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I just realized how creepy my last post was. I don't have a thing for Bill, I'd just take his request more seriously because while he also has 500 posts that are just stirring the pot, he also has 9000 posts about c-rods and 500-and-some other useful posts.

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I just realized how creepy my last post was. I don't have a thing for Bill, I'd just take his request more seriously because while he also has 500 posts that are just stirring the pot, he also has 9000 posts about c-rods and 500-and-some other useful posts.


Crosspost!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Okay. I'm confused...and probably naive. Why is this thread offensive? I thought teA just meant relationship with your husband. Why is that bad to refer to? It seems like people are getting upset and talking about putting people on their ignore list. I really don't want to offend someone and be put on a list. Is it this thread that has caused the uproar and the "ignoring"? Geez, I just posted a joke on it! I didn't realize I was being troublesome! :confused: Sorry...

Is it because it seems disrespectful to the person who originally posted about "favorite teas"? I don't want her to feel disrespected. In fact, that's why I posted my silly little humor on this thread instead.

Or is it simply offensive to tease and use subtle humor in reference to our love life with our wonderful husbands? I agree with not being rude or too detailed. But I didn't feel like that was the case here...

I'm confused. Please, help me understand....

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Okay. I'm confused...and probably naive. Why is this thread offensive? I thought teA just meant relationship with your husband. Why is that bad to refer to? It seems like people are getting upset and talking about putting people on their ignore list. I really don't want to offend someone and be put on a list. Is it this thread that has caused the uproar and the "ignoring"? Geez, I just posted a joke on it! I didn't realize I was being troublesome! :confused: Sorry...

Is it because it seems disrespectful to the person who originally posted about "favorite teas"? I don't want her to feel disrespected. In fact, that's why I posted my silly little humor on this thread instead.

Or is it simply offensive to tease and use subtle humor in reference to our love life with our wonderful husbands? I agree with not being rude or too detailed. But I didn't feel like that was the case here...

I'm confused. Please, help me understand....


It doesn't offend me, and I'm the one who started the "favorite teas" thread. In ignorance, I might add! :D

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It's not this thread. It's the half dozen controversial threads TNT has started recently. It appears, jokingly or not, that he's just out to stir the pot. It's kinda bothersome. But he's just a kid, he'll figure it out.

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To Carpe:

No, I just mistakenly assumed I was dealing a bunch of adults who could interact with people that have different opinions than they do and rationally discuss things. I see that this is not the place to do that.

Edited by tntgoodwin
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Wow! There's a lot of us up late tonight!!! ;) I guess this is a place that never gets boring! It reminds me of my visit to NYC! It was the middle of the night and the traffic was as busy as mid-day. I come from a very small town. I am the ONLY one awake in this town!!! Glad to have all of your company.

Also glad that my silly teA comment is not the reason everyone is upset! :tongue_smilie:

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Wow! There's a lot of us up late tonight!!! ;) I guess this is a place that never gets boring! It reminds me of my visit to NYC! It was the middle of the night and the traffic was as busy as mid-day. I come from a very small town. I am the ONLY one awake in this town!!! Glad to have all of your company.

Also glad that my silly teA comment is not the reason everyone is upset! :tongue_smilie:


Not everyone is on the same time zone as you are. . . :)

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To Carpe:

No, I just mistakenly assumed I was dealing a bunch of adults who could interact with people that have different opinions than they do and rationally discuss things. I see that this is not the place to do that.

Good luck finding that mythical (drumroll please and queue Bill) community of thousands of individuals of diverse background and belief systems who daily debate numerous controversial subjects in a perfectly civil manner and that is willing to accept you as the agenda setter. ;)



ETA: Bill seems to have let his guard down. Or maybe he has surrendered.

Edited by nmoira
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To Carpe:

No, I just mistakenly assumed I was dealing a bunch of adults who could interact with people that have different opinions than they do and rationally discuss things. I see that this is not the place to do that.


Well. This is a forum mostly full of adults, that routinely interact with people of differing opinions and rationally discuss things. If you are having an issue with that, maybe it's not us?


There are unwritten rules in every social situation. There are boundaries. You crossed quite a few today. You've asked about our uteruses, our sons' penises, our discipline choices, and now our sex lives. Throw out a question about our finances and you've pretty much covered every social taboo in North America.


This would have been really funny as a post on the other thread. If you had quoted Nono and say something like "Maybe there should be a spinoff thread for Nono. :lol:" everyone would have thought it was great. In the other thread. That's the boundary here. If you need help figuring out any of the other boundaries, just ask. Most of us would like to help you.

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You've asked about our uteruses, our sons' penises, our discipline choices, and now our sex lives. Throw out a question about our finances and you've pretty much covered every social taboo in North America.


Wow. I've missed some pretty wild threads! I'd look them up, but I don't think I want to. :blink: I'm guessing they were on the threads whose titles I avoided. I really didn't want to get into the abortion thread or the spanking thread. I knew those could be hot/emotional topics. I didn't want to jump into that! :tongue_smilie:

I was sort of looking for fun on this thread though! I thought it might be a fun, funny one. *sigh*

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Well. This is a forum mostly full of adults, that routinely interact with people of differing opinions and rationally discuss things. If you are having an issue with that, maybe it's not us?


There are unwritten rules in every social situation. There are boundaries. You crossed quite a few today. You've asked about our uteruses, our sons' penises, our discipline choices, and now our sex lives. Throw out a question about our finances and you've pretty much covered every social taboo in North America.


This would have been really funny as a post on the other thread. If you had quoted Nono and say something like "Maybe there should be a spinoff thread for Nono. :lol:" everyone would have thought it was great. In the other thread. That's the boundary here. If you need help figuring out any of the other boundaries, just ask. Most of us would like to help you.


Wow, it's nice that someone who has been here since April has all of the rules figured out :confused:. These things have been discussed & debated here several times before, and will be debated several times more, I'm sure.


I really don't think tnt needs condescending lectures, and I'd suggest if you don't like his posts, place him on ignore, instead of trying to moderate the forum content and/or his posts.

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Honestly, I think the discomfort comes from the fact that tnt is a man. This forum is mostly women. The men who are here seem (in my inexperienced opinion) to go to certain lengths to make sure the women know they are not creepers (by, for example, avoiding certain threads). I can understand why people are bothered by tnt starting these threads, esp. this one. It's pretty much an invitation, to a group of women, to share (with each other and him) their favorite approach to s*x. He also started the spanking thread with the strange caveat "I'm talking about children here" (presumably in contrast to spanking as a part of s*xual play between adults?). I'm sorry, but the pattern here is creepy. I accept your apology on the other thread, tnt, but I do understand why people were bothered.


ETA: I guess my point here is while I agree with Judomom that these things HAVE been discussed here before (spanking, teA, circumcision), there is something disturbing about these conversations being initiated by a man. Call me sexist if you will, but it is what it is.

Edited by Janie Grace
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Honestly, I think the discomfort comes from the fact that tnt is a man. This forum is mostly women. The men who are here seem (in my inexperienced opinion) to go to certain lengths to make sure the women know they are not creepers (by, for example, avoiding certain threads). I can understand why people are bothered by tnt starting these threads, esp. this one. It's pretty much an invitation, to a group of women, to share (with each other and him) their favorite approach to s*x. He also started the spanking thread with the strange caveat "I'm not talking about adults here" or something like that. I'm sorry, but it's creepy. I accept your apology on the other thread, tnt, but I do understand why people were bothered.


ETA: I guess my point here is while I agree with Judomom that these things HAVE been discussed here before (spanking, teA, circumcision), there is something disturbing about these conversations being initiated by a man. Call me sexist if you will, but it is what it is.



nobody has to reply to his threads, if I dont like a thread I just skip over it, no big deal. Why enter and then lecture him and then "ignore" him? I am sure if mods thinks he a creep, they will delete the threads and take care of it. The TeA thread would have been creepy, if it wasnt a JOKE.


Dont get it.

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ETA: I guess my point here is while I agree with Judomom that these things HAVE been discussed here before (spanking, teA, circumcision), there is something disturbing about these conversations being initiated by a man. Call me sexist if you will, but it is what it is.


I can understand this but tnt is also a homeschooling dad and has been here for a bit. Perhaps there's just some point where we get over ourselves?

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I can understand this but tnt is also a homeschooling dad and has been here for a bit. Perhaps there's just some point where we get over ourselves?


Point taken. I think it's just a good reminder that this is the internet, not a cozy, "safe" room full of friends. There are plenty of people reading/posting with all kinds of motives (homeschoolers or not), and it is foolish to try to enforce one's own standard of decency/discretion on a public forum.

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