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How do you use Dr. Bronner's?

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I recently bought Dr. Bronner's soap to use on my kitchen floor instead of Lysol... the idea of having my little guy crawling around in all that chemical residue was starting to bother me. I'm curious as to what other people use it for. There are all kinds of *interesting* suggestions on his website, but I'd like to hear what it's good for... in real life. ;) (I'm a little skeptical that you should really use it for teeth-brushing!)


By the way, I have never read such a weird soap label in my life. It's like Charlie-Sheen-meets-New-Age-rabbi... or something!

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Do you mean the regular liquid soap or the Sal's suds cleaner?


I use the liquid soap mostly as a hand and body soap. Every now and then I use a couple drops to wash a floor.


I have used the Sal's Suds more as a surface cleaner etc.


I love the almond and the lavender soaps. DH used to buy the mint. I had to put a stop to that after my poor mother used mint soap to clean a place on female anatomy that should not be washed with mint. She didn't realize we had 'his and hers' soap in the shower.

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My husband uses the lavender soap in the shower as a whole body (excluding face) wash. It was originally recommended to him to prevent athlete's foot. We sent a small bottle with my daughter to college. She used it at the first sign of itchy feet and now has no issues.




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Yep, we use it in the shower and a cleaner.


If you find the label at all interesting, there is a documentary on Netflix called Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox that is fascinating! It explains the craziness behind the label and all about Dr. Bronner. The company is really cool, very socially minded.

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:lol: This totally happened to my mother!


That is CRAZY... *two* moms use Peppermint Bronner's on their unmentionables? What are the chances? I'll have to make sure Mom and I have a talk before she comes to visit. ;)


Thanks for the ideas. I have the liquid soap, not the Sal's Suds. I will have to get dh to use it on his feet -- he has struggled w/ itchy flaky feet forever (prob. athlete's foot, I guess).


I've been using vinegar and water as an all-purpose cleaner (w. a little essential oil for fragrance) -- how does Dr. Bronner's compare?

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I've been using vinegar and water as an all-purpose cleaner (w. a little essential oil for fragrance) -- how does Dr. Bronner's compare?


I prefer my Dr. Bronner's spray. I used vinegar and water, and while it works, I just find the Dr. Bronner's cleans better (just don't do windows with it, they get all streaky because it is a soap). Plus, vinegar eats away at your grout - which was a problem for our shower.

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We actually started using it this year after watching a documentary about Dr. Bronner from Netflix. Check it out, it's very interesting.


At first we used it for head-to-toe shower. Then I found it made our hair fuzzy and the girls hair got tangled more. So we switched back to regular hair shampoo. Other than that we still love the body shower gell.

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We've used Dr. Bronner's peppermint instead of flea soap for years. A little squirt lathered up well is all it takes... The fleas drop off immediately. Works much better than any flea shampoo and I feel much better about non-toxic rinse water soaking into the ground near the vegetable garden... (The poor dog smells like a candy cane for a couple hours afterward, but there are worse things :-)


I also use a small squirt of Dr. Bronner's with a shake of baking soda to scrub my bathroom sink/tub.


Not nuts about this brand of soap for personal care, but it'll do the job (shampoo, body wash, etc.) in a pinch. But yeah. What was said earlier about avoiding sensitive areas with a washcloth full of this stuff is absolutely correct.

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I've been using vinegar and water as an all-purpose cleaner (w. a little essential oil for fragrance) -- how does Dr. Bronner's compare?


I add a tsp of Sal Suds to my vinegar and water mixture. I bought my bottle of Sal Suds about 5 years ago and I still have about an inch left in the bottle!


The peppermint soap I use to spray the mites off my vegetables, fruits and flowers in the garden - they hate that stuff! It's the only pesticide I use and it rocks.


As far as personal soap - I don't think any of the fragrances like me very much. I've tried them all over the years, but, there must just be something with my body chemistry that doesn't mix well with the oils used or something.

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If you ever get ants, a little Dr Bronner's mixed with water squished from a spray bottle knocks dead. Peppermint is especially effective, but they all work.




Really????? Just the plain Dr. Bronner's? Or does it have to be peppermint?


Our local Trader Joe's sells this. And, we get ants every summer. Like clockwork. :glare:

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I add a tsp of Sal Suds to my vinegar and water mixture. I bought my bottle of Sal Suds about 5 years ago and I still have about an inch left in the bottle!


The peppermint soap I use to spray the mites off my vegetables, fruits and flowers in the garden - they hate that stuff! It's the only pesticide I use and it rocks.


As far as personal soap - I don't think any of the fragrances like me very much. I've tried them all over the years, but, there must just be something with my body chemistry that doesn't mix well with the oils used or something.


You actually spray the soap into the garden?????? How does it use to repel rabbits and opossums????

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Really????? Just the plain Dr. Bronner's? Or does it have to be peppermint?


Our local Trader Joe's sells this. And, we get ants every summer. Like clockwork. :glare:


They all work. The Peppermint just seems particularly swift acting. Ants do not like Peppermint.


This is non-toxic (for you) so just spay the ants, wait a couple minutes, and wipe them up.



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That is CRAZY... *two* moms use Peppermint Bronner's on their unmentionables? What are the chances? I'll have to make sure Mom and I have a talk before she comes to visit. ;)



I haven't read the label in awhile but it did at one time say that it could be used for such *occasions*.


Thanks for informing us of the movie - it's nowin my queue . The label is most entertaining and somewhat mind bending :001_smile:.


I used it exclusively for washing body, hair and clothes while on a trip to SE Asia. It brings back lovely memories.

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Peppermint is not harmful to the naughty bits. You can use peppermint bath products on the naughty bits with abandon. Some people might be a bit more sensitive and not like the "sensation" but it won't actually hurt you.



Ants hate mints. I have used mint EOs to ward away ants before. :)


I love Dr Bronners. We use it to fill our hand soap pumps, as a body wash, in spray bottles for cleaning, all sorts of things. I do not actually buy mint, I buy unscented cause we have a toddler. :lol:

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If you ever get ants, a little Dr Bronner's mixed with water squirted from a spray bottle knocks them dead. Peppermint is especially effective, but they all work.



Why didn't you say so a few days ago, before I cracked out the toxins? Sigh.


I used some for hand soap once, and it turned one kid's hands to the driest things I'd ever seen. Quite scary! Never again.

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I've used Dr. Bronner's Liquid Soap (Lavender) as as shower gel, shampoo (in a pinch), floor cleaner, and most often to hand wash delicate clothing (instead of Woolite). I even use it in the machine for items I machine wash on the gentle cycle.

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You actually spray the soap into the garden??????


Yes. On everything.



How does it use to repel rabbits and opossums????


Gah - I wish. No, I usually end up just planting 1/3 more just for them, and the dog helps keep them away, too. Sometimes, if I'm really annoyed with them, I'll put out a circle of cayenne pepper or hair trimmings (my dh thinks I'm all full of the black magic :lol:, but it works better than nothing).

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I use the Sal Suds as my go-to soap for things that are especially difficult to clean, including dishes. If Dawn hasn't worked, my next weapon is Sal Suds. It has a high pH and is loaded with SLS (not for use as a personal soap) and it really cuts through what Dawn can't touch.


However I do not like to mop with Dr. B products. IMO they leave a film, and clog up my mop.


I use very diluted Dr. B on a nylon pouf as a body wash.

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The peppermint soap I use to spray the mites off my vegetables, fruits and flowers in the garden - they hate that stuff! It's the only pesticide I use and it rocks.




Hmmm.... Do you know if it has any effect on Japanese beetles? I catch as many as I can, but I'd rather make my yummy plants less attractive so they'd go elsewhere. Every year they decimate my raspberry plants, beans, and a few ornamental plants.

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I love it for just about everything. It is great on my scalp I have a very sensitive dry scalp I massage it in and let it sit for a few mins. I use it as house hold cleaner and I use the bar version to grate in my laundry soap. I love peppermint laundry soap.

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I use Dr. Bronner's for most cleaning. Floors, as you mentioned, but also in a spray bottle with some water and maybe a bit of tea tree oil or lavender oil, as an all-purpose cleaner. I use it for pretty much any cleaning, except for glass, for which I prefer vinegar/water. I also use it, diluted with water, in a foaming soap dispenser. (The only exception is that DH doesn't feel that it does a very good job if his hands are greasy; that needs something stronger, like dish soap or GoJo.)

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I recently bought Dr. Bronner's soap to use on my kitchen floor instead of Lysol... the idea of having my little guy crawling around in all that chemical residue was starting to bother me. I'm curious as to what other people use it for. There are all kinds of *interesting* suggestions on his website, but I'd like to hear what it's good for... in real life. ;) (I'm a little skeptical that you should really use it for teeth-brushing!)


By the way, I have never read such a weird soap label in my life. It's like Charlie-Sheen-meets-New-Age-rabbi... or something!


I use it for shampoo and I love it! I mix it 1/1 with water or chamomile tea and my hair comes out shiny clean and soft. :)

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I think this has been the cause of my problems when I tried it for floors, laundry, and hair. Our water is somewhat hard and it left a very yucky film. Although I used very little (drops) in the laundry, and multiple rinses, I could feel that it did not rinse out. I ended up having to re-wash with detergent to get it out. I have better luck with the Sal Suds version for cleaning because the SLS helps it rinse out.


I thought since it was a soap rather than a detergent, you shouldn't use it if you have hard water. I stopped using it after I read that somewhere. Can't wait to introduce my ants to the good doctor, though.
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