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my dd and I are going to kill each other.

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She's helping me lose weight and i am sneaking a coke right now. she's taken all my sugar away from me and watches me almost 24/7 to see what is going in my mouth. The gestapo has nothing on this child. thank goodness I have a bad shoulder and a bad knee, she wants me to lift weights and start running. no way.


I have lost 10 pounds though.

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She's helping me lose weight and i am sneaking a coke right now. she's taken all my sugar away from me and watches me almost 24/7 to see what is going in my mouth. The gestapo has nothing on this child. thank goodness I have a bad shoulder and a bad knee, she wants me to lift weights and start running. no way.


I have lost 10 pounds though.

Oh boy, my life would become a prison if I let my kids do that to me.

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Good for you and your daughter! My daughter and I call each other up and challenge each other to do the 30 day shred, then call back to see if we did it...


Hip Hip Hooray on those lost pounds!! whoo hoo!!

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You're funny--you sound just like my mom when I try to help her cull/organize. She thinks she's supposed to go through a 3' stack of magazines, page by page, tearing out the pages she doesn't want. :svengo: (And she's only *that* aggressive when she's moving in the next 4 hours.)

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She's helping me lose weight and i am sneaking a coke right now. she's taken all my sugar away from me and watches me almost 24/7 to see what is going in my mouth. The gestapo has nothing on this child. thank goodness I have a bad shoulder and a bad knee, she wants me to lift weights and start running. no way.


I have lost 10 pounds though.


Congratulations on your weight loss. :thumbup1:


My six year old watches everything I eat when I am on a diet. My 4 year old saw me about to eat something forbidden and asked if I was going to kill my diet. Yes, I killed that diet dead. Yesterday I took the kids to the pool and Ds 4 said my swimsuit was good because it is as fat as I am.:glare: It might be time to revive that diet.

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So, I will laugh *really* hard if you tell me her name is Jillian.


Honestly, may your temporary frustration give way to great success. I probably could use your dd over at my place. I need someone to keep me out of the chocolate chips.

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I'll see your vigilant daughter and raise you a running-obsessed dog. ..


I made the "mistake" a couple of weeks ago of taking my relatively-new-to-us dog with me on a run. Now the dog is obsessed with running. I cannot wear running shoes or running clothes for anything other than runs, as she gets all excited and darts back and forth between me and the garage, where her leash is kept. She stalks me at other times, just in case I decide to spontaneously go for a run. You know, in the day time, in Atlanta, where it is currently 98 degrees.


Since we've buddied up with our running, though, we've run 8 or 9 times in 2 weeks, 4-5 miles at a time, and this is the most running I have done in years. I'd better lose some weight from this!


While I miss being able to wear running clothes to oh, I don't know, clean my house, I do like having someone so excited about working out with me.



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Well, she caught me and made me clean the kitchen to work off the extra calories, all the while pointing out that I could have been soooo ahead if I hadn't had one. stinking. coke.


She doesn't sound like her Momma's daughter at ALL.



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