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Our foster son went home today. :(

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Actually he went home Tuesday morning but he was due back here tonight. But there's court tomorrow 9 a.m. and the GAL, CASA, DCFS all called to recommend that he be returned home tomorrow. I asked the GAL if she could get permission for him to just stay at his mom's tonight to spare him this last transition, it would have been from 5:30pm to 10a a.m. And the judge agreed.


He's been with us 10 months now.


Everyone said their goodbyes Tuesday in a casual usual sort of way. I told them he probably would be able to stay this time.


It's our first foster kid to go home. Feeling a loss, a relief, and happy for him.

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Our first foster ds went home after a full year. He was with us from 6 months old to 18 months...so much happens during that time! It was hard. All of our subsequent foster children have gone home as well, after shorter periods with us. Some goodbyes are easier than others :tongue_smilie: (at least for us). I'm sorry this one is difficult. It always helps a little if you truly believe it's for the best. :grouphug:



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:grouphug: to you. I am sure you have thought all of this through but you have made a wonderful difference in his life. Your love and caring will carry him through many years.

I hope that you find a way to transition out of your very important role.

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My DK have some friends who are in foster care, and we see them for playdates often. The kids will be transitioning home very soon. I am so impressed with the job the foster mom has done. It is such a hard job, I think especially because a foster parent may be met with fear and suspicion from the biological parents. Also, the parents may not be allowed to contact her afterwards, to thank her, nor the child either.

You have taken on a child, cared for them, knowing that you would have to say goodbye. God bless you for this work. It is truly a 'holy deed' as we EO say.:grouphug::sad::001_smile::grouphug:

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