I've seen the duck face often enough to know that many of them actually DO think it is attractive. I also get weary of the confused duck face. That is a pretty common one I am seeing...this effort to have the duck face combined with a confused look. Just don't get it.


Maybe they are confused as to why they are making the duck face? :tongue_smilie:

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This thread is cracking me up ~ and reminding me yet again that no, I have no desire to climb aboard the FB bandwagon.:D


This thread is funny, but I must be really, really old, because none of my Facebook friends has ever posted anything like the things described here.


Actually, maybe it's not an "age" thing, since I'm friends on FB with most of my 13-year-old son's friends, too.


I'm also sharing a computer with my daughter at the moment and often go to get online and discover that she's still logged onto FB. I've never seen any of her friends (local teens, college friends, adults with whom she's done shows) post anything objectionable, either.


I must live in a bubble.


I love FB, because it lets me keep in touch, albeit superfically, with people I don't see often and also lets me share things with folks with whom I don't even when I do see them in person. The latter is the case with my younger FB friends. For some reason, they seem more open online about certain things, and it gives us a way to talk that is nice. (A few of these kids I've known since they were preschool aged, and they talk to me anyway. But some of the others are newer additions to our lives.)


Definitely a bubble, huh?

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Oh, and please stop sending me your frontierville, farmville, so-and-so just answered a question about you...... I really don't want to play! :glare:


You know you can block those, right?


I don't play any of the games, either. But every time a new one pops up, I just click the little 'x' to the right of the post. It offers me the option to hide all posts by that person or just to hide posts from the application. I hardly ever get any of them now.

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This thread is funny, but I must be really, really old, because none of my Facebook friends has ever posted anything like the things described here.


Actually, maybe it's not an "age" thing, since I'm friends on FB with most of my 13-year-old son's friends, too.


I'm also sharing a computer with my daughter at the moment and often go to get online and discover that she's still logged onto FB. I've never seen any of her friends (local teens, college friends, adults with whom she's done shows) post anything objectionable, either.


I must live in a bubble.


I love FB, because it lets me keep in touch, albeit superfically, with people I don't see often and also lets me share things with folks with whom I don't even when I do see them in person. The latter is the case with my younger FB friends. For some reason, they seem more open online about certain things, and it gives us a way to talk that is nice. (A few of these kids I've known since they were preschool aged, and they talk to me anyway. But some of the others are newer additions to our lives.)


Definitely a bubble, huh?


I'm looking for the 'like' button, but will have to settle for an :iagree:

I must live in a bubble too, because I've never encountered any of this stuff!

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This is a weird one. I don't know if anyone will be able to identify. I have a friend who is heavy into the pageant circuit. I've noticed that she and all of her pageant mom friends do not post pics of themselves as their profile pics but they put up pics of their dds all "pageanted" up. I don't take issue with the occasional pic of your child as a profile pic, but ultimately, it is YOUR fb page.

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This is a weird one. I don't know if anyone will be able to identify. I have a friend who is heavy into the pageant circuit. I've noticed that she and all of her pageant mom friends do not post pics of themselves as their profile pics but they put up pics of their dds all "pageanted" up. I don't take issue with the occasional pic of your child as a profile pic, but ultimately, it is YOUR fb page.


I don't have pageant kids, but I pretty much NEVER put a picture of myself for my fb profile pic….heck, I've been on fb for years now and i think I may have posted all of five pictures that I was even in and three of those were in Halloween costumes. I HATE pictures of me. :tongue_smilie:


I usually use photos of my cats or dragons ~ the kids' pictures are in all the albums.

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You can hide all the Farmville/Frontierville/Mob Wars/Egg Hunt/etc notifications. I have and I never see them, unless I happen to click over to the page of someone who plays it. But it's not on my newsfeed and even if they invite me to play, I never see it. I'm glad, because otherwise I am pretty sure I would have quit Facebook by now.




You know you can block those, right?


I don't play any of the games, either. But every time a new one pops up, I just click the little 'x' to the right of the post. It offers me the option to hide all posts by that person or just to hide posts from the application. I hardly ever get any of them now.


No, I didn't know! Thanks!! Facebook will be a bit more pleasant from now on! :001_smile:

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Agreed. Especially when the person you're so upset with is your dh. Really, really mature.


I actually decided not to be friends with someone that I was just getting to know because of something she posted on Facebook. It was about her MIL. Now, I know we all need a place to vent, and I have vented plenty about my MIL, dh, kids, etc. But her rant was not just a vent. It was EVIL!!! I mean really, really harsh and so ugly! Then all her friends chimed in with her. I was so sick in reading it. If I still had it and could post it here, I know you would all agree with me! It really made me feel sick to my stomach and I just couldn't get the desire to get to know her better after that. I'm sure she wondered why I was friendly but a bit distant the next time she saw me.


Geez! I don't think they remember just who all is reading all their dirty laundry and how others might feel about that!!! :tongue_smilie:

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I only have one young cousin who does the duck face, but I do have a sister who does the sexy-photo-in-the-bathroom-mirror thing. And in the car. And in every pose she can imagine. With costume changes. She has 400+ "friends" and many of them appear to be men who make suggestive comments. And she "giggles." Did I mention she's in her mid-40s?


She also lies in her status updates, or in real life. I'm not sure which. She's calls me and cries about how horrible her life is, how I couldn't possibly understand how difficult things are, and then she'll post on FB some corny comment about how much she LURVES her life and how FABULOUS everything is.


We don't get along anyway, but her FB behaviors don't help matters.

Edited by HistoryMom
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I don't have pageant kids, but I pretty much NEVER put a picture of myself for my fb profile pic….heck, I've been on fb for years now and i think I may have posted all of five pictures that I was even in and three of those were in Halloween costumes. I HATE pictures of me. :tongue_smilie:


I usually use photos of my cats or dragons ~ the kids' pictures are in all the albums.



Same for me - cannot stand pics of myself. My kids are almost always my profile pic, but they're not "pageanted up." :D


I know how common the duckface, etc. pics are, but I must be super lucky too - none of my friends do those!

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