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Anyone else glad the obligatory holiday gatherings are over til Thanksgiving?

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I know, I know - After Easter, there's Memorial Day, the consumerist Parental Holidays, Family Reunions, 4th of July Celebrations, Labor Day...but those are not mandatory - those are optional (okay, except for the consumerist parental holidays - those are mandatory, too, but they don't necessarily include the whole clan). :thumbup:



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My family is the other side of the country. MIL is in another province.


We don't have 'mandatory family gatherings'. I'm glad the big holidays are done for a while, because, honestly, I feel lonely at times. On one hand, not having to be, go, do anything other than with Wolf and the kids is a blessing...on the other, I have a 1 yo nephew, a newborn nephew, 2 SIL I've never met, and my brothers have never met my youngest 2.


So, its a toss up. I'd love to be close enough to see them, but far enough that I wasn't expected at every. single. thing.

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I did something revolutionary today. I stayed home for Easter. Normally, I've gotten together with EX for major holidays for the kids' sakes, but this year, I said no. Ds had to work today and Dd didn't want to go to her dad's. She is up to HERE with his constant micro-managing of the food choices, and how everything must be a WW recipe so HE can have it. So, after church, we came home, had shrimp for Easter dinner and relaxed! Quite a nice way to spend a holiday!

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My mom was a rebel this year!


She's been hosting ALL the family events for over 2 decades. My uncle and his family contribute 1 side dish, if that.


She told her brother that none of her kids were going to be there for Easter, so she wasn't hosting. He wasn't pleased, Grandma threw a fit...but they didn't invite my mom to theirs either.

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My mom was a rebel this year!


She's been hosting ALL the family events for over 2 decades. My uncle and his family contribute 1 side dish, if that.[/b]


She told her brother that none of her kids were going to be there for Easter, so she wasn't hosting. He wasn't pleased, Grandma threw a fit...but they didn't invite my mom to theirs either.


Eh, she probably didn't want Tater Tots* and Lunchables, anyway. :) Way to go, Mom Impish!


*This is in no way to diminish my shameful but pervasive love of all things Tater Tot. I may not buy them, but I do look longingly at the display in the food store.

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My mom's brother, not mine! Her older brother even. :lol::lol::lol:


Just kills me. Over 20 yrs of eating at HER table, contributing diddly...and the one year that her new grandson is in the hospital, her other kids are scattered...and he couldn't bother his butt to invite her?! And her mother throws a fit cause she doesn't want to host for everyone else?

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My mom was a rebel this year!


She's been hosting ALL the family events for over 2 decades. My uncle and his family contribute 1 side dish, if that.


She told her brother that none of her kids were going to be there for Easter, so she wasn't hosting. He wasn't pleased, Grandma threw a fit...but they didn't invite my mom to theirs either.



See,now, not wanting to go, contemplating not showing up, and being subjected to...uh...family crap...is one thing, but not being invited?! At all? What? So not okay. :glare:

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Eh, she probably didn't want Tater Tots* and Lunchables, anyway. :) Way to go, Mom Impish!


*This is in no way to diminish my shameful but pervasive love of all things Tater Tot. I may not buy them, but I do look longingly at the display in the food store.



Because, dammit, Tots are good. While *I* would never buy them, nor incorporate them into any of my meals, my mother certainly would. And the Tots combined with just-about-anything-and-cream-of-mushroom-soup would suck at my own table, it tastes sublime at my mother's table where I can consume it in giant forkfuls and still wonder how I managed to grow to an adult with her cooking skills. :D

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I did something revolutionary today. I stayed home for Easter. Normally, I've gotten together with EX for major holidays for the kids' sakes, but this year, I said no. Ds had to work today and Dd didn't want to go to her dad's. She is up to HERE with his constant micro-managing of the food choices, and how everything must be a WW recipe so HE can have it. So, after church, we came home, had shrimp for Easter dinner and relaxed! Quite a nice way to spend a holiday!


We did too. It was wonderful.

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It's my husband's family with the mandatory gatherings. I managed to wiggle out of easter this year. It feels silly to go to their house for a holiday we don't celebrate (we aren't Christian) for a meal we don't eat (we are vegetarians).


They are C & E Christians but, gosh darn it, they take 4th of July seriously I won't be able to wiggle out of that one. Acres of bunting. Acres.

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Not really, because I don't consider Easter obligatory at all. We don't do anything for it except this year we bought the kids a giant Toblerone bar each- and then our dd16 shared hers with dh and I.

We don't do obligatory very well. Christmas is minimalistic, Easter is pretty much a non event.

I think the U.S. takes their holidays far more seriously than most Aussies, though I am sure plenty take them seriously here too- just not us.

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I. Hate. Holidays. MIL chewed me out for sitting at the kid table. HELLO, I couldn't sit at the "correct" adult table because the rude texting teenager took my chair. When I stated that I had no chair and didn't mind sitting at the kid table, I was chewed some more. REALLY! You are chewing me, when this texting teenager couldn't even put down the phone during the PRAYER! She wasn't even trying to hide it! This is my last holiday with the woman. I. Am. Done.

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So glad. We can skip a lot and had planned on skipping today but my DH couldn't lie to my mother (I like my mother, mostly, but can't stand stepfather or stepsibilings). It wasn't as bad as some of the holidays we've attended but I bit my tongue so much it was almost bleeding by the end of the night ;)

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Not really. We enjoy the craziness, most of the time. ;)

All our clan lives here and we gather every month for birthdays even if there isn't a holiday. So we will celebrate all those occasions you listed with at least some portion of our extended family.


The warm weather holidays are less formal and we are often outside and so they are easier, more diffuse relationally somehow. :)

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We don't do big family gatherings, because more or less all of our extended family are either dead or folks with whom we don't have relationships.


However, I coordinate the kid-friendly holiday events at our church. So, yes, I'm glad to have a little break.


I don't have all the way until Thanksgiving, though. My next big event is Halloween, and the planning and preparations for that actually start in August. (Actually, this year I'd like to have the youth group at least pick a theme and start building a few props over the summer, but I digress.)


After Halloween, we'll go straight into Christmas preparations. My daughter is hoping to run the Christmas eve pageant this year, and I will assist her with that as well as help the youth group coordinate a charitable project.


In January, we'll throw ourselves into planning and rehearsals for the Valentine's Day talent show (proceeds to Standing on the Side of Love).


Then I have a little break before Easter, which is actually the simplest event of the year. It's just 90 minutes of food and crafts and games and the egg hunt.


We've been talking for a couple of years about trying to start an Independence Day party at the church, too.


Our family holidays should be a little less crazy next year, since I won't have to be making all of those 1600-mile round trip drives to get our daughter home for and then back to school after Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, that will be nice!

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