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Bangs and being almost 40

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My thyroid tests have always come back in the normal range, too (and I have it tested because of my iodine allergy). And I always thought when eyebrows lose hair toward the outer edges it was an adrenal issue. I found this when I googled:


Low adrenal can actually cause someone’s thyroid problem to be much worse than it would be otherwise, and this occurs primarily due to the decreasing amount of circulating cortisol.


Seems there is a connection.


In my case, though, it is an all over sort of thinning (except for that rotten bit through the middle that won't permanently go away no matter what I've tried.)

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My thyroid tests have always come back in the normal range, too (and I have it tested because of my iodine allergy). And I always thought when eyebrows lose hair toward the outer edges it was an adrenal issue. I found this when I googled:



Seems there is a connection.


In my case, though, it is an all over sort of thinning (except for that rotten bit through the middle that won't permanently go away no matter what I've tried.)


Oh wait - I have adrenal issues too! (And memory issues:tongue_smilie:)

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I'm older than most of you ladies.:glare:

I've tried without bangs but I'm not 19.

I've always wanted to have that Charlie's Angels look of hair, the bangs that are too long to be bangs anymore but the big bouncy waves and all around the face. Go Jaclyn Smith! Oh, reality.

So I keep bangs and play with them often, cut them myself most of the time. I asked a young upstart to cut my bangs a few years ago and she cut them like a little child's -- STRAIGHT ACROSS. evil doer.

They do best in angles and layers. I tried a short cut, blech. I looked like a mom, a wife, wait a second....I am a mom and a wife.

So I'm working on letting it grow long again. Except the bangs...my hair is brown and has lots of body. I never color it. I plan to keep getting it layered.

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I'll be 40 next month and I love my bangs! I wear mine a bit longer, not a blunt, straight cut. I have a square face so wearing all one length hair drags my face down and makes me look older. I wear my hear at chin length with lots of layers. I either blow dry the layers under into a bob style or flip them up so they are textured and choppy.

I think you should wear your hair so that it flatters your face. Age has little to do with it. If your long hair flatters your face and is well kept, go for it. Over the last few years I've been unable to grow my hair long and keep it healthy. I have fine hair to begin with and shorter hair styles suit me.

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What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


I think you and your bangs are beautiful! I had got used to thinking of you as your avatar. :D I think some soft highlights around your face would be nice, but def keep the bangs.

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


you look absolutely STUNNING in that picture and I wouldn't like your hair as much without the bangs. LOVE the bangs!!!


I'm almost 48 (next month!) :svengo: and I have bangs. I don't care what the experts recommend, I have bangs and dark auburn (dyed) hair. I would love highlights to make it pop some.....:tongue_smilie:


I feel naked without bangs. I also feel that I look older without them. I only know because sometimes right before I get my hair cut I need to push them to the side because they're too long. I feel so exposed and older looking.:glare:

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


I think your bangs look really good. Side-swept bangs take years off of most any woman's face, IMO. Blunt bangs, not so much, but soft bangs like yours look really nice. I think you should maintain them for a few months and see if the grow on you, so to speak.


I think dramatic, blond highlights tend to age most of us. I do like subtle, two-tone highlights that are just a few shades off of one's natural color.

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


Your bangs look nice!! I like them like that when they are on just one side. :) I say keep 'em. They suit you. :)

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


You look fabulous! Oh my. So pretty.


I don't know what you looked like before, but you look great now. Keep the bangs.

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I think they look great! And I like the way you have them!


And for what it's worth, all one length is extremely aging on women especially as they get into their 40's and up. (I had to edit this as it came out all wrong!)


Highlights are fun, but if you don't need them, don't get them. On dark haired women I like carmel highlights, not blonde. I think staying with your natural color as long as possible is the best bet. Unless you want fun or want to keep all that up or have a bunch of gray, I don't think you NEED them at all.


Saw no zit. Saw no wrinkles. I'm 50. So enjoy what you have now, because you'll never be there again!


Also, it's not just hair that makes people look old, it's the way they dress. Combo...combo is good!

Edited by alilac
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Highlights are fun, but if you don't need them, don't get them. On dark haired women I like carmel highlights, not blonde. I think staying with your natural color as long as possible is the best bet. Unless you want fun or want to keep all that up or have a bunch of gray, I don't think you NEED them at all.


Saw no zit. Saw no wrinkles. I'm 50. So enjoy what you have now, because you'll never be there again!




My hair is colored to cover the gray - but my hairdresser has mastered the art of matching my natural color so well over the years that the only way I know it's time to get it done again is when the grays start blinding me in the rearview mirror reflection. :tongue_smilie: I used to highlight all the time, and I stopped doing it because it was a pain to keep up and it was expensive. Funny - you made a great point - I did it when I didn't really need to and now that I probably should...


The zit and the wrinkles are there. Trust me. But my rockin' webcam doesn't have enough resolution to really show them.

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I really like the way your bangs look! And I'm NOT just saying that because it's almost exactly like my hair :D. My hair is bit shorter and a bit lighter in color (your color is gorgeous and I'm totally jealous). It's below my collarbone, but the wave and curl pull it up. I feel bangs make me look younger. Without them, my hair looks so heavy and it makes me look tired :tongue_smilie:.


I started using a flat-iron to straighten my hair last fall. I don't use it everyday, but when I do, I like the way my hair looks. Today I didn't use it, because I'm working, and I look like Hermione :001_smile:.

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


You do not look old at all! You look terrific, seriously.:001_smile: They are very fashionable.

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


You look beautiful! I would leave your hair just as it is now.

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So, what are the "rules" that everyone is talking about? I've seen WAY too many older ladies dressing like they're 20 and I definitely don't want to be one.


My rule is if your dd will wear it, you shouldn't!


And if your grandma or your mother will wear it, you shouldn't. :tongue_smilie:

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


Laura, your picture didn't come with the quote:001_huh:.

I think you look lovely, beautiful and seriously remind me of Jacklyn Smith. (See my post). I like your bangs. I like the length and color of your hair. You are very pretty!

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Okay. Here are the bangs. But, you can't see all the wrinkles from the pic. And I don't have a good enough one pre-bangs to post, but it's pretty much just those bangs in that spot only as long as the rest of my hair. And quit looking at that zit on my chin!


What do you think? Old? Should I do highlights? Grow them back (they'll be long enough in about 2 weeks anyway)?


(A) You are adorable, keep the bangs.

(B) Who cares about the flippin' rules (there are rules about bangs?!).

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Laura, your picture didn't come with the quote:001_huh:.



What quote?


Your earlier post made me laugh and say, "Me too!!" Love the long flowing Charlie's Angels locks! But, as she got older, she pulled off bangs quite nicely. See?



In fact, I really like her hair there :001_huh:. Hmmm...


But, she gets all the hollywood-type makeup to cover her wrinkles :glare:.

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Is there a rule about this? At my hair appt today, I finally gave in and let my stylist give me bangs. I haven't had bangs since...well...for at least 20 years. I did it because when I think "bangs", I think "youthful" or "fun" or "flirty". But these bangs? I think they make me look...old. :(


I have very dark hair and very pale skin. My hair is long (yeah, I know about that rule, but I really can't do short hair. Really.). The problem is that the bangs seem to accentuate the lines around my eyes. And under them. If there is a "bang rule", is this why??


Dh said "I really like your new hair cut. It makes you look younger. I'm not even saying that because it's already cut." :001_huh:


So, what say the hive? Is there a time for bangs and a time to...I don't know, repent for all the things we've done to our skin and wish we could sport bangs?


OK, here's what my hair dresser tole me. BTW, she's 30'ish and VERY GOOD at what she does. I'm 54 and have always worn bangs, but wanted a bit more of a sophisicated look. She said school girls and get by with wearing bangs and as a woman enters later senior years. She went on to say that those women with high foreheads "should" wear bangs to make the face not appear to be soooo loooooooooong. For those with shorter foreheads bangs do less to enhance the face.


I have a shorter forehead and have always had bangs. However, there was a 1-2 year period I grew my hair to mid-back as I did when I was a teen. But, this was when I was 48! My bangs were completely grown out. I like longer hair, but my hair is thick and I have alot of it, so I didn't keep this style for a long time.


Now I should shoulder length layered hair with bangs that sweep to the side I can blend them in completely OR keep open one side and have bangs cascade fall at an angle on the other side.


Wow, a thesis on bangs. :lol:

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By the way, I love your hair and I would be tickled pink if I could get mine to do that. I have a similar cut but my looks like I straightened it with a flat iron and then shellacked it into place. I have absolutely no natural bend, wave or curl to my hair what-so-ever. My dd on the other hand has hair that swirls perfectly around her head and she flat irons it. :glare: I am seriously considering going back to my '80s Sally Field's Smokey & the Bandit era hair.

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I'm 50, and I seriously need bangs (and lots of shaping) to keep my heavy hair off my face. It's a running argument my hair dresser and I have. She says if I'll grow it all out, I can tuck it behind my ears. Ha! The longer it gets, the heavier it gets, the more it's in my face. I love it when it's short, light, thinned, and I can comb it back off my face.


I can't see outgrowing bangs.

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