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Keep going to anti-hs toddler group?

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Any ideas? It would break dd's heart to quit going, but I'm not sure what else to do to get this woman the heck off my back.



Well, bless her heart! :D Tell her thanks ever so much for her completely unsolicited, unfounded and unwanted advice and if she feels it ever so necessary to bring it up again, you'll be filing it up her Little Miss Sunshine tout suite.





That... should do it, I think.

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Wow, thanks for all the responses, everyone. :)


I did say something along the lines of, "We've made our decision and are very set on it, but thanks for your input." Didn't do a thing. I guess I'll just have to be more firm next time. It's hard to explain why this is so difficult without you all being able to meet this woman- she's the type that just never lets something go, but she thinks she's helping. She'll sit there, smiling, with her hand on your shoulder, while she tells you how you're doing everything wrong and she knows better. :rolleyes:


If there were other options, I would just leave. However, I have yet to find a hsing group that's within an hour of me, and I've been looking. And asking. There actually was one other hsing mom that used to bring her dd earlier in the year, but they switched to a different class after the first quarter, and I haven't seen her since.


I think part of the problem is that the scant handful of people I've met in town here that are going to hs or are currently hsing are extremely conservative and very Christian, and when they see me with my multiple tattoos and pentacle necklace and Obama bumper stickers asking about a playdate, well, I'm sure they have visions of sacrificed kittens and Satanic alters or something... lol. I don't fit the normal demographic for the town.


Our next class is tomorrow morning. So I'm going to be firm, then firm bordering on rude, then if that doesn't work, I'll speak to her supervisor, and if THAT doesn't work, then we're gone.


Thanks for helping me formulate my plan, everyone. :D I'll update if there are any new developments. Like me flinging a pan of homemade cookies at her and going to jail. :tongue_smilie:

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I did say something along the lines of, "We've made our decision and are very set on it, but thanks for your input." Didn't do a thing. I guess I'll just have to be more firm next time. It's hard to explain why this is so difficult without you all being able to meet this woman- she's the type that just never lets something go, but she thinks she's helping. She'll sit there, smiling, with her hand on your shoulder, while she tells you how you're doing everything wrong and she knows better. :rolleyes:




Smile. "You know, I realize you're trying to help. I get that. But this is my daughter and *I* get to raise her. I will file away everything you've said for future reference, but I really don't want to listen to anymore negative comments about my choices. My daughter really loves coming here and I don't want to feel we're unwelcome because of our family's choices. Then if that doesn't work, escalate to Joanne or Rosie level :D

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My problem is that the adult educator is rabidly anti-hs. She spent half of the class last week looking straight at me and telling me how public school is absolutely vital for children, children can't thrive when they're home with parents, and on and on.


Vital? Can't thrive? Seriously? "OK, lady I'll see you in 15 years and we'll see what things look like then!"

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"I'm sure you mean well, and I appreciate that you are concerned about what's in the best interest of my child. However, you have no hope whatsoever of changing my mind, and this conversation is making me extremely uncomfortable. I would appreciate it if we could drop this now. Thanks for understanding. So... Did you catch American Idol last night?"


Good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted. :D

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Vital? Can't thrive? Seriously? "OK, lady I'll see you in 15 years and we'll see what things look like then!"


Lol, there we go. What's funny is that my dd has a chromosome deletion, and the doctors have been telling me for over a year now she's probably going to have mild mental retardation, and at the very least severe lds. She's not yet three, and she knows every letter, color, and shape out there, counts accurately up to ten, and can find forty countries on a world map. Oh, and she can sight read several words now, too. At 18 months she could say two words. Now, she speaks in seven and eight word sentences, and has a vocabulary of around eight hundred words. And she's happy. Very happy.


Not trying to brag (yeah, probably failed there, lol) but I don't think we're doing too badly. Of course, I still have years and years to screw up, but you'd think they'd give me a *little* credit for the last three.


At one point, the woman actually said, "And if she goes to preschool here, she'll have plenty of time away from you, and I think that will be a good thing." Meaningful look.


Why? Is my dd too far ahead of the other kids in the class and you need time to dumb her down a little? Grrrr.


Sorry. Rant off.

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At one point, the woman actually said, "And if she goes to preschool here, she'll have plenty of time away from you, and I think that will be a good thing." Meaningful look.


Bleh. Someone is living in her own little reality bubble.

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As others have suggested, I would find another group. Maybe a homeschool group with little ones looking for playmates? You could even offer to supervise the little ones during a coop time.


If you are afraid that your dd is going to take the leaving of this playgroup hard, maybe you could wait until your dd's 3rd birthday and tell her that now that she's 3 she's going to be in a new group. Big birthdays bring big girl changes. :)

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Wow, thanks for all the responses, everyone. :)


I did say something along the lines of, "We've made our decision and are very set on it, but thanks for your input." Didn't do a thing. I guess I'll just have to be more firm next time. It's hard to explain why this is so difficult without you all being able to meet this woman- she's the type that just never lets something go, but she thinks she's helping. She'll sit there, smiling, with her hand on your shoulder, while she tells you how you're doing everything wrong and she knows better. :rolleyes:


If there were other options, I would just leave. However, I have yet to find a hsing group that's within an hour of me, and I've been looking. And asking. There actually was one other hsing mom that used to bring her dd earlier in the year, but they switched to a different class after the first quarter, and I haven't seen her since.


I think part of the problem is that the scant handful of people I've met in town here that are going to hs or are currently hsing are extremely conservative and very Christian, and when they see me with my multiple tattoos and pentacle necklace and Obama bumper stickers asking about a playdate, well, I'm sure they have visions of sacrificed kittens and Satanic alters or something... lol. I don't fit the normal demographic for the town.


Our next class is tomorrow morning. So I'm going to be firm, then firm bordering on rude, then if that doesn't work, I'll speak to her supervisor, and if THAT doesn't work, then we're gone.


Thanks for helping me formulate my plan, everyone. :D I'll update if there are any new developments. Like me flinging a pan of homemade cookies at her and going to jail. :tongue_smilie:


We attend an awesome, very inclusive homeschool playgroup in the northern suburbs. We meet Friday afternoons. PM me if you're interested.

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Or, "Don't make me open up a can o' Remudamom on you."


Ha. I'd like to go Remudamom on one of my relatives just now. I'm really not sure what it is I do that invites aunts I haven't seen in years to criticise me, but occasionally they pop up. This latest one is covertly criticising my parenting, even though she's never even met my children. I'm not sure I could keep a steady hand stirring the chilli into my bean dip, and I wouldn't like to over do it and burn my poor, dear mother, so I'd better ignore that aunt.




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Wow, thanks for all the responses, everyone. :)


I did say something along the lines of, "We've made our decision and are very set on it, but thanks for your input." Didn't do a thing. I guess I'll just have to be more firm next time. It's hard to explain why this is so difficult without you all being able to meet this woman- she's the type that just never lets something go, but she thinks she's helping. She'll sit there, smiling, with her hand on your shoulder, while she tells you how you're doing everything wrong and she knows better. :rolleyes:


If there were other options, I would just leave. However, I have yet to find a hsing group that's within an hour of me, and I've been looking. And asking. There actually was one other hsing mom that used to bring her dd earlier in the year, but they switched to a different class after the first quarter, and I haven't seen her since.


I think part of the problem is that the scant handful of people I've met in town here that are going to hs or are currently hsing are extremely conservative and very Christian, and when they see me with my multiple tattoos and pentacle necklace and Obama bumper stickers asking about a playdate, well, I'm sure they have visions of sacrificed kittens and Satanic alters or something... lol. I don't fit the normal demographic for the town.


Our next class is tomorrow morning. So I'm going to be firm, then firm bordering on rude, then if that doesn't work, I'll speak to her supervisor, and if THAT doesn't work, then we're gone.


Thanks for helping me formulate my plan, everyone. :D I'll update if there are any new developments. Like me flinging a pan of homemade cookies at her and going to jail. :tongue_smilie:

:grouphug: Just so you know...I am a conservative Christian homeschooler who thinks you are a wonderful woman and a mama. You are very welcoming and open in the way you speak here and I think we could be great friends in the "real" world. :)


If you ever are in the Twin Cities, I would love to have a play date with you.


I would stay in the group. I know what it is like to have no homeschoolers or ones that I do not fit in with. Honestly, within the last 2 years it finally got better. Took 5 years or so. :(

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gosh, she sounds horrid.


if you really want to stick it out for your dd- since she loves it so, I would walk away from her every time you see her coming to talk to you. Flat out- about face. Yeah, rude- but she's already pulled the incredibly rude card on you.


for the class, it sounds like she is up there lecturing- at you, and you cannot get away. I'd bring a book with me, and when she starts in on homeschooling, I'd pull the book out and start reading. Rude, yeah- but again, she's already pulled that card.


I don't think your reasons for homeschooling will change her opinion at all- I'd just avoid interacting with her like the plague. She's proved she doesn't deserve your good opinion, or your attention.

Edited by Hen Jen
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:grouphug: Just so you know...I am a conservative Christian homeschooler who thinks you are a wonderful woman and a mama. You are very welcoming and open in the way you speak here and I think we could be great friends in the "real" world. :)


If you ever are in the Twin Cities, I would love to have a play date with you.


I would stay in the group. I know what it is like to have no homeschoolers or ones that I do not fit in with. Honestly, within the last 2 years it finally got better. Took 5 years or so. :(


I wouldn't attend AngelBee's homeschool group though. I guess they're all nutjobs....


I think you attend with me! :D This is Angela.....and the 15 kids! :lol:


Wait, what?? :001_huh:




I've been wondering how long it would take for you to figure out the connection! Are you going to be especially careful how you post now? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wouldn't attend AngelBee's homeschool group though. I guess they're all nutjobs....




Wait, what?? :001_huh:




I've been wondering how long it would take for you to figure out the connection! Are you going to be especially careful how you post now? :D

:lol: You KNOW I am s...l...o...w! :D


Naw....I like you ;) :tongue_smilie: :lol:

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IMHO, you can stand up to her, ignore her, or leave. I don't think it is really going to matter to her, you, or your dd.


As far as your daughter goes...trust me...your daughter will be fine if you leave and fine if you stay. Toddlers are very resilent. Oh, and she won't remember this play group whether you stay or leave. It will be ok. Just do what you want to do and think is best, but do not stress over it.


Take it from someone who stressed way to much about the toddler years with our first child. :001_smile:

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