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Your favorite board games?

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We're looking to add some things to our game cupboard.


1. Did you have some favorite board games when you were in your teens? I like old stuff, like Monopoly, Scrabble, etc. When I was about 13, it was Dark Tower (an electronic board game). Those are selling for over $200 because they are vintage. :eek:


2. What games do you enjoy with your older children? My kids are 13 and almost 15. We love to play traditional games and don't like the fad type games. They like solving problems, but I'm not good at those. My DH would probably like the Catan type games, maybe my children too. But I have absolutely zero interest in them. I'm going to buy one though and see how we fare with it.

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Guest RachelCaliff

My husband and I are avid board gamers. :) It started with Settlers and Carcasonne (sp?), but we now have quite a large collection. Our little ones are still quite little (the oldest only 5) so I'm not sure how teens would fare, but as a starter, I'd recommend Power Grid. A good "card" game is Dominion, also. Ticket to Ride is fun. These are all what we consider our "beginner" strategy games. (The rest of our games tend to take out the "luck" factor as much as possible and lean toward strategy. The aforementioned still have some "luck" component.) I have a long long list of other games that are more complex and require a bigger time investment (both in learning the rules and actually playing, say 2-3 hours per game!)... let me know if you're interested. But definitely try the above mentioned! We buy from boardsandbits.com and also get reviews of games at boardgamegeek.com. Can't wait until our little ones are old enough to play with us! Enjoy!

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I also love board and card games!

Card games:

dutch blitz


uno (Dh especially likes Attack Uno)



Board games:


rummicube (okay, not quite a board game)

10 Days in Europe (or US, Asia, Africa, Americas)

Scotland Yard


Catch Phrase


doodle dice


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Favorite ever... Pay Day


Close seconds... Scrabble (the good board with the grooves to hold the letters in place) and Trivial Persuit


I love playing Scrabble with the kids, Monopoly too. None of them like TP though :p We have not been able to find Pay Day anywhere :(

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Some of our favs are:


Ticket to Ride; we have the German and Nordic countries. We also just got the Alvin and Dexter expansion.


Memoir 44; I think we have all the expansions




Middle Earth Quest


Wars of the Roses


Settlers of Catan


Those are the ones we play the most.

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To play with our older kids (9 and 12) we love :


10 days in Asia (or Europe)




Monopoly SLAM


Phase 10




I love board games. I have a ton in my cart on Amazon but we just don't have the space for more!

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Best board games are at www.funagain.com - we order every year at Christmas. My kids like:


Settlers of Catan

Carcasonne (sp?)

Power Grid


Ticket to Ride



Apples to Apples

1000 Blank White Cards

Fluxx, Zombie Fluxx, Eco Fluxx


24 Game

Shakespeare the Bard Game

Puerto Rico

Magic the Gathering

Lots more that I forget the names of


and my favorite


(You are all different kinds of CDC workers and have to squash outbreaks of infectious disease around the world. Excellent cooperative game.)

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We are big board gamers around here. Some of our favorites, which your older kids might enjoy are:





Nuclear War/Escalation/Proliferation---the last two are expansions

Elfenland (even my 7 year old can play this one with us, but it's still a fun game for grownups)


card games:




Once Upon a Time

Scrabble Slam

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If you are talking about the classic Pay Day, Amazon has it. It's $14.48.

I've been hoping to find it in stores. I don't mind books from Amazon, but I have visions of a crushed board and lost pieces. Perhaps I should just take the plunge... my sister and nephews play every week (she got the family board) and I turn green every time she tells me about it :p

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I've been hoping to find it in stores. I don't mind books from Amazon, but I have visions of a crushed board and lost pieces.

I order *all* my games from Amazon since it's free shipping. I've never had a crushed box (or anything close to it!). Go for it. :)


We play lots of games here too. Our favorites:



10 Days


Doodle Dice


MY favorite is mah jongg - not a board game, but an excellent table game. My 13yo plays with me (has been for a couple of years) with whatever 3rd and/or 4th we can drum up. We *love* it.

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I've been hoping to find it in stores. I don't mind books from Amazon, but I have visions of a crushed board and lost pieces. Perhaps I should just take the plunge... my sister and nephews play every week (she got the family board) and I turn green every time she tells me about it :p


Google your town and "game store". Many local game stores will carry (or order) games that you won't find on the shelf at Walmart or Target or TRU. We patronize ours whenever we can. It's worth spending a few bucks more than Amazon to us. You can also check the forums at boardgamegeek.com .

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Aggravation is our hands down family favorite. I don't like the new boards, though, I like the classic ones (like the one I linked to). The new ones are WAY too small. Luckily, I found a place that sells hand made wooden boards and glass marbles for the pieces. We play with that. We used to have tournaments that went on forever. LOL I should do that with my olders. they're just getting to where they would be able to play board games.
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We like a lot of the recent games:


Pit (new to me, but apparently it's been around for years)



Ha! Definitely been around a while. "Market's Open!" I have vivid memories of my normally very reserved parents diving across the table and jostling each other playing Pit with family and friends. It was one of the only times I remember seeing my extended family get raucous and rowdy. Fun times. :D

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I order *all* my games from Amazon since it's free shipping. I've never had a crushed box (or anything close to it!). Go for it. :)


We play lots of games here too. Our favorites:



10 Days


Doodle Dice


MY favorite is mah jongg - not a board game, but an excellent table game. My 13yo plays with me (has been for a couple of years) with whatever 3rd and/or 4th we can drum up. We *love* it.

Oooh, Mah Jongg is fun, dh and I play. I used to play Backgammon with my mom. I think I'll teach ds.



Google your town and "game store". Many local game stores will carry (or order) games that you won't find on the shelf at Walmart or Target or TRU. We patronize ours whenever we can. It's worth spending a few bucks more than Amazon to us. You can also check the forums at boardgamegeek.com .

I'll have to see if I can find one around here. Thanks for the rec :D

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When I was in high school a group of friends was always setting up Othello tournaments. It's strategy, but also quick. But only 2 players.

In college I had a group of friends that liked to play Phase 10. I still enjoy those.

My extended family always enjoys Catch Phrase and with dh's family, we often play Monopoly Deal, Phase 10 and Phase 10 dice, and a game called Super Tock that my sil special ordered from Canada- it's a fun game, but NOT worth what she paid for it. It's VERY similar to Sorry.

I'm glad you started this thread! I think we'll play some games tonight!

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