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Results Of 3 Hr Test

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I haven't received the final outcome of the medical panel yet, but apparently should by next Friday.


BUT...I was told that they had to edit part of the report due to the results *finally* coming in this wk from the 3 hr torture test I went through back the beginning of April.


Got those today.


Long story short, this is the results of the testing:


"This is an abnormal study. There is evidence of abnormal responses on sudomotor (sweat), vasomotor (thermal) and sensory perception testing in the right upper limb. These findings support the diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD)"




I was so terrified, esp when I was told the report needed to be edited due to the test results. I *knew* that my response to the testing wasn't 'normal', but my big fear was that the results would be 'inconclusive' and they'd make me go through all of that Hell again.


I feel dizzy and nauseated, I'm so relieved.


Now, just praying that the MPO agrees with my Drs now that they have objective proof of the dx, and things will be so excellent.


Thank you to all who've prayed about this, and given me so much support, and those who've continued to do so. :grouphug:

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I've had this dx for almost 3 yrs.


The problem with RSD is that the visible, objective signs come and go, so it can be very, very hard to 'prove' every time you see a new specialist.


The pain is constant, but not the swelling, temp differences, colour changes.


So, this test is pretty much the only one that exists that tests the nervous system, and is considered proof.


So, while I wish I *didn't* have RSD, finally having inarguable proof does a lot to relieve my mind. If nothing else, it should put an end to any further testing, since the results are completely objective, can't be manipulated or faked.

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So glad you finally got this proof and hoping it really does do all that it should for you and stop the testing, etc.


This should make it a yes for the disability, right? (sorry, I'm new-ish and only patching together bits and pieces of your posts I've read in recent weeks....)


In any case, happy you finally have a piece of paper backing you up. I know that is a valuable thing.

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I've had this dx for almost 3 yrs.


The problem with RSD is that the visible, objective signs come and go, so it can be very, very hard to 'prove' every time you see a new specialist.


The pain is constant, but not the swelling, temp differences, colour changes.


So, this test is pretty much the only one that exists that tests the nervous system, and is considered proof.


So, while I wish I *didn't* have RSD, finally having inarguable proof does a lot to relieve my mind. If nothing else, it should put an end to any further testing, since the results are completely objective, can't be manipulated or faked.



Finally, you won't have to keep proving yourself all the time! It must be horribly frustrating to have to keep saying, "No, I really DO have RSD." Now the next time someone gets up in your grill about it, you can just shove that report in their face and raspberry the heck out of them. :D

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So glad you finally got this proof and hoping it really does do all that it should for you and stop the testing, etc.


This should make it a yes for the disability, right? (sorry, I'm new-ish and only patching together bits and pieces of your posts I've read in recent weeks....)


In any case, happy you finally have a piece of paper backing you up. I know that is a valuable thing.

Disability is a different kettle of fish. I'm dealing with the medical panel, which in turn will tell Worker's Comp what the medical perspective is on my case, in terms of if I can work (my Drs all say no, not at all) or not.

Finally, you won't have to keep proving yourself all the time! It must be horribly frustrating to have to keep saying, "No, I really DO have RSD." Now the next time someone gets up in your grill about it, you can just shove that report in their face and raspberry the heck out of them. :D

I truly hope that is how it works, that it will mean the end of testing. It *should*, but I am dealing with WCB. :lol:

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Disability is a different kettle of fish. I'm dealing with the medical panel, which in turn will tell Worker's Comp what the medical perspective is on my case, in terms of if I can work (my Drs all say no, not at all) or not.


I truly hope that is how it works, that it will mean the end of testing. It *should*, but I am dealing with WCB. :lol:



Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. What a complicated mess!


I do hope this takes care of it, though, and that WC listens and accepts the Medical Board's take on things.

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Imp! I'm so glad that it didn't show up as inconclusive!

I know!!! What a relief!


Worker's Comp is bound by the determination made by the medical panel, as am I. Neither party can appeal. So, whatever they say goes.

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The problem with RSD is that the visible, objective signs come and go, so it can be very, very hard to 'prove' every time you see a new specialist.

I'm so relieved that you had a definitive test.


Would it be helpful to take pictures when your arm looks abnormal, in case you have to change doctors at some point?



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No, pics wouldn't help. Too easily altered, and it has to be based on what objective evidence the Dr witnesses first hand.

Sorry, I should have explained better. I was thinking it could be taken by your doctor and be part of your medical chart.

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Sorry, I should have explained better. I was thinking it could be taken by your doctor and be part of your medical chart.

Its never come up, but an interesting idea.


Thing is, most of the testing is all IME. One time, don't have my chart, exams. Over and over again, different Drs every time, b/c Worker's Comp is a bunch of butt heads. *My* drs examined me once, apologizing the entire time. They'll do a visual exam, but not torque my arm around, b/c they know its RSD. None of my Drs are sadists. WCB Drs...:confused:

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Its never come up, but an interesting idea.


Thing is, most of the testing is all IME. One time, don't have my chart, exams. Over and over again, different Drs every time, b/c Worker's Comp is a bunch of butt heads. *My* drs examined me once, apologizing the entire time. They'll do a visual exam, but not torque my arm around, b/c they know its RSD. None of my Drs are sadists. WCB Drs...:confused:


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Finally, you won't have to keep proving yourself all the time! It must be horribly frustrating to have to keep saying, "No, I really DO have RSD." Now the next time someone gets up in your grill about it, you can just shove that report in their face and raspberry the heck out of them. :D




I always love reading your posts Audrey! This one made me :lol:

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Finally, you won't have to keep proving yourself all the time! It must be horribly frustrating to have to keep saying, "No, I really DO have RSD." Now the next time someone gets up in your grill about it, you can just shove that report in their face and raspberry the heck out of them. :D

The *best* is when I tell them I have RSD, and get told that, "I haven't made that determination yet." Yeah, cause the OTHER 4 drs (or 5, or 6) have no clue about what they're doing...:banghead:

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I am glad you got definitive results.



I will continue to pray for this whole situation.


You need a looooonnnngggg vacation when this is all finally over.

From your lips/finger tips to God's ears!

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I have thought about you so much this month, wondering, hoping, and praying that you will come out ahead.


I am glad that at least this milestone has been cleared.


I will pray for continued success on your case!

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Thanks for responding.


With a postal strike looming for Wed, I think I'm going to call the mpo on Tues (Mon is a holiday here) and ask them to fax me the report. Otherwise, it could be heaven knows when before I get the report.


That this is almost at an end is making my stomach churn and me to break out in goosebumps.

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I've had this dx for almost 3 yrs.


The problem with RSD is that the visible, objective signs come and go, so it can be very, very hard to 'prove' every time you see a new specialist.


The pain is constant, but not the swelling, temp differences, colour changes.


So, this test is pretty much the only one that exists that tests the nervous system, and is considered proof.


So, while I wish I *didn't* have RSD, finally having inarguable proof does a lot to relieve my mind. If nothing else, it should put an end to any further testing, since the results are completely objective, can't be manipulated or faked.



Now try to relax a little. Oh, Imp....I am glad this torture is finally over....but I am still praying for a healing.



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Imp, I am so glad for the report. I am still praying that the outcome is favorable for you. I am NOT happy about the torture you had to get through to arrive at this point. But, thankfully, the report says what it needs to say.


Still cheerleading for you,


Faith, who is wondering, if you normally have to pay the bills through the mail, is the strike carte blanche to not pay????

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Imp, I am so glad for the report. I am still praying that the outcome is favorable for you. I am NOT happy about the torture you had to get through to arrive at this point. But, thankfully, the report says what it needs to say.


Still cheerleading for you,


Faith, who is wondering, if you normally have to pay the bills through the mail, is the strike carte blanche to not pay????

I've had several emails reminding me I can access my bills online, so nope, I'd say everything still needs to be paid!


The rest solely resides on the mpo report, and then what WCB does, and how quickly.


We've pretty much decided we won't be moving this year as we'd hoped. There's just far too much that would have to come together perfectly to make it happen (needing a new vehicle for one), so we're now aiming for April.


Sucks, I really wanted to be in *my* house for Christmas, but...I think I'd go nuts and lose it from the stress of trying to get everything done in just a few months. And we have a 'finish date', which goes a long way to helping temper concerns.


All depends on WCB.


Unless, of course, we win the lotto. Then all bets are off. :tongue_smilie:

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I was really hoping the truth would be on your side!!!

Is it just me, or does it rather suck when you have to *pray* that the truth is heard and recognized? Wouldn't you think that the truth is the dang truth and would be valued as such, instead of having to be tested, poked, prodded, pulled, over and over again, despite having proven it half a dozen times before?


I'm still a bit resentful of all the testing. Glad it provend what it needed to, but it HURT dang it!

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My dear, I would get a few hard copies of that signed, notarized, and stashed in a safe place pronto!


I am so glad for you that they were able to observe your difficulty and make a statement supporting a diagnosis. Time for Wolf to brush up his resume...

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Is it just me, or does it rather suck when you have to *pray* that the truth is heard and recognized? Wouldn't you think that the truth is the dang truth and would be valued as such, instead of having to be tested, poked, prodded, pulled, over and over again, despite having proven it half a dozen times before?


I'm still a bit resentful of all the testing. Glad it provend what it needed to, but it HURT dang it!




I have a dear friend who has hypoglycaemia. He was medically oriented enough to know that he had it, all the signs were there, but the GP insisted on tests - specifically the fasting glucose test, and it he said it was one of the most vile experiences of his life - shaking, sweating, feeling terribly dizzy, even drooling for lack of control - horrible. By choice he doesn't eat sugar, so to be given repeated doses of glucose on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, for a test that he didn't want to have to take anyway, was the outside of enough. Fortunately, like in your case, the results were so conclusive that the GP was even taken aback.. but yes, it sucks. Big time.

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AuntieM, we've decided to basically stay put til next Apr, barring any miracles. There's just too much to get done for us to be resettled across country no later than Sept 1st.


If a miracle happens, then great...but otherwise, I feel like we were just setting ourselves up to fail.

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AuntieM, we've decided to basically stay put til next Apr, barring any miracles. There's just too much to get done for us to be resettled across country no later than Sept 1st.


If a miracle happens, then great...but otherwise, I feel like we were just setting ourselves up to fail.


I noticed that when I went back and read all the replies (after adding my two cents :tongue_smilie:).


I think that's great if that seems best to both you and Wolf. I agree that you may have been too rushed to go fast, a move takes a lot of energy. You'll want to take it slow and steady so you can actually enjoy the adventure in the relocation process.


Hoping all the rest of the official decisions come in with no room for questions or doubting.

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The *best* is when I tell them I have RSD, and get told that, "I haven't made that determination yet." Yeah, cause the OTHER 4 drs (or 5, or 6) have no clue about what they're doing...:banghead:


It took me 23 years for someone to clue-in to what was wrong with me, and the last three of them (+ the last 2 most recent years) was spent attempting to convince every doctor (save one! bless him!) I got shuffled to that "yes, this is really what is going on."


I finally said to the neurologist who "believed me" (and actually did all the correct tests, at the correct times): "What is it with you guys? Do you each have to p!ss on the tree for it to be valid?"


He laughed and said "for some, yes - not for me".




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It took me 23 years for someone to clue-in to what was wrong with me, and the last three of them (+ the last 2 most recent years) was spent attempting to convince every doctor (save one! bless him!) I got shuffled to that "yes, this is really what is going on."


I finally said to the neurologist who "believed me" (and actually did all the correct tests, at the correct times): "What is it with you guys? Do you each have to p!ss on the tree for it to be valid?"


He laughed and said "for some, yes - not for me".




Exactly! That seems to be it in a nutshell!

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