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Q for those who use or have used Singapore US edition...

Honey Bee

How satisfied are you with Singapore US (vs. Standards ed.)?  

  1. 1. How satisfied are you with Singapore US (vs. Standards ed.)?

    • I'm very satisfied with US edition and looking forward to continued use!
    • If I wasn't so far into US ed, I'd switch to Standards ed.
    • Start with Standard's edition--you won't regret it!

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I'm contemplating switching to Singapore, at least for my oldest in 3rd grade next year (we are currently using Rightstart). I've looked up all the comparisons US vs. Stds and I'm thinking of going with the US edition.


I know I would be missing out on a few topics, but those could be covered easily later. Also, the Standards HIG seems a little more helpful.


On the other hand, Stds. is thicker and I would like to work through the IP and CWP books, this seems much more doable with the US ed. US seems to be less "busy," which is nice. :001_smile:


So I'm just curious about all those who use US, how satisfied are you?

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I missed RS when I switched to SM...lol. I like the material available as a mom in the Standards Edition HIG, and the consistent reviews in the workbook. I didn't teach it right though, and it moved too quickly without enough practice yet what seemed like endless work for DS. That said, DD1 used the US edition for first grade and loved it. Maybe I'm not much help, lol...

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We use the US edition. Dd doesn't need more review and the IP follows the same syllabus. I'd rather have the IP match exactly since it's the bulk of dd's work. We use the workbook but dd goes through it quickly, the IP matches dd's ability level better and makes her think. I don't think it makes a big difference either way, both editions are good.

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My DD used U.S. edition for 3A/B and I found the HIG's pretty unhelpful. The Standards edition HIG's are *WAY* better. My DD doesn't need the chapter-end reviews at the time when they're scheduled but I do find it useful to do them 1 semester behind (i.e. she'll be doing the 4B reviews once we start 5A).

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I've used the US ed. for gr. 1, 2 and 3. When I saw the Standard Ed., I decided to switch. I like the look of it better, and I like that it has more review. We finished our US ed. about 2 months before school was done, and I felt the kids needed more practice. With the Standard Ed. I am looking forward to more practice for the kids.


I haven't used the HIG for the Standard Ed. yet, but I hardly ever used the HIG for the US ed. as I didn't find it useful. On a practical note, I like that the HIG for the Standard Ed. is spiral bound!:)

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DD has used US ed. from 1B (with Miquon and Abeka tests sprinkled throughout)and is now beginning 3B . This combo has worked well for her. I only have two of the US ed. HIG. I do not think I will be purchasing any more HIG because I am a math person and my brain already thinks like they teach. I did not purchase the Standards (I think) because they do not cover US measurements and money. Best of luck!

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We are happy with the U.S. edition too.


My kids pick up math easy, so extra review would just be extra work.


Last year we didn't do the workbooks at all, just the IP, so it was nice that they correlated with the text (which we didn't use much either).


I've never used a HIG, so I wouldn't change for that.


They are cheaper and easy to find the texts used.


We do lots of extra math and logic anyway, so I prefer the simpler/shorter main curriculum.

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I did not purchase the Standards (I think) because they do not cover US measurements and money. Best of luck!


FYI, the Standards Edition *DOES* cover U.S. measurements & money as it's aligned with the California state math standards. The one that doesn't is called the "3rd Edition" or something like that.


A side-by-side comparison of the S&S for the Standards Edition vs. U.S. Edition can be found here.

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Wow! So far 66% of you feel that Singapore US is just fine. Thanks so much for your comments and responding to the poll. I hope to get some more responses soon. :001_smile:


I find it interesting that none of the folk that suggest Singapore for math are switching to standards (HOD, Sonlight, MFW, LCC, etc.). HOD had a great article explaining WHY they didn't, it really got me thinking.


Thanks again!

Still pondering...

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Wow! So far 66% of you feel that Singapore US is just fine. Thanks so much for your comments and responding to the poll. I hope to get some more responses soon. :001_smile:


I find it interesting that none of the folk that suggest Singapore for math are switching to standards (HOD, Sonlight, MFW, LCC, etc.). HOD had a great article explaining WHY they didn't, it really got me thinking.


Thanks again!

Still pondering...


Where is that article? I'd be interested to read it.

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I went with Standards b/c the layout is nicer and more appealing and the HIG is waaaaaaay more clear and helpful. Just much better. My kids looked it over without knowing there were different editions and always really liked the standards edition book samples and really didn't like the US. I have both editions handy now and really like the Standards over the US still in person as well. I've got the IP books and a CWP for one of them, and I think it will still be quite doable. The weekly schedule is almost a daily plan, which I really like. I won't be doing the extra practice or tests, so that's where I can fit in the IP/CWP.

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This was a few years back though... back then there was only the US edition or the 3rd (Singapore) edition -- no Standards edition, so I've never actually looked at that one! Also the IP either wasn't available or wasn't so widely known... We did just text, workbook, and Challenging Word Problems.


DS used Singapore Earlybird, Primary 1a-6b, and NEM 1 & 2 (and parts of 3). Since then we've switched to Art of Problem Solving plus a variety of supplements (math competitions - AMC exams, MathCounts, Math Olympiad, etc.) and Singapore was excellent preparation for all of that.


I should add the caveat that we never used the HIG, and in fact I've never looked at that either.... so I can't really say whether it is helpful... only that for our situation (mathy kid, mathy mom) Singapore Primary in the US edition was a really solid program and if I have any regrets at all, it's that we didn't have the IP books. I think I would have really liked those.

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I've used both. I prefer standards. But, the U.S. edition is better than many other things! I just prefer the Standard Edition, better HIGs and I just like it better overall. I had both editions to compare for 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B. I never used U.S. 2B. I used 1A - 2A before I switched.


You can use the IP books along with the Standards with no problems.

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Where is that article? I'd be interested to read it.

me too!

I knew this would happen :lol:!


Here is a good article and Carrie's (author of HOD) response is a link in the last response--read that one too!


help - link? I tried to search on the HOD website but came up empty. I'm quite sure that I have no idea where I ought to be looking :tongue_smilie:.


:lurk5: I expect 4B standards to arrive any day, but I find myself wishing I had ordered US ed. instead (I'd rather cover the extra topics later). This is just a try-out, to see if I'd rather get ds Singapore to use in his classroom instead of MM. (for dd, I still love, love, love MM :) - amazingly, working during the summer has been like gliding on a summer breeze - we are so happy.) For ds, I'm thinking maybe I could use the Standards ed. that I ordered (which is mainly to fill a few random holes over the summer) and skip the extra topic(s), and then order 5A US ed. to start in the fall at school.

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The linked HOD post seemed to be talking about the Kindergarten books rather than the higher levels. I've used both U.S. edition (3A/B) & Stds. edition (4A/B) and would not say that the latter is "more workbooky". There are slightly more reviews (every chapter rather than every 2-3 chapters), but the "feel" of the program is very similar.


Where the Stds. edition is a big improvement is in the HIG's. HOD doesn't have the parents use the HIG's, so I can see why they wouldn't bother recommending a switch.

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So I'm just curious about all those who use US, how satisfied are you?


I started with Singapore many years ago, with the Third Edition (not even the US edition). I have 3rd edition textbooks for 3A-6B, as well as US edition textbooks for 1A-2B. I did buy the US edition for 6B this year for my daughter, to get the instruction on dividing fractions. Otherwise, I have been very happy using the 3rd edition textbooks with the US edition workbooks this time around, and with the 3rd edition workbooks the first time.


I have the old solutions guides for 3A-6B, and use them occasionally. I haven't needed the HIG. For me, the instruction in the textbook is sufficient to show how to teach the topic. I go over the material in the textbook. If my child has trouble with the topic, I make up other problems to practice with, pull out the cuisenaire rods, make models, explain it other ways, etc until he/she understands. Most of the time they don't need more than what is in the textbook, and sometimes not even that. Once they understand the textbook material, they move on to the workbook, and to Intensive Practice later in the day.


[My oldest was an exception to this--he ALWAYS needed more practice and instruction than what was in the textbook before proceeding to the workbook, and needed more practice than what was in the workbook as well. Even the extra practice workbooks weren't enough for him. However, this was the case in every math program I tried for him, and I tried MANY. This particular child should have been in Rod and Staff math, or another program with 40+ problems for each topic. I just didn't recognize that that was what he needed at the time. Using the Standards edition--which didn't exist at the time--would have made no difference.]

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I knew this would happen :lol:!


Here is it is!


Who ever Carrie is on this forum is, she completely mis-characterizes the changes in the Standards Edition. It is not "less" of anything. Sometimes a "vested interest" in older version skews objectivity.


One of the biggest complaints about the US Edition was the lack of review. The SE version solves that problem my providing more review--but not an onerous amount. It is still a lean program, the criticisms on the other forum are way off base.


The other criticism of the US Edition was the parent/teacher support. The Home Instructors Guides in the US Edition were (by reputation) not great. They have been throughly redone for the Standards Edtion and are now excellent.


I'm sorry to say but when someone is selling something and feels the need to invent things that just aren't so to keep a market share, it doesn't reflect well on them. The "criticisms" are simply not valid.



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Really, you can't go wrong with either. I started with US before Standards was available. Considered switching when my older was ready for 5A. I spent a lot of time comparing scope and sequence and got all the books for 5 for both versions. I decided to stick with US. This was right for us because my kids don't need the extra review, I don't use the HIGs, and I was comfortable leaving out the extra stuff and hitting it later. Actually, didn't want some of the extra stuff, like numbers into the billions. I got so much push back on writing out the lower numbers!

If you are starting out new though, it's probably worth going with standards, simply because that's what the company is supporting now. There is always the chance that the US edition will go out of print.

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I"m using the Standards edition, but miss the US Version! Heck, I really miss the 3rd edition.


I switched to SE in 3 after using US edition for 1 and 2. I miss the US edition right away but waited until I finished 3 and then we went back to US edition for 4. I AM happy again!!! I can say that I DON'T miss Standard edition one bit.

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Who ever Carrie is on this forum is, she completely mis-characterizes the changes in the Standards Edition. It is not "less" of anything. Sometimes a "vested interest" in older version skews objectivity.


One of the biggest complaints about the US Edition was the lack of review. The SE version solves that problem my providing more review--but not an onerous amount. It is still a lean program, the criticisms on the other forum are way off base.


The other criticism of the US Edition was the parent/teacher support. The Home Instructors Guides in the US Edition were (by reputation) not great. They have been throughly redone for the Standards Edtion and are now excellent.


I'm sorry to say but when someone is selling something and feels the need to invent things that just aren't so to keep a market share, it doesn't reflect well on them. The "criticisms" are simply not valid.




I generally agree with these comments.

However, it looked like the linked thread was published in 1998, so it would have been when the Standards were just coming out. I don't know if the same comments would be made today.


Singapore math has a comparison between the US, Standards (and I think? third edition) so people can see the changes between the versions.

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I can't tolerate the SE colors and the long thick books.



I don't like them either, nor the fact the spine is so tough. I like lean, lean, lean, but then, for us, at this point, I do most of the teaching, not the text.


That said, I did get the SE EP, just to cover what is "missing". It makes a change in format (at little) to catch kiddo's attention, a bit.

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We're using the US Edition and so far, have no reason to switch (DS7's only negative comment has been, "Man these Singapore people buy a lot of big bags of sugar all the time! Do they all have a sugar problem??" I pointed out that they also seem to be buying a lot of fruits and veggies :) Sensitivity training will come over time :) ).


Sugar concerns aside, I'm very pleased with the US Edition. The HIG issue is something I cannot comment upon, as I have never bothered to purchase one; I find the intent of the text rather clear. In completeness, I will mention that we do supplement with Math Mammoth to fill gaps in his prior PS education, and because he has some learning issues with writing, processing speed, and language, so hitting some material in two formats benefits him in a way I would not inflict on a typical learner of his abilities.





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We're using the US Edition and so far, have no reason to switch (DS7's only negative comment has been, "Man these Singapore people buy a lot of big bags of sugar all the time! Do they all have a sugar problem??" I pointed out that they also seem to be buying a lot of fruits and veggies :) Sensitivity training will come over time :) ).


Sugar concerns aside, I'm very pleased with the US Edition. The HIG issue is something I cannot comment upon, as I have never bothered to purchase one; I find the intent of the text rather clear. In completeness, I will mention that we do supplement with Math Mammoth to fill gaps in his prior PS education, and because he has some learning issues with writing, processing speed, and language, so hitting some material in two formats benefits him in a way I would not inflict on a typical learner of his abilities.






Hi NittanyJen. I am thinking of having SM as my spine and supplement with Math Mammoth but since I'm a newbie I don't know how to go about it. Can I ask you to elaborate on this? (not meaning to hijack the thread but really interested to hear it!).

BTW I have the US edition (essential math K) because my ds got easily distracted by all the colours in the Earlybird series and also because the US edition was readily available at my local used curriculum sale (the SE in the UK is insanely expensive).

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Hi NittanyJen. I am thinking of having SM as my spine and supplement with Math Mammoth but since I'm a newbie I don't know how to go about it. Can I ask you to elaborate on this? (not meaning to hijack the thread but really interested to hear it!).

BTW I have the US edition (essential math K) because my ds got easily distracted by all the colours in the Earlybird series and also because the US edition was readily available at my local used curriculum sale (the SE in the UK is insanely expensive).


Our schedule is pretty easy. Singapore is the main program for us, and he works one section or review per day, 4 days on, one day off in rotation. I use the long workbook reviews as quizzes, and the placement tests on the website as tests at the end of each book.


For Math Mammoth, I just take the number of pages in the two books (for us, 3A and 3B say) and divide by the number of weeks I am guessing we will formally school in the year-- say, 40. We shoot for that many pages per week; this usually works out to 1 page per day on the Singapore days and about 3 on the non-Singapore days. Kindergarten level is probably even less.


I do not try to line up topics. I figure if MM covers something weeks after Singapore, it will be good review.


Our Singapore schedule is fast this year; he's making up some time and will be slowing the pace soon. You could easily alternate days or go with other schema as well!




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My DD used U.S. edition for 3A/B and I found the HIG's pretty unhelpful. The Standards edition HIG's are *WAY* better. My DD doesn't need the chapter-end reviews at the time when they're scheduled but I do find it useful to do them 1 semester behind (i.e. she'll be doing the 4B reviews once we start 5A).



That is a really good idea! I am totally going to steal that!!!!

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