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I am okay with turning 40, but not when...

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the guy in my college class said, "I thought you were in your 50's." :svengo::toetap05::willy_nilly::nopity: For freakin' REAL man?! If he was one of the 19-year-olds, I could maybe accept that, yeah, okay, teenagers think anyone over 30 is old as dirt, but the guy who said this is the only other older person in the class and he's 45! :glare:


Not that it would be so terrible to be thought to be in my 50's....if I WAS in my 50's!


Scene-setting: Talking about historic events the "Where were you when..." happened. So, I'm chuckling because the girl to my left said on 9-11 she was "in fourth grade." The guy next to her said he was in 8th grade. I said, "Heehee...I was taking my daughter to the pediatrician; I was in 8th grade when the Challenger exploded, or maybe 9th." The 45-year-old smart-a$@ said, "Really? I was in college...wait, you're younger than me? I thought you were in your 50's."


Beast. :glare:


The 23-year-old said, "Dude...that's no good. You never guess above 35."


That kid is smart.


Really, though? I accept that no one would think I'm 20, but I was rather secure that I would not be guessed more than a year or two older than I am if someone were to err the other way. I don't even have any crow's feet, for cryin' out loud!


He really messed up my birthday week. :glare: Beast.

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I would guess that he is one of those who are stuck in mental perpetual youth. Even if you looked 22 and he assumed you were anywhere near his age...he would have automatically made himself younger. He doesn't want to the be the 'oldest'.

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:D:D Thanks, guys. It's been made waaaayyy better because a different guy in a different class heard me say that I have a 14yodd and said, "YOU have a 14 year old? You don't look old enough for that to be possible." Now THAT is a smart young man! I don't even care if he was lying! :lol:

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the guy in my college class said, "I thought you were in your 50's." :svengo::toetap05::willy_nilly::nopity: For freakin' REAL man?! If he was one of the 19-year-olds, I could maybe accept that, yeah, okay, teenagers think anyone over 30 is old as dirt, but the guy who said this is the only other older person in the class and he's 45! :glare:


Not that it would be so terrible to be thought to be in my 50's....if I WAS in my 50's!


Scene-setting: Talking about historic events the "Where were you when..." happened. So, I'm chuckling because the girl to my left said on 9-11 she was "in fourth grade." The guy next to her said he was in 8th grade. I said, "Heehee...I was taking my daughter to the pediatrician; I was in 8th grade when the Challenger exploded, or maybe 9th." The 45-year-old smart-a$@ said, "Really? I was in college...wait, you're younger than me? I thought you were in your 50's."


Beast. :glare:


The 23-year-old said, "Dude...that's no good. You never guess above 35."


That kid is smart.


Really, though? I accept that no one would think I'm 20, but I was rather secure that I would not be guessed more than a year or two older than I am if someone were to err the other way. I don't even have any crow's feet, for cryin' out loud!


He really messed up my birthday week. :glare: Beast.


:grouphug: Is the older guy single? I bet the young guy actually has a girlfriend.

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Glad your day was made better by some one with a lick of sense!!


If it helps, I bet the older man feels like a real tool after he was put in his place by the 23 year old :D


Too true!




Seriously though, Danielle, is the guy still conscious? Breathing?;)


For now...

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So, how's your school policy on physical altercations? I think I'd have popped him one before I even realized I was in motion. :D


C'mon, step into my fantasy with me: So you flatten him. And, as you stand over him, you say cockily, "Gee, for someone around my age, you sure have lousy reflexes." :tongue_smilie:

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I'm sure you don't look a day over 40. I have found that as I get older, I can't tell people's ages anymore. When I was 20, I could instantly see the difference between a 23 yo and a 28 yo or a 40 yo, but now I cannot. I am 42, and the other day a good friend of mine asked me if I was 50. At first it threw me for a loop, but then I realized she is 50 and just can't tell. I really take care of myself and I feel good about my appearance in relation to my age, so I was able to just let it roll after the initial surprise at her statement.



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So, how's your school policy on physical altercations? I think I'd have popped him one before I even realized I was in motion. :D


C'mon, step into my fantasy with me: So you flatten him. And, as you stand over him, you say cockily, "Gee, for someone around my age, you sure have lousy reflexes." :tongue_smilie:


:lol: In my dreams, I always have some perfect remark like that!


Let me guess, he's single, or maybe divorced, a few times....:tongue_smilie:


What an idiot! You showed great restraint by not slapping the man across the face.


By the way, Happy Birthday, you don't look a day over 35. :D

Thank you! I look somewhat...cat-like, don't you think?
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