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I love Harry Potter- but it is getting to be a bit much! My ds is now reading the series through again- this is the 3rd time since April. He reads a lot and there are other stories he has read over and over...but I think this is the first series that he has re-read from beginning to end. What is it with these books? The child has read the Oz books, NArnia, Peter Pan and prequels, wrinkle in time series, etc. and none of them have captivated him like this. He did not even read them more than once! I told him we are going to have school reading time again- that way i know his brain is not stagnating too much anyway. I am surprised too there are not more of harry potter schoolbooks out there. I would love to do a potions class or learning latin through spells or something. You know, when in Rome....:lol: Does anyone know of anything like that? And did anyone's child go through obsessive reading of HP and turn out ok?

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HP fans here too. :)

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!

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HP fans here, too - I am a voracious reader and have gone through the entire series too many times to count. Each time, I STILL find bits and pieces that reflect the enormous amount of planning Rowling put into the seven books - tiny comments or actions or mentions of items in an early book that come back in a major way in a much later book.


I'd love to see the detailed notebooks she filled out and used. I suspect a lot of it will come out in the "encyclopedia" she is supposedly going to give us someday.

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HP fans here, too - I am a voracious reader and have gone through the entire series too many times to count. Each time, I STILL find bits and pieces that reflect the enormous amount of planning Rowling put into the seven books - tiny comments or actions or mentions of items in an early book that come back in a major way in a much later book. Of course, there are also a few (a very few) "oops", too ;)


I'd love to see the detailed notebooks she filled out and used. I suspect a lot of it will come out in the "encyclopedia" she is supposedly going to give us someday.

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We're also huge HP fans. We did the books as a family read aloud and then my daughter rereads (and rereads) them. So far, we're all turning out OK :D. My daughter is enjoying the Percy Jackson series, but not as much as HP.


HP fans here too. :)

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!


What are the Yahoo Hogwarts programs? Linky? Thanks!

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Well, I can relate. I've read through the series in English 5 times and in French 2 times. I'm currently reading The Goblet of Fire aloud to my boys. We've been reading a book, then watching the corresponding movie and discussing them both. They are really getting into it, and I can see them reading them multiple times on their own when we finish the series.

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Oh, that sounds fun!


My boys are just now getting into HP and wanting to read all of the books.


We are going to Universal in Nov, so I would love for them to read most of the books by then and get really excited about it.




HP fans here too. :)

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!

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My daughter doesn't want to read HP, BUT she has read the Septimus Heap, Percy Jackson, LOTR, Artemus (SP?) Fowl and another one I can't remember over and over and over. She has parts of them memorized.


I remember doing something similar when I was a teenager. I still love to read.. when I have time!

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I read HP to DS12 when he was 8 and DS10 was 6. DS10 kept falling asleep while I was reading, so I read them again when DS10 was 8, and DS12 listened in again. Now we're reading them again to DS6, with DS12 and DS10 listening in. Eventually, when DS4's old enough I'm sure we'll all sit and read them all through again for the fourth time.


Love them. Don't know what it is about them. Magic maybe? :tongue_smilie:



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HP fans here, too - I am a voracious reader and have gone through the entire series too many times to count. Each time, I STILL find bits and pieces that reflect the enormous amount of planning Rowling put into the seven books - tiny comments or actions or mentions of items in an early book that come back in a major way in a much later book.



:iagree: This. I've been re-listening to the audiobooks while I knit, and I keep discovering these little references. The latest was in Chamber of Secrets where the vanishing cabinet gets a small mention. There have been many others. As an adult reading the series I'm in awe of how much planning had to be done to bring it all together.

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HP fans here too. :)

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!



Do you have a link for this group? I see a couple there but not sure which one you recommend.


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My DD has read and re-read the entire series more times than I can count. I have purchased all the books twice b/c she wears them out. :) She reads all the books written about HP also. We own the movies, costumes, LEGO's, you name it. Perosnally, I think it is good. She picks up new words, reads for detail, and improves her memory by re-reading.

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They appear to be OK! I think it's because the stories are SO compelling. They can be read as simple children's stories, but the symbolism and depth of the plots make them readable on a much more sophisticated level, and I think that's why my teens come back to them too. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say Harry shaped my boys' childhoods. I'm hoping the part they hold on to is Harry as a humble kid, who wants nothing more than to know the parents he's never known, to be safe and loved and ordinary. But he certainly is a figure vivid in their imagination.

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That's the group! From that group you can link to other groups within it. :)

Thank you! I will look into it.

We are not in NYC :( but that exhibition looked very cool.


We did a study with the first book. ;) Completely homemade :D

YOu should not say things like that without adding some details!! It is like teasing!!:tongue_smilie: Kinda mean!


Sounds like he is in good company;) Now that I think about it, I read a few books myself more than once- granted not this obsessively...but then maybe I would have had this been written then. :lol:

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Sigh. I've got Hogwarts on my brain, too. My kids have been playing Harry Potter on the Wii, and I've got the music in my head now, and it makes me want to fly on a broomstick or go to Hogsmeade.


My oldest is on his second reading of the series, but it's been a few months since he finished the last time.

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I'm not sure if this is the one, but I've just applied to the group.


Thanks for posting the link! I've applied as well :)


As for re-reading, I'll just echo what everyone else has said -- I re-read the full series before movie 6 came out, and re-read 4 thru 7 before movie 7 (part 1) came out, and am toying with re-reading again before the final movie......


My boys are on their first read through, both determined to finish before the final movie, and I couldn't be happier!


We're hoping to go to Universal's Harry Potter thing just after my 10 yr old turns 11 -- he's convinced he'll finally learn he's a wizard, if he can just get into Ollivander's and find a wand that works for him.....:D


This yahoo HP summer school will be perfect for him!

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My youngest ds has read the books over 7 times each (I stopped counting) and I worried if this was an ok think or not. I decided he could still read them but after he finished going through the series I made him choose 7 other books to read from a list I gave him. After he finished the non Harry Potter books then he could reread the HP series again. We have been doing this for a while.

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HP fans here too. :)

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!




Then you HAVE to watch this. :D:D:D



Seriously. It's awesome.


That was funny! I loved the guy stealing the owl. :lol: And the guy trying to climb into the fireplace.

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HP fans here too. :)

Check out the Yahoo Hogwarts programs. We did Hogwarts Summer School for the past 2 summers. We did potions, fairies classes, Honeydukes cooking, herbology, and others. We had great fun! I have some of the supporting material that I made/compiled on Homeschool Launch under Hogwarts Summer School. The last couple pages have tags for candy bags that I made. Hope this helps! Have fun!


I just checked out your stuff on hs launch- amazing! You are good:D My son would love to do something with that stuff.


:iagree:Great job! It looks professional.

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I was the teen obsessed with Harry Potter. I survived - though I read the fanfiction, and was part of the Harry Potter websites... ;) I don't think the Yahoo summer programs were around then - or if they were, I didn't know about them. It sounds like it'll be awesome for your ds though! And I would recommend staying away from fanfiction, as it can get mature very quickly!!

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Okay. Had to find this post again and update the status at our house. We are 7 chapters away from finishing Goblet of Fire, and ds1 has had a running list of spells since we started the first book. This morning he wanted to add the killing curse to his list and I wouldn't let him. I told him they could not use the Unforgivable Curses, even when playing, or they would be sent to Azkaban. So, now he's up in his room crying. I'm not sure if it's because he can't use the curse, or because he thinks he might wind up in Azkaban.:tongue_smilie:


Talk about taking this HP thing too far! I think we'll take the summer off from any more HP books. I'm about as big an HP geek as you can get, but this is getting ridiculous, even for me!

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We've all read the books twice, and ds and I listen to the audio books over and over and over in the car. Dh listens in when we all go somewhere together. There are so many details that you can only understand through multiple readings (or listenings). Ds read the Percy Jackson series (and is reading the spinoff now) and wanted me to read the series too. I keep trying but I just can't get into it like I did with HP.


As for relating it to school, the Hogwarts yahoogroups have a lot to offer though they can be a bit difficult to navigate - there's a separate group for nearly every subject.

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My older son did the same thing with HP. Over and over and over he read those books. Until the spines broke and the pages fell out. Then he bought paperback copies and began again.


For my younger son, it is Redwall that captivates him. He not only reads and re-reads those books, but he also listens to the audio books as he goes to sleep.

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Okay. Had to find this post again and update the status at our house. We are 7 chapters away from finishing Goblet of Fire, and ds1 has had a running list of spells since we started the first book. This morning he wanted to add the killing curse to his list and I wouldn't let him. I told him they could not use the Unforgivable Curses, even when playing, or they would be sent to Azkaban. So, now he's up in his room crying. I'm not sure if it's because he can't use the curse, or because he thinks he might wind up in Azkaban.:tongue_smilie:


Talk about taking this HP thing too far! I think we'll take the summer off from any more HP books. I'm about as big an HP geek as you can get, but this is getting ridiculous, even for me!


LOL, yea, I had to make the same rule. My 10 yr old is the one with the list of spells, etc. And I confiscate their wands (sticks they find) when they slip up and use the killing curse. The 6 yr old has come up with "Abra Cadabra" which sounds an awfully lot like the killing curse, LOL. They did calm down some and no longer shoot spells at one another during dinner.


I'm waiting for my approval to the yahoo group.


Me too. Got an email yesterday saying "I need an intro" (which I'd included in my 1st note/application/whatever), sent that as a reply to the moderator email, and still waiting.


I think they got swamped yesterday thanks to the boards here. :D

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Then you HAVE to watch this. :D:D:D



Seriously. It's awesome.


That was great. Thank you for sharing.


The audiobooks read by Jim Dale (American version) are outstanding too. By the end of the series, the voices sound like those in the movies.


I've tried the British version, but enjoy the US version more.


We love Jim Dale. I've often thought about trying to find the British version to compare. Jim Dale holds the Guinness World Record for most number of character voices - 146 of them for Deathly Hallows.

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Me too. Got an email yesterday saying "I need an intro" (which I'd included in my 1st note/application/whatever), sent that as a reply to the moderator email, and still waiting.


I think they got swamped yesterday thanks to the boards here. :D


Good to know. I applied same time you did, and did the same as you.



Jim Dale holds the Guinness World Record for most number of character voices - 146 of them for Deathly Hallows.


I love love love Jim Dale!

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I totally forgot I was a member until it was linked so I rechecked it out. I would love to hear how people did it/are going to do it. It is a bit :svengo: for me :lol: so I keep going, read a bit, then leave overwhelmed lol.


Did you leave it a surprise? So the kids thought it was "real"? I know ds would love it, but I feel kinda bad lying to him. He told me today that the only way the magic will work is if you already believe in it a little bit....it was sweet. So I was thinking I should get it together and put something together for him.

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Bumping because I'm curious if anyone who applied for membership to the Yahoo group has heard back since they sent their "intro"? I haven't.


Was looking this morning to bump this as well, and didn't go far enough back.


No, I am still waiting as well. Maybe the Moderator over there is just swamped with requests? or ???


I hope it comes through soon, I'm anxious to start looking at it and get a good feel for what exactly the yahoo group has. Glad I'm not the only one, though, who's still waiting....

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Was looking this morning to bump this as well, and didn't go far enough back.


No, I am still waiting as well. Maybe the Moderator over there is just swamped with requests? or ???


I hope it comes through soon, I'm anxious to start looking at it and get a good feel for what exactly the yahoo group has. Glad I'm not the only one, though, who's still waiting....


I'm waiting too.

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