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For those of us who find Mother's Day bittersweet given the loss of our own mothers..

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Thank you. Mine has been gone for about ten years now. It was difficult to be parentless in my mid-thirties. The implications of not having them around has really been hitting now in my mid-forties with kids who are on the verge of becoming adults. Just this year for the first time I was able to watch an old family video tape of them. It has been a long difficult road and yes, this particular holiday is always bittersweet. :grouphug:

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Thanks. My mother died when I was 19 just after I came home from my freshman year at college, 26 years ago, and I still miss her. It's been particularly difficult at specific times---when I graduated from college, got married, the year I miscarried my first pregnancy the Friday before Mother's Day, when my daughter was born, wishing I could share the milestones of my daughter's life with her (especially when I see so many character traits from both myself and my sister in my daughter---it would be good to ask "how did you cope with....?":001_smile:)).

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Thanks, it's been 19 years ago for me. Like some of the others, it was long before I met dh and had children. My dad has since remarried and moved out of state & my grandmother, who was like my 2nd mom, now has Alzheimer's. The last time we had dinner with my dh's family I became overwhelmed with emotion, realizing that most of my "history" is gone. What I have I hold in my heart.


:grouphug: to you all!

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when I was 26, so it's been 21 years now. Mother's Day and some other holidays are rather bittersweet for me, because they're more of a remembrance of what could have been.


My parents got divorced when I was 15 years old, and my mother never recovered emotionally from that situation. I spent the next ten years being her "caretaker," in a sense. Those were undoubtedly the most challenging years of my life. I grieved deeply when she died, and I hope I don't sound uncaring or selfish, but I also had a great need at the time to move on from what was ultimately not a healthy situation for me. It's difficult to admit this much. Although I loved her deeply, I would not want her back in the dependent and sad state in which she left this world.


Thankfully, God has restored many things to me in my life, and I believe that my mother is also restored and whole, in heaven.


:grouphug: to all of you who have suffered such a loss.

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My mother died on March 1 this year after years of complete debilitation due to post-polio syndrome. I miss her even though she hadn't been cognizant for 2 years. She was a very kind and loving woman. Her name was Jane,too.


One of the hardest things is that her passing makes me the "mom." She was the last of her generation. Even though I am far from being a young woman, being the matriarch is daunting. I will never have the grace and wisdom of my wonderful, long-suffering mother.


We can remember our mothers on Sunday by looking for their wisdom and forgiving their trespasses as best we can.

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Thank you, Jane. My mother died when I was 3 months pregnant with my first child. That was 19 years ago. The hardest part of Mother's day for me is the fact she never met my children.




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Hi! My Mom went home to be with Jesus 20 years ago this November. My dh and I had just celebrated our 8 anniversary and a week later she was ushered into His presence!


Oh how I miss her. She was a remarkable Mom, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Friend, etc. What brings me comfort is knowing we both knew we loved one another and she is no longer in any pain.


OK, must go as I feel a tear coming on. Here is a hug :grouphug: to all of you today and on Mother's Day!




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when I was 26, so it's been 21 years now. Mother's Day and some other holidays are rather bittersweet for me, because they're more of a remembrance of what could have been.


My parents got divorced when I was 15 years old, and my mother never recovered emotionally from that situation. I spent the next ten years being her "caretaker," in a sense. Those were undoubtedly the most challenging years of my life. I grieved deeply when she died, and I hope I don't sound uncaring or selfish, but I also had a great need at the time to move on from what was ultimately not a healthy situation for me. It's difficult to admit this much. Although I loved her deeply, I would not want her back in the dependent and sad state in which she left this world.


Thankfully, God has restored many things to me in my life, and I believe that my mother is also restored and whole, in heaven.


:grouphug: to all of you who have suffered such a loss.


((Hugs to you, Michelle.))

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It's been 5 years and Mother's Day is hard for me. My mom died at the end of April. Both of my siblings were here when she died , but we couldn't have the funeral right away. One insisted that it had to be on a Saturday, and the other insisted that we wait for her to go back to her second home in the southwest so she could finish her vacation and then have the funeral when she got back. So...the funeral ended up being scheduled on Saturday, the day before Mother's Day. :sad:


The next year our dog died in May around Mother's Day.


The next year , dh's mother passed away right after Mother's Day. He had gone back to see her (and brought a suit because everyone was expecting a funeral). He stayed a week then had to return to work. She died a few days after he got home so he had another sad cross country trip.


Thank goodness my dd has a May birthday for us to celebrate! Some years it even falls on Mother's Day, so all the better!!!

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Hugs for all of you, too. It's been 20 years for me w/o my mom. I had just turned 19.


Does anyone remember the song "You and Me Against the World?" It was our song:


You and me against the world

It feels like you and me against the world

And for all the times we've cried

I've always felt that God was on our side

And when one of us is gone

And one is left alone to carry on

Then remembering will have to do

Memories alone will get us through

Think about the days of me and you

You and me against the world

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