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Netflix must-sees

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Well, I watch mostly tv shows on instant play. Some of our favorites that are available are Angel, Doctor Who, 30 Rock, Pushing Daisies, Better Off Ted, Mythbusters, Mystery Science Theater, Merlin and Scrubs. As for movies on instant play, we enjoy Star Trek, Wallace and Gromit, North and South, and several Ken Burns documentaries.


My advice to you would be to go through and rate as many things you have seen before as you can. Netflix is pretty good at giving you suggestions based on what you like, and the more you rate things, the better it knows what you might like.


Also, if you have a Wii, Xbox360, PS3, or internet enabled Blu-ray player, I HIGHLY recommend downloading the Netflix application on it so you can stream instantly through it to your television. That's our favorite way to watch Netflix.

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I discovered the TV show "Merlin". Seasons 1&2 are on Instant Play and Season 3 can be found online elsewhere. Season 4 is in production but no word of when. It is a really good show, if you like action, romance, and comedy. It reminds me of shows like Xena, Charmed, Legend of the Seeker, Buffy, and Angel. Speaking of Xena and Legend of the Seeker, those are also on Instant Play. I believe Buffy is as well. Not sure about Angel.

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My kids like watching the Nickelodeon shows on Netflix streaming: Wizards of Waverly Place, Suite Life on Deck, etc. They also watch cartoons like Phineas and Ferb.


I like the comedy shows, have watched all the Hoarder episodes, Man vs Food, Clean House. Also the old stuff like Twilight Zone, Teen Wolf, etc.


One of my favorite movies that I just "happened upon" was called "One Week" starring Joshua Jackson. It was really good. :)


There are tons of documentaries and National Geographic selections on there too.


Just do some browsing...you will find all sorts of goodies on there. :)

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Dh & I have just started watching the Psych and/I] Eureka[/i] television programs via instant play. We get the DVD's for Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom ( a HUGE favorite from our 1960s childhoods) and Criminal Minds as well as various movies that the family watches together. We recently enjoyed Tangled, Megamind, Despicable Me, and the Harry Potter movies.

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Dr. Who (of course!)-instant


Downton Abbey-instant


Foyle's War--a WWII crime drama, excellent. On DVD.


Hmmm...we watch a lot of British stuff.


Also: Nero Wolfe with Timothy Hutton, on DVD. Fabulous detective show, was only on for 2 seasons.

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TV Shows:

Firefly and Serenity (the latter is the movie that ties up the series)


Doctor Who

Battlestar Galactica (new one...NOT appropriate for kids)


For the kids:

Dora the Explorer

Go Diego Go

Sid the Science Kid

Dragon Tales


Cyber Chase


For school:

Liberty's Kids

National Geographic

IMAX movies


Just search do a search for your science and history topics. When you add something to your queue, pay attention to the recommended shows that pop up. Before you know it, you'll get a message that your queque is full and you can't add any more.


All of the above are on instant, which is our only TV option. We only get one DVD at a time, so we go through that queue very slowly.

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We love Netflix!


In our Instant Queue




Lie to Me

Phineas and Ferb

Twilight Zone



Liberty's Kids

Legend of the Seeker

Drop Dead Diva


The Dick Van Dyke Show


Tall Tales and Legends (Davy Crocket, Annie Oakley)

Law and Order - Criminal Intent



DVD rental - we get 2 at a time

NCIS - I work out to this one on my elliptical

Full House - the kids are watching this series

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Some TV shows we have enjoyed:

Leave it to Beaver



The Twilight Zone


The Office (not for young kids)

Doctor Who


Dirty Jobs

Mr. Bean

The Cosby Show

Fawlty Towers

A Bit of Fry and Laurie (not for young kids)


Other favorites:


National Geographic specials

lots of British period pieces, like Jane Eyre, North and South, Emma, etc.

Microcosmos (amazing documentary)

The Young Victoria (lovely)


Older movies:

An Affair to Remember

Five Guys Named Mike

Arsenic and Old Lace

The Ambassador's Daughter



Those are the ones I have watched recently.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've become addicted to documentaries due to Netflix.


"Expelled" was very good, no matter what your opinion of evolution may be.

"Media Malpractice" was very interesting - your like/dislike of it will probably depend on your political leanings

"The Amish", an old OPB special was good

"Blossoms of Fire", about a long-time matriarchal society in South America that still exists today was fascinating.

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So I thought it would be fun to list some must-see movies that are on Netflix and possibly uncover some hidden gems!


We just started their free trial, so as of right now, I don't have any ideas. :blush:


Temple Grandin on dvd: about the famous animal behaviorist who has autism. absolutely brilliant performance by Claire Danes, my whole family, including the 10-yr-old, was riveted by it


Crusade/March Through Time on instant watch: the girls and I just watched this tonight and loved it! dh laughed when he came in, b/c we were literally all on the edge of our seats. A modern teen goes back in time to the children's crusade in the 13th century.


You can catch lots of old movies on instant watch; our most recent was The Bad Seed :D


Also tons of great documentaries: Dear Zachary is a heart-breaking true crime story for adults only; Between the Folds shows some truly amazing origami and how it is used for mathematical modeling; and of course tons of nature/science stuff in general.


I second the idea of rating as many movies/shows as possilbe; the netflix recs are eerily on the mark!

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I just got access to Netflix..(there are ways...) and am happily ensconsed in Jericho. I have watched 9 episodes in 2 nights and have knitted a lot! I have the flu- it seemed like a good thing to do!


I realyl got Netflix because I wanted to watch season 6 of House but it doesnt have it, unfortunately.

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