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Is anyone overweight because they just love the taste of food?

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A friend and I are both a bit heavy. Not grossly so, but overweight. We do exercise 4-5 days a week and I am out doing chores in the barn for 1-2 hours a day so walking, lifting, hauling, carrying, etc.


We talked about this. We don't over eat because we have an eating disorder. We aren't emotional eaters. We eat fairly healthy. Our problem is we just LIKE the taste of food.


Today my lunch was a Gyro made at home so it did have fresh lettuce, tomato, and onion on it along with the pita, meat, and sauce. Not the healthiest but not terrible either. It just tastes so good.


I am a pretty good cook and so is she and we enjoy making new things. I don't even make sweets/desserts that often but as we all know, foods with sugar and fats just taste better:lol:


Anyone in the same situation? How did you fix this? I have lost a few pounds but would really like to loose about 20 more by the end of the year and then go from there.

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Yes. My husband and I are both just slightly overweight, and it's because we like good food and I happen to be a good cook. We often over eat because things taste good. We are working very hard on not doing this.


We often find ourselves munching on small bits of food while waiting for the kids to finish their meals. I've started jumping up from the table and running off to start the dishes while the kids are still eating.


I'm starting to prepare less food per meal, or bring less to the table, to help reduce the temptation.

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Yes, yes, yes!


I love food. Food is too much of a focus in my life. I eat pretty healthy, but it would appear I eat too much. ;)


I recently had some health issues and needed to severely limit my diet for a time. I figured while I was doing that I would go ahead and limit my calories and lose some weight. I was shocked, schocked I tell you, to learn how many calories some of the foods I regularly ate had.


I spent about a month counting calories and lost about 8 lbs. I haven't kept up counting calories, but I've found that I'm much more aware of what I eat since now I now know how many calories foods have in them. So, I suggest count those calories. Even if it's just to make you aware.

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Yes. I would love to go back to the days when I was a teen. My stepmother was a so-so cook who doled out scanty portions. The food was healthy, but not especially appealing. Everyone in our family was slender and healthy.


I think my stepmother was doing something right, as much as I hate to admit it. We ate to live; we didn't live to eat.

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See food junkie photo above. I could stand to lose 20 lbs., too. DH needs to lose about 75. Before we got married, we were both underweight because our moms didn't cook and we were too busy to do it ourselves. We stayed thin for quite a while because I didn't know how to cook.


Then I learned. :glare:

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That's me (minus the exercise -- I don't do much of that). Food is good. I like food. I remedied it by joining WW. I can still eat most of the foods I like, but I have to limit the quantities. I can eat as many fruits and veggies as I want, so when I get the munchies and the need to eat something that tastes good I'll grab a fruit or garden salad. When I fill up on those I usually have enough points left to have something really good, like ice cream :D

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You describe how I was. Overweight by eating good healthy food.


I realized that I needed a sensible, livable "way of eating" rather than a traditional "diet" of restricted foods, preset meal plans, etc. I found what I needed at http://www.nosdiet.com .


NoS is less about *what* you eat and more about *when* you eat. NoS suggests the following 3 good eating habits:


1. No snacks

2. No seconds

3. No sweets (desserts)

EXCEPT sometimes (and this is what makes it livable) on weekends and holidays/special days.


I've been following NoS for over two years and have lost 40 pounds. I've enjoyed every meal I've had, whether at home, restaurant, friends. Because I no longer snack, I have a good appetite for my meals. Because I don't take seconds, I don't overeat just because it all tastes so good. Because I don't eat nearly as many "sweets", I can make my everyday regular meals with regular foods (no low-cal anything unless I happen to actually prefer it). Because I only eat at meal times, I no longer clean up the serving bowls, eat the heels of breads, or sample a meal's worth of food while cooking it. Nixing that behavior alone saves me hundreds of calories a day.....


I suggest taking a look at the NoS website and then its bulletin boards. Even if you implement just one of those good habits, you'll be doing yourself some good.



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ME! ME! ME! Oh, sorry for shouting. Um, me. :)


My worst time is at night. I can eat healthy portions all day, but beginning around 8pm, I'm ready to snack. And I don't want carrots and celery. That's not food. That's what food eats. I want peanut butter, granola bars and cereal, milk, cheese, yogurt, bread, and popcorn. And I can pack in some calories between 8pm and 2:00am, my normal bedtime.

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I love to cook, I love to shop funky stores and markets. I love to cook. Did I say that?


I know I would be thinner (not thin lol) if I did not love these things.


The best I can do is to limit myself to very healthy foods, lots of fresh fruits, herbs, & veggies, no fake foods/mixes etc. I do not ever bake.



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Until I developed celiac and food allergies, I was overweight. A high school friend once made the comment that she wasn't going to eat because she wasn't hungry. I remember thinking, "What does hunger have to do with eating?!" :001_huh: That's when I knew I had a problem!

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That's me (minus the exercise -- I don't do much of that). Food is good. I like food. I remedied it by joining WW.

Same here, except the WW part. :001_smile:


Tonight at church someone said something to the drift of...she is convicted of the food she eats, or her weight, or something like that. I said I was convicted too, but haven't reformed. :D

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Yes, yes, yes. :lol:

I absolutely love food. Love it, love it, love it ... :D

When I cook, I eat more.

When I don't cook, I still eat quite a bit, but cooking is the bane of my existence. I really don't like cooking anymore. Actually, I hate it. :glare:

I just wish that I was seldom hungry and didn't like food so much. :confused:

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Oh my gosh! Thank you for posting this and telling me I am not alone! I have been struggling with this A LOT lately. I truly LOVE food - I ADORE it - its taste, combinations, colors, everything. Eating is often a wonderful experience for me. Dh doesn't understand it.


I do eat pretty healthy foods. In fact, healthy foods create the best color combinations of ingredients & produce amazing, natural flavors! But, I eat too much! I could lose 25 lbs. I should lose 25 lbs. But, I find myself truly excited about food; hence, the lack of weight loss.

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And I don't want carrots and celery. That's not food. That's what food eats.


I'm not a 'foodie'. I rarely get hungry, my current obsession with protein aside. Cook for everyone else, but I have to remind myself to eat most days.

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