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Really could use some prayers...

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I just typed a long post explaining and bumped something (darn one handed typing!!!).


It erased my post. :confused: Will be back when I can compose myself again.


K...adding on:


In 2005 I have severe joint issues that made my elbows deform. Drs thought it was overuse and were baffled. By 2007 it got worse here both of my knees were then effected. I honestly made plans with husband (in construction) to put a ramp on our home and discussed me being in a wheelchair. It was a double hit as I am also a dance instructor, own a dance academy, and coach a high school dance team.


After tons of tests all coming back negative numerous times, drs had no idea what was going on. By the grace of God, it seemed to go away. I was able to use my knees at about 90% and my elbows, though deformed, worked pretty well. (You would never know that my elbows are bad. They look totally normal unless I point it out. They do not bend the same direction and I have to do things a little differently.)


Well.....I think it may be coming back. :( I was on bedrest for 2 months total. So I don't know if it is my joints and muscles not used to moving as much now, but I am sore.


I am also having temper issues and being agrumentative with my husband. This also occurred last time.


Could be that I am sleep deprived and sore, so I don't feel well.


The anxiety of it all is causing me to feel depressed. I am probably making it worse by stressing. :(


We have money problems and no insurance right now. I will be unable to go to the doctor anytime soon and last time they were not very helpful anyway.


Please just pray for me. I could really use it.



Edited by AngelBee
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Are you just coming off of the two months bed rest or was that in the past?


I have a disk issue in my back. The more in motion, I am, the better. Sitting is the worst thing for me.


I hope you feel better soon, pain is a horrible thief.

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I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. I have episodic problems with my back that come from out of nowhere, and the pain is horrific. I really empathize, as I am there right now. I will pray for you!! I have a long list of people I pray for when I can't sleep at night. I will add you to it. I hope it passes soon! :grouphug:

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Are you just coming off of the two months bed rest or was that in the past?


I have a disk issue in my back. The more in motion, I am, the better. Sitting is the worst thing for me.


I hope you feel better soon, pain is a horrible thief.

Just got off bedrest about 3 and a half weeks ago.

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Praying for you.


Sweety, why don't they think it is a form of arthritis? It certainly sounds like it to me (long time sufferer of seronegative RA and Sjogren's Syndrome).

You know.....I just started researching Sjogren's the other day.


They tried to tell me it was Fibromyalgia (sp?) but that does not cause deformity of joints. :confused:


All my rheumitoid and ostio arthritis tests have come back negative times.


I honestly wonder if it is not Lymes. I have tested negative many times, but that makes so much since to me. I live in MN and have def. been around deer ticks.

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Praying for you and your family! :grouphug:


It is so frustrating (for everyone) when, even with all the advances of modern medicine, even those that are specialists in the field with years of training and experience are not able to find an answer or a solution.


Hang in there....may it, whatever it is, crawl away and leave you alone!!!

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Thank you all. It felt good just to "say" it out loud.


People here just don't seem to get it. I look fine. I look healthy. So what is the issue?


Or....they think I brought it on myself by having so many kids. :(


Yeah. I had someone tell me "It serves you right" that I was chronically ill because I must have abused my body so much that I was this way. It hurts.

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I know what it's like to deal with chronic muscular and joint pain. Do your best to keep your spirits up, and try not to feel guilt about what you're not able to do with your children right now. It's only a season and there are many good times yet to come. I will continue to pray for healing for your body; whether through nutrition, medicine, doctors, or supernaturally.

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I've been told that obviously my faith isn't strong enough, or God would have healed me by now.


"I don't understand why you're not better...I've asked my church to pray for you...You do believe in Christ, right? Your faith can't be very strong..."


And ppl wonder why my MIL makes me nuts, and I've forbidden Wolf from discussing my RSD with her...

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I've been told that obviously my faith isn't strong enough, or God would have healed me by now.


"I don't understand why you're not better...I've asked my church to pray for you...You do believe in Christ, right? Your faith can't be very strong..."


And ppl wonder why my MIL makes me nuts, and I've forbidden Wolf from discussing my RSD with her...


I had a woman following me around a church going "Are you better now? . . . Are you better now?" She was praying for me, dammit, and I wasn't cooperating!

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So sorry, AB. Had you seen a Rheumatologist (sp?) in the past? I've had an undiagnosed autoimmune disease for years that Dr's can't figure out. It stinks :(


I wish I lived closer to you so I could help you out :grouphug: Sending prayers your way

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I had a woman following me around a church going "Are you better now? . . . Are you better now?" She was praying for me, dammit, and I wasn't cooperating!


:glare: You should have told her that she must not have faith in God's ability to heal or you surely would be healed by now ;)

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I've been told that obviously my faith isn't strong enough, or God would have healed me by now.


"I don't understand why you're not better...I've asked my church to pray for you...You do believe in Christ, right? Your faith can't be very strong..."


And ppl wonder why my MIL makes me nuts, and I've forbidden Wolf from discussing my RSD with her...


That is heartbreaking. :( :grouphug:

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I am so sorry that so many of you are going through this. :( Especially the thoughtless comments.


That is what is worst I think for me. My husband does NOT get it.I basically BEGGED him today to help me figure out a plan or go to the doctor or buy more veggies. He just stared blankly at me.


Neither does my mother whom we live with and works at my business.


Nor does my sister....


You get the point. :(

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Hang in there! I don't know if this is it all helpful, but I see you had a baby very recently. I went through a spell of joint pain after all three of mine, usually about 8-12 weeks after birth, that was transient. I always chalked it up to 'things settling back into place'. Hopefully this is something similar for you!

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