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what new vocabulary have you learned by being on this board ??

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I had to look that one up in the dictionary. It means near sighted. Hmmm. I'd use it when I mean to say near sighted, but everyone I know would be like, "huh?? What does miopic mean?" If I say, "it means 'near sighted'" they would just say, "why didn't you just say near sighted in the first place your show off!" lol

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This came up on a thread last night when someone asked if it was okay to put rum in their lemonade recipe. Apparently, it means someone of the LDS persuasion who does not follow the letter of the law regarding coffee, tea, and alcohol. Photos of jackrabbits followed from the confused. :lol:

Edited by fairytalemama
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This came up on a thread last night when someone asked if it was okay to put run in their lemonade recipe. Apparently, it means someone of the LDS persuasion who does not follow the letter of the law regarding coffee, tea, and alcohol. Photos of jackrabbits followed from the confused. :lol:


sounds like a Cafeteria Catholic

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This came up on a thread last night when someone asked if it was okay to put rum in their lemonade recipe. Apparently, it means someone of the LDS persuasion who does not follow the letter of the law regarding coffee, tea, and alcohol. Photos of jackrabbits followed from the confused. :lol:


And jackalopes. And I think it was established that jackrabbits are actually female jackalopes, which evidently don't have antlers like the males.



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OK, here's the funny one. I had no idea that the term "making tea" or dunking tea bags (or whatever the heck) meant naughty behavior. So imagine my confusion when I kept getting puzzled at what was so dogone shocking about folks brewing a beverage!:lol: One couple was reported to have done it in the park. Sounds like when my mom brought the sun tea jug with us for picnics, but I discovered that wasn't quite what the poster meant!:smilielol5: 'Round here, tea is that stuff they put in a tall glass with ice and beaucoup sugar. Um...not a pretty picture with the "other" tea!


Totally befuddled now by budgie smuggler. Gone to look it up.



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