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favorite tv shows

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Current shows we watch:




Make It or Break It (when I catch it...I'm a sucker for gymnastics)


Ones we've watched on Netflix:

first few seasons of Ugly Betty

Prison Break

Psych (loved this one!)

first bit of Grey's Anatomy (it got too everyone-has-sex-with-everyone-else for me)



What do YOU watch?

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We watched Californication & Shameless every Sunday night this season. When True Blood comes back on, we'll watch it. And I can't wait!! for A Game of Thrones to come on HBO this month. I also like Big Bang Theory and House when I catch them... which ends up being once or twice a season. That sounds like a lot when I put it like that, but it really only translates to 2-3 hours of tv a week.

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ummmm.... lets see- we dont watch much tv except for on dvd. So I would have to say definitely Smallville- cant wait for season 10 to come out on dvd!, and then older shows like Home Improvement, Roseanne, I love Lucy, Ghost Hunters, Star Trek TNG, Little House, oh! and we cant forget Highlander!! LOL On tv, I am a food network junkie!! And being a cake decorator, Cake Boss is one of my favs. :001_smile:

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We don't have TV so we watch on Hulu and Netflix. I am watching Glee, Bones and my current favorite is Eureka. If you like Psych, you should like Eureka on Netflix. It is slightly off. Nothing bad in it, just a weird place with weird people and interesting things happening.

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Doctor Who




Pawn Stars (Did I really just admit that?)

I've watched occasional episodes of Monk and Bones in reruns. I'm thinking of adding them to our Netflix queue so I can start from the beginning.


Just started watching Castle on dvd


Planning to watch Robin Hood, the BBC series, on Instant Play

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White Collar and Burn Notice for shows currently on now. We're still mourning the end of Monk.


Then we're catching up on old favorites from my youth, teen, and early married years (MacGyver, A Team, Columbo, Early Edition, Hawaii Five O, Beverly Hillbillies, Hogan's Heroes, and Magnum PI). Netflix has been fun.

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I have quite a few shows I like to watch. Some of them don't follow the typical season schedule, which helps.


Big Bang Theory

The Middle


The Closer

Mad Men

In Plain Sight


Chaos (brand new show that looks promising)

Raising Hope


I watched Season One of The Good Wife on DVD. I hope to watch Season 2 when it comes out, then pick it up on live TV with Season 3 in the fall.

Edited by Rhonda in TX
forgot one!
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One that I haven't seen mentioned is Drop Dead Diva. We watched the first season on Netflix. It has a very small smidge of sex and language but not graphic and definitely PG-13. If you liked the first seasons of Ugly Betty, I definitely suggest it.


DD12 and I both liked it.


Plot: A model dies and gets sent back to earth in the body of a brilliant, but overweight attorney. The episodes are about her adjustment to the new body (and being smart) and the cases that she tries. Comedy/drama.

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Oh....too many shows here, lol!


Amazing Race


Cupcake Wars (Me and DS watch this, it was fun to recently go in a store of one of the contestants and get one of their cupcakes. :))


Our all time favorites are definitely 24 & Friends. Miss them, although I do DVR Friends and watch sometimes!!!!!!


Chaos (brand new show that looks promising)



Did you see him eat that scorpion?!? Oh.my.gosh. DH wanted to watch that, we'll watch it again and see....

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oh! and we cant forget Highlander!!


I rarely come across anyone else who likes (or even remembers LOL) that show! :D


Also: Bones (mentioned that earlier), CSI (the original & miami), NCIS (didn't care for this at first, but I started watching some recently and it's growing on me), Being Human, True Blood, House …


I'm not big on reality shows, but dh and dd14 love The Amazing Race…


Older shows that I love: MacGyver, Angel, Moonlight, MASH, Beauty and the Beast (the show, not the cartoon), Beverly Hills 90210 (the original), Quantum Leap, Airwolf, ALF, Dukes of Hazard. . .

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I can see that my tastes are drastically different from everyone else. So you can all snicker when you read my list. It's nothing I haven't heard before from my DH:tongue_smilie: These are the shows I will go out of my way to watch:


-Army Wives

-Drop Dead Diva

-19 Kids and Counting

-Pawn Stars


The shows I will watch if they're on and I am in the mood to watch TV much to my secret shame:

-Hannah Montana

-Wizards of Waverly Place

-Good Luck Charlie

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I can see that my tastes are drastically different from everyone else. So you can all snicker when you read my list. It's nothing I haven't heard before from my DH:tongue_smilie: These are the shows I will go out of my way to watch:


-Army Wives

-Drop Dead Diva

-19 Kids and Counting

-Pawn Stars


The shows I will watch if they're on and I am in the mood to watch TV much to my secret shame:

-Hannah Montana

-Wizards of Waverly Place

-Good Luck Charlie



I liked Hannah Montana:blushing:. We watched the movie many, many times. I also made a point of watching the entire final season.

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The shows I will watch if they're on and I am in the mood to watch TV much to my secret shame:

-Hannah Montana

-Wizards of Waverly Place

-Good Luck Charlie


:tongue_smilie: Well... I wasn't going to admit it but...


I love these shows too. Plus iCarly, and Suite Life on Deck. I tell myself I only watch them because DD does but..... :lol:

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I like a lot that were already mentioned:


Burn Notice (my favorite)



Chicago Code


Those are the main ones I try to catch every week. There are a bunch more I catch that I watch on hulu if I'm bored. (That doesn't happen too often.)

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