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Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence


I think that's enough. Maybe some more Pamuk - maybe I'll finally finish The New Life!


My goal is to make a serious dent in my serious reading, as I'll have some time and space to do it. Summer reading has a whole new meaning for me - no fluff, just meat.

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My ds's take English at a private school so my list will include their summer reading.


Animal Farm

Kite Runner

A Raisin in the Sun

The Turn of the Screw


I'm sure there will be another book for my highschooler to read. They usually assign something modern that portrays Christian faith. Last year it was Kabul 24.


I've read the first 2 above but it's been a few years. I like to read what they're reading so I can discuss it with them, especially since they'll have writing assignments for these due on the first day of school.


I haven't thought of any books to read just for me. I hope this thread will inspire me.

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Ghost Story by Jim Butcher which now has a release date of July 13 :)

Les Miserables should hold me until then

Moby Dick (again)

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and maybe the rest of the series if I like that one.


I don't have plans beyond those yet.

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The Help

Water for Elephants


The June book for my book club is The Hunger Games. It's on my Kindle and I tried to read it, but it just didn't grab me. I'm not sure if I'll bother trying again. Might just skip that meeting.


I'm currently reading Les Miserables on my Kindle. That will take a while. Haven't read it since high school, but I did see the play in London in the 80's.


And if I finish the above (not likely anytime soon) I'll probably return to Jane Austen and reread one or two of her books.

Edited by floridamom
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I will be a big girl and admit that I have alot of fluff biographies on my list. On hold at the library is Ashley Judd's new book as well as Shania Twain's and Stephen Tyler's. There! I did it! It's all there in black and white.


To redeem myself, though, I do have alot of pre-reading to do for next year's school. So I will also be reading Ivanhoe, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Daughter of Time and Watership Down.

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Along with continuing through my WEM reading list, my priorities will be to get through SWB's HoAW, The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton... as well as all the books that go along with CW's Homer (does this count as summer reading? :tongue_smilie: :willy_nilly:)

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I'll be pre-reading all of the books for next school year. If I have time left over, I'll pick up Ted Dekker's newest book, The Priest's Graveyard. Finish David Copperfield. Then I don't know. With packing and moving this summer, I doubt I'll have much time for reading, though. :)

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Along with continuing through my WEM reading list, my priorities will be to get through SWB's HoAW, The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton... as well as all the books that go along with CW's Homer (does this count as summer reading? :tongue_smilie: :willy_nilly:)


A woman after my own heart! I just finished HOAW. I don't know "The Greek Way" by Hamilton - can you tell me more? And what is "CW's Homer" - a different version?



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A woman after my own heart! I just finished HOAW. I don't know "The Greek Way" by Hamilton - can you tell me more? And what is "CW's Homer" - a different version?




Nope... CW is Classical Writing (writing curriculum) and Homer is the level my dd will go into in the fall. I've heard the program is pretty daunting and that the teacher should be familiar with the materials but I keep putting off reading them. :001_huh: I don't particularly enjoy reading curriculum TMs but I'll have to slug through this one. I put it in as part of my reading list for summer to remind myself that I can't hide from it forever. :lol:


I can't say much about The Greek Way since I haven't read it yet (it arrived a couple weeks ago but haven't had a chance to get into it). If you do a google search on title and author, it brings up a lot of stuff. It sounds interesting enough (to me) and since my kids are starting back into Ancients next year, I'm going to spend my summer getting ready for that while not giving up on my WEM reading list.


Sorry, I'm not much help. :001_huh:

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Ha! I can truthfully say there is NO fluff on my reading list . . . it, unlike my heavy reading, doesn't have to be on a list to get read. Fluff seems to take care of itself--I read it all the time!


I want to/should read:


Arithmetic for Parents, by Ron Aharoni (I need to take another crack at Liping Ma's book, too)

Foolishness to the Greeks, by Lesslie Newbigin

History of the Ancient World, by SWB

Small is Beautiful, by E. F. Shumaker


Then I ought to stack all the other books I've purchased in the last six months but have not read and stare at it for a long, long time. Actually, maybe I should do that today, as my Amazon.com shopping cart is full and my trigger finger is getting itchy.

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Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence


I think that's enough. Maybe some more Pamuk - maybe I'll finally finish The New Life!


My goal is to make a serious dent in my serious reading, as I'll have some time and space to do it. Summer reading has a whole new meaning for me - no fluff, just meat.


I didn't reallize there was more Pamuk! Didn't he write Snow? I loved that book.

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I am still going to be pretty busy through the summer but once I complete scheduling school for the kids next year I'd like to start reading



I kissed dating goodbye.


I checked it out at the library last weekend and I really should've waited until June before doing so because I still have several subjects and lessons to plan for next year.

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I will be a big girl and admit that I have alot of fluff biographies on my list. On hold at the library is Ashley Judd's new book as well as Shania Twain's and Stephen Tyler's. There! I did it! It's all there in black and white.

We all need fluff from time to time and there should be no guilt. :D

Dd and I often laugh, since we had a booksale a year or so ago and someone brought a Rusell Brand biography/autobiography (or however you spell his name - the one married to Katy Perry). Apparently, he's written a 2nd one. I'm reading fluff at the moment myself. Re-reading "The Royals" by Kitty Kelley. ;)


I don't really have a summer reading list.

Me neither. I just read what grabs me. No decent library here. Summer, winter, spring, fall, rainy season, dry season ... it's all books and all the same to me. :)


Some books that I have and am planning on reading:

Some of the #1 Ladies Detective Agency Books

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

The Moonflower Vine

The Good Earth

Cry, the Beloved Country


Have read and loved many of the books already mentioned here - The Help, Kite Runner, Thousand Splendid Suns, HP series (read them twice), etc.


We'll be very busy and will be traveling, so reading will be quite sporadic.

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My summer reading list is currently being formed. It's mostly non-fiction, on Brazilian social history. :tongue_smilie:I'm writing a thesis next year and decided to get started this summer. Also lots of foreign language books for the summer, since I want to really focus on my Spanish.


ETA: And I'm sure I'll get some fluff reading done also, just don't need a list or plan for that! I am planning on re-reading all the Harry Potters though.

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Books I would like to read:


Catch 22

A Wizard of Earthsea


And that's the end of that list. I don't want too long of a list of books I won't have time to read.


What I'll really be reading is:


The Writer's Jungle (I'm about 2/3 of the way through, but I need to finish it, and then I'm sure I'll read it again.)


The Landmark History of the American People, the OM History textbook, and A Young People's History of the US to decide how to schedule them all.

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I recently got Honey for a Woman's Heart and I was just looking at it longingly last night. I want to go through that and pick some stuff out, but my TBR pile is already quite large. :/ This year has been a fluff year, but I'm okay with that.


My immediate list:

Lawhead's King Raven trilogy (I'm on the first)

How Should We Then Live (Francis Schaeffer; I'm about a chapter into this)

The Skin Map (Stephen Lawhead)

Why Grace Changes Everything (Chuck Smith)

Narnia books (I've read #1-3)


I would love to read my SWB's History of... books, too...

And continue my reading from The Well Educated Mind....

And re-read Ted Dekker's Circle series (haven't read Green yet)

And, and, and . . . . .



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The SOTW Ancients read alouds, so I'll be familiar with them before we begin!



The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye

Educating the Wholehearted Child by Sally Clarkson (when the new edition comes out)


Whatever my book club picks! :D

We're doing J. I. Packer's Knowing God this month after several months of fiction.

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